
The blood hunter and the werewolf queen

For 22 years the only threat I had known was the existance of vampires, that they were the only ones capable of destorying the human race, I was wrong. "Why is it that you desire death ? Do you not want to live I'll even go as far as to make you into one of my servants" Her gentle yet sinister hands carressed my cheeks as the blood from my neck ran cold. "Don't worry I wont let you die like this, you will live a long life so come boy you shall become my heir, as my daughter that is." Updates every Tuesday Extras 1) The Mc is cursed with the traditional werewolf curse. He can transform at will but when its a full moon he's forced to transform. 2) The mc doesn't like or hate his transformation, he just accepted it as part of his daily life. 3) The mc is strong but not op. If there was a ranking system he would be in the upper middle.

Dachizzz · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Where my life is headed

"What do you mean I can't stay here anymore!" Silver had screamed out at the man who sat on the stool with his feet posted up on the counter.

"I'm sorry son but you're 4 months behind on payment you aint think im letting you here for free aicha."

The man practically had closed his eyes leaning back on the chair picking the food out of his teeth with a nearby toothpick.

It's been 1 year since Silver had been cursed with the werewolf curse and his life couldn't have been worse.

2 months ago when he arrived in this city after sneaking out of the werewolf territory he had thought his life was going to get better, but having tried to get a job without much identification he could hardly get anything nonetheless keep an apartment for as long as he did while also dealing with an identity crisis from being turned into a wolf.

Now that he was jobless once again from an accident that didn't involve him he had been behind on payments ever since.

"Hey, can't we work something out? I'll even pay you double, no triple." Silver placed his hands together and without warning he started begging, maybe if he was in his werewolf form then maybe it could work but since he was merely imitating a human the man didn't even bat an eye.

"Sorry man I have to let you go!"

"Come on dude I'll have nowhere to go."

"That sounds like a problem, you should've been making your payments." Silver could fill a vein in his forehead as he tried holding in his anger attempting to please the man with a fake smile that could hardly remain in its place.

"Alright I apologize, how about I just buy another room it shouldn't be a problem."

"Actually I banned you from my establishment and many others did the same thing. We don't like non paying bastards."

"Are you fucking with me here!"

"Security!" The man waved a hand and as quickly as he did Silver found himself sitting on his ass outside of the building entrance, when looking back two men the size of heavyweight boxers stood guarding the door giving Silver a nasty look on the way out.

"Fuck this!" Silver had let out a loud yell bringing attention to his now homeless persona. The onlookers who walked past the area stared at the boy whose left cheek had the birthmark of a cross thinking to themselves not to get involved in such foolishness.

Silver placed his hands to his face and for a minute he sat still not giving a damn to the people around him, the commotion started to gather more people who stood around thinking to themselves glad im not that guy while some nearby police officers who saw the exchange quickly took over the situation and escorted him someone else a little less populated.

"What seems to be the problem ?" Silver looked up from his sweat filled shirt staring directly at the police officers before him, they had features of a wolf and the other a vampire.

If it was the old Silver he would've struck them down as quickly as he could but after being held captive by a really obsessed wolf he learned quite a lot from his consistent grooming.

In his heart he still had hatred for these creatures who took his family and essentially his life and if it weren't for this city being a neutral zone for all races then he might've actually pulled his sword and slain a few of these individuals.

"-tch officers I just lost my home." The officers took a glance at each other giving eachother a shrug before looking back at the boy. They had experience dealing with the homeless but when dealing with a human, it was unpredictable.

"Well sir we're sorry that you lost your home we can assist you by sending you to a friend of ours that could help."

Rummaging in his pocket one of the officers pulled out a card that had a phone number on it but without much to his name Silver couldn't make use of it. Silver took it in his hands and read it when the corners of his lip began to twitch.

"You gotta be kidding me, homes for the homeless!" Silver yelled again gathering the attention of more onlookers.

The police smiled and waved them away before scratching their heads. "Sorry sir this is the only thing we can do right now since there will be a full moon we have to assist the wolv-" A full moon, something the wolves loved and something Silver hated. Silver wiped his eyes and scratched his ears hoping he had heard that wrong.

"Wait- what did you say ?" Silver felt like his heart had dropped and his mouth was being filled with sand. His throat began to feel a bit dry and time felt like an eternity. "We have to assist the wolves."

"No no no. The other part!"

"There will be a full moon ?" Just as he expected he wasn't hearing things and there will most definitely be a full moon.

Silver had felt like his entire being had perished. Why must there be one today? He had forgotten about the moon schedule after the stressfulness of having to find work and deal with payments for that sketchy landlord.

It had completely gone over his head that he still had to transform, after all he was merely imitating a human. Silver looked back at the officers who looked taken aback by his expression and even more when he placed two hands together and shut his eyes.

"I apologize for the inconvenience. I'll be taking that card." Without a second to process it Silver had snatched the card and began to walk in a barbaric way away from the scene leaving the officers in their own confusion. "Anyways sir please don't get into trouble again."

"We'll see!" Silver said running off his look on his face was that of urgency.

The building was something of a sight to behold. For a homeless shelter it didn't look like anything near one. "Is this really the right place?"

Silver pulled out the card and for a second pulled it closer to make sure he had gotten the address right.

Because he didn't have a phone, sadly he had to use a payphone in his embarrassment and call where the women on the other side of the phone told him an address that he had to remember since he had nothing to his name.

Before him stood a 4 floor building with the name dq academy. "Maybe I should go in." Silver placed the card back in his pocket, picking himself up and walked towards the entrance of the building making sure not to step over the glistening marble tiles alongside the walkway.

The entrance of the building had a familiar setting almost like the churches back at his home town that was kept up to the modern style that he himself told them to do.

The doors parted when Silver got close and connected once more as he quickly made his way inside.

"What the hell?" The inside of the building was something he didn't expect. Just like he had thought about the outside, the inside was far worse, or maybe better.

The inside was like a mall having several floors and districts, if he looked to the right he could see people of all races move about as they traveled from room to room in what looked like uniforms. It almost reminded him of a school.

When looking around he spotted a girl who appeared to be staring at him making eye contact with the now homeless boy.

She had red hair and on top of her head had two little wolf-like ears to match the tail sprouting from her behind. Waving at Silver she walked up to him while wearing a smile that screamed friendly.

"Oh you seem new here, is there anything I can help you with?" She said, interlocking her fingers as she pushed her hands towards the ground making herself appear bigger.

"Uhh this doesn't seem like a homeless shelter."

"Homeless shelter! My-my you must have been misinformed!" The girl looked as if she was about to faint from those choice of words but managed to gather her composure.

"Ah it would be better if you just came with me so let's move. This school is for those who have lost their homes and I'm guessing you lost yours too. Dont worry when you enroll they'll give you a place to stay"

"Wait! I don't want to enroll in a school wait stop!" The girl quickly grabbed Silver's hand pulling him to her side and as they walked Silver could only think about the full moon that was just around the corner.