
The Blood Codex

What is it like to hate, to truly hate till the only thoughts that consume you are vengeance. Dexter had always felt a strong hate for the world, just as his father felt a strong hate for him. He comes across a book in the library called The Codex and right as he is dying he reaches out to it. [Awakening Blood Codex] [10% complete] [50% complete] [99% complete]

IMoney · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Death

What is love, a question that many don't know the answer to but Dexter always felt that he knew romantic love was simply hormones and lust was his simple belief while familial love is just a feeling of guilt, of responsibility and eventually they try to find things that they like about said brethren.

But Dexter was sure that his father wasn't capable of guilt or love. Just hate, envy, greed, and lust. Like some sort of demon and maybe his father was a demon he obviously didn't care for others lives.

He would reach out his hand to those desperate, seeming like an angel, and then he would lead them on a life of drug addiction.


"hey kid, go to your room for a while I'll be busy"

His fathers gruff command echoed across the small room.

Dexter didn't like calling him father and 'Sam' (his father) didn't like it either he claimed that 'he didn't want any bastard calling him father' quote on quote.

Sam was tall he was probably 6'1 at least but that was just a rough estimate, he had dirty blonde hair and a broad frame.

Sam had a girl next to him she was wearing a high school uniform and had long black hair that was in a ponytail, he didn't really have the chance to see her eyes much. Dexter was certain she was a runaway and of course Sam would take advantage of that.

Dexter quickly left for the library, the walk took about 20 minutes. He was familiar with Crystal, the librarian. She was an old woman who's memory was pretty faulty but she still ran the library just fine.

He didn't have a library card so technically he was only supposed to read the books at the library but Crystal took pity on him and allowed him to borrow the books, so he always brought his backpack.

"Hi Crystal, how's business?" Dexter asked with the most gentle tone he could muster.

"Oh hi Dexter, business is as good as one could hope considering my age" she replied with a weary tone.

He beamed a smile at her before slipping past her. Dexter was aware he took advantage of the old woman's kindness but he didn't really care for her. Being nice to her was beneficial and even though he knew that was manipulative it's not like he was hurting her.

He walked his way through the sticky carpet. Dexter didn't exactly live in a good neighborhood and people couldn't be bothered to clean up messes they made on the carpet and Crystal was too weak to do a thorough cleaning of the carpet. If one thought about it wood would have been better as it is easier to clean.

He found his way into the nonfiction section his fingers feeling the book covers as he walked by.

That is, until he found something unusual. Instead of the torn lamentation of uncared for books he felt something smooth yet unbelievably coarse, like sand paper.

Dexter pulled out the book almost gasping at how beautiful it was. Spelled out in golden letters 'The Codex'. It was like it was calling out to him, he felt the desire to have it festering up inside of him as were his questions. How could such a gorgeous book be in this dilapidated library.

The book was thick as if it held thousands of pages. Dexter quickly shoved it in his backpack. He wanted so badly to read it but he feared that the librarian would see it and be too reluctant to part with it. She checked on him and every once in a while so he had to quickly hide it.

In his frenzy of greed Dexter failed to see that he had subconsciously disassociated with Crystal the librarian as if his thoughts no longer could contain her name. He also failed to see that his fear was unreasonable, what kind of temptation could a book have to compel the gentle librarian to take it from him.

Dexter quickly rushed out of the library not even bothering to give the librarian his usual smile.

He ran back home, opening the front door that never seemed to be locked.

He rushed to his bathroom sized room as it was originally meant to be a bathroom but Sam couldn't be bothered with such work as he already had a bathroom in his master bedroom (which was also pretty small) he only allowed Dexter to use the bathroom outside.

Dexter quietly closed his door, as soon as he did he wrenched the book out of his backpack. 'It's gorgeous' he couldn't help but think as his thoughts were consumed with it.

He traced the words on the cover as If to engrave them. As he tried to open the book he found his attempts to be futile it was like the cover was hot glued shut.

'Why is it like this' Dexter had always been aware that he was weak he didn't blame himself though as he was heavily malnourished and could only get food from his school during lunch. Though often times his food would get snatched.

Dexter groaned in frustration, he had left the library so quick that he hadn't even bothered to get a second book and by the time he could get to the library it would already be closed.

He got up off of his mat, it was a sleeping bag that lacked space and well the comforts of a bed. He had laid on Sam's bed once and then got beat up so bad, he knew better than to make that mistake again.


Out of reflex the moment he heard foot steps he shoved the book under the mismatched covers of his sleeping bag.

Dexter jumped as he was startled by the loud noise. He looked up to find Sam looming over him.

Before Dexter could say anything Sam grabbed him by the neck and slammed him against the wall.

"YOU LITTLE BASTARD WHERE IS IT?" Sam screamed, anger and what seemed a little like fear written on his face.

"W- where is what?" he desperately replied trying his best to respond despite the lack of air in his lungs.

"THE DRUGS, WHERE ARE THEY" Sam said a little it more desperately this time.

"You know I don't do drugs, why would I take them?" He said confused now less worried about Sam's anger as his grip on his throat lessened.

"THAT BITCH" Sam seemed to have thought it over he probably realized that If anyone stole from him it was most likely that supposed runaway.

Before Dexter could even catch his breath he was kicked, his frail body curling up at the sudden pain.

"You really think your in the clear just because you didn't steal from me, you seem to forget who's in control here."

Another kick landed on his body the pain sent him reeling. It was clear to Dexter that Sam was letting out his frustrations on him.

"I'm s- sorry" Dexter replied out off pure desperation. 'Pathetic I'm so pathetic, I just want this pain to stop'.

Sam laughed at his attempt to stop him before landing a punch on him.

The pain was constant, it was truly dawning on Dexter in that moment that he didn't only hate the world he hated people, he hated his father, he hated his mother who abandoned him, he hated Crystal the dumb naive pitying librarian, and he hated humanity and its social requirements.

Hatred consumed his thoughts as punches and kicks landed on his body. His body had adjusted to take as much of the punch as possible to reduce the pain.

Dexter didn't know when he had passed out but by the time he opened his eyes he could no longer see Sam.

He reached under his covers searching for the familiar feeling of smooth yet coarse sand paper.

He sighed in relief once he felt it's thump in his thin hands.

As he moved his body he felt the ache of his injuries overcome him, as if he had just lost an adrenaline fueled fight and the loss was sinking in. He moved his legs stumbling as he stood up.

He was unsure that his body could handle the weight of his injuries. His skin was so weak that cuts had formed where Sam's fist had landed.

All Dexter could hope is that his wounds wouldn't get infected.

As he wrapped his arms around the book he noticed that the blood from his cuts seemed to be over flowing as if it was a waterfall it followed a pathway down his arms onto the book.

Dexter quickly attempted to let go of the book only to find himself stuck. A sharp twinge of pain was all he felt before he heard it.

[The Blood Codex is activating]

[10% complete]

[50% complete]

[69% complete]

[99% complete]

[ Blood Codex: ON]


Name: Dexter

Blood type: O

Gender: Male

Age: 14

State: Dying (accelerated) Malnourished]


Physique: (1.5)1.4 (combo of physical stats)

Soul: 2.7

Strength: 0.4

Agility: 0.3

Vitality: (0.3) 0.2 (currently decreasing)

Defense: 0.5

Intelligence: 2.6

Mana: 0.1

Active skills: Block Lv3.(basic ability to block)

Passive skills: Hatred Lv1.(unable to feel pity) Selfish LvMax.(you are your priority)

P points:0

S points:0}