

A vampire & warewolf action/romance tale by Blackmatrix


My immesurable and profound gratitude goes to you, taking out your precious time to read this wonderful story. Also to the one and only undisputable super team of WEBNOVEL. Thank you so much guys, words can't really describe how l feel.


She was panting heavily, then she fastly glances at her straight, curvy, sexy legs and realized she was running too speedily fast like she has never ran before. Her strange speed made her picture the coal tarred road as a blurry image, same way it appears when you're speeding with a car or motor bike. But the twice of a man's actual sized, rugged and heavily built-muscled man aggressively chasing her made her run even faster.

Harrgghhh!!! The muscled man roared as his eyes glowed while his antelope feet accelerated. He was rocking a blue flowered dotted unbottoned beach shirt, exposing his muscled six packs tommy and well-gymed pounding black chest.

All this she noticed in a split second as she speedily turned her pretty face and looked back from the left side of her broad shoulder. Then she turns her neck leftwards to focus front ahead but while she turned, she noticed from the corner of her left eye a second chaser about to overtake the first one. She had no time to analyze him well but he's a white guy mysteriously transforming to something... Oh my goodness???. A monster-beast, a bloody warewolf!!! All this again happened in the same split second. She was almost facing her front when her sharp ears began picking a strange sudden noise and she smelt rubber...

It's a 50,000 dollar street race bet, no rules, just win the damn race! The racer occupying the first position was driving a black Felino cB7, he performed a breathtaking perfectly timed drift along like a quarter part of the mega roundabout turn at the end of the road. While he performed the magic, thick grey smoke emanates from the screeching angry tyres. Just as he about to enter the straight road, his foot released the brake, his thumb pushed the Nitro button abruptly causing blue flame to fire out from his heavily studded 4 channels exhaust silver colored pipes.

But as he looks up back on the road through his windscreen, he saw a pretty blonde haired lady about 23 years of age with a hot black long leather gown running speedily towards him, she's was rocking black boots, and shiny leather pants, everything black.

She saw the Felino, she heard the screeching tyres while the drift happened but her speed was too much so was the monstrous looking Nitro powered Felino. There was no time to think but act. As she was turning from picturing her chasers, her left foot was on the road, the other was raised and bending backwards. The next step she took was with the right foot which enabled her to leap into the air with her curvy legs cycling an invisible bicycle, she clearly heard the agonizing cry of a blood thirsty beast right behind her. It was the black chaser rocking the blue flower dotted beach shirt in the air, he has transformed into a big fully sized black-haired warewolf with his devilish clawed fingers so ready to grab and tear.

She quickly pulls out two KelTec P50 magazine-looking but very dangerous pistols, one on each hand, spins round to her left with a loud cry and squeezed the triggers even before she fully faced the beast in the air. This awesomely-automatic pistols each contains a 50 round magazine which are not ordinary bullets, they are titanium forged irons bullets which can blow open the flesh of any bloody warewolf.

The Felino cB7 sped past beneath her, like 8 fast bullets smashed the chest of the beast and blew it back. In the same split second, she completes a crazy 360 degrees turn in the air, lands to continue running for her dear life only to see another incoming super fast car. It's a red 2021 Mercedes-Benz Biome. The speed was beyond her her agility but she's not dying tonight, definitely not tonite. She quickly leaps back into the damn air pushing herself up with the same right foot she landed with. Stepping with the left foot on the bonnet or engine house of the porch car, she adds more pressure to the left leg and leaps higher stepping on the roof of the fast car with her right foot, directly above the driver's head planning what to do next.

The two KelTec P50's were still in her hands but the second chaser who was now a warewolf grabbed her from the back, digging his sharp, scary looking, dangerous teeth into the right side of her fleshy neck. He was also the air as the black chaser received the eight bullets, she tried to blast him too but he managed to tilt rightwards a bit, luckily he dodged like 6 bullets before she gave up and quickly performed the 360 degrees spin that repositioned her to face the speedy incoming Biome.

The painful bite made her shout aggressively opening her mouth very wide. Then everything begins to fade away, but she knows they're still in the air, everything is happening too fast. Still with her mouth open she springs up from her lying position into a sitting position and she realized she was in her bedroom, on her bed. She managed to close her mouth a bit though, without moving her head. Her curious eyes glanced to the right, her only dear junior sister was sleeping and snoring peacefully, they glanced left. Her caring and loving junior brother was seriously playing a Ps4 thrilling car race game on an hundred inch screen wearing a head set, then at the clock. It was 2:09 am. "Another dream", she wispers to herself and sighs, she's sweating profusely. Was it the video game? But there was no damn volume, she pondered. This was no ordinary bloody dream...

CHAPTER ONE (loading...)

I've been a dreamer all my life. So much thanks and love to you dear highly esteemed reader and the entire super crew of WEBNOVEL for giving me a wonderful platform to air my visions...

Black_Matrixcreators' thoughts