
the bleeding soul

adebanjo_deborah · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

living ln the past


I need to go get cleaned up I can still feel his hands all over me

I removed my clothes each while walking to the bathroom

Standing in front of the mirror I can't believe he did this!!

hiccies how could he make hiccies on my neck

what will I tell alora?

She was tease me to death

Wait I am in my room I was at the bus stop earlier I was moving my self against his hardeness in my room!!?


Mageret you should be ashamed!

Alora will tease me to deaaaaaath!!!

Few minutes later mageret is now in her nightwear after a very hot shower she slept after rolling on the bed for five minutes and slept faster than usual due to tiredness


She was rolling on her bed sweating

"Mummy don't go"

" mummy is not leaving with you leave us alone!!"

She used her powers to throw them back wards

Catherine scolded her daughter and sent her inside she went upstairs reluctantly

Little mageret was really worried she knew her mother's visitors are no ordinary visitors

Little did she know that her actions only added brimstone to the already burning fire

Little mageret noticed the argument got heated few minutes later she suddenly felt heavy so heavy that she then she heard a whispering voice saying

Only your heart

Can set you free

Your fear your

Key to freedom

Your tears your power

Your freedom lay's in

Your heart

After few minutes the whispering voice stopped but the heavyness was only lifted alittle allowing her to walk

Five minutes later she started climbing down the stairs with her last strength and arrived only to meet her dying mother on the floor turning pale and weak

She ran with all her strength


"Are you okay!?

Catherine smiled weakly lifted her hands touch her daughter's face for the last time

"Mageret remember only your heart can set you free never forget this mageret remember it is not your fault no matter what you see just remember this it is not your fault "

Few seconds later Catherine died

Mageret did not cry but kept quiet staring at a blank wall suddenly she stood up running after the visitors she saw them far across the street she ran and caught up with them attacking the one in the middle

The man noticed the approaching figure coming at him fast he noticed not only the figure the heavyness in due to magerets anger, rage and hatred so he decided to attack he did attack he could not hit target he hit someone else magerets father David hulls


David's POV

Coming back home I expect my daughter to hug me no hugs?

I was hurt she was the one who made me get used to her hugs where is she now?

I entered the house saw Catherine on the floor mageret running out looking Dead

I squated beside Cathy touched her she was cold as ice she is dead this is no ordinary death wait my Maggie my sweet Maggie

I must save my Maggie

I ran with all my might to catch up but I was too late

I am sorry Maggie this is the only way I can show you how much I love you

My soul and body belongings to you only you

I can feel my body falling down on Maggie but I landed beside her because she moved aside alittle out of fear

My poor Maggie how can I protect you now my sweet Maggie ha

I love you Maggie i can't even talk anymore

I think this is the end I will love you till the end of days mageret Cathy_

The attack killed magerets father David because he was human if it actually hit mageret she will be in coma for five months wake up and return back to normal but it was her father a human

Little mageret lost control

few days later she woke up in a hospital

Mageret woke up sweeting and trembling that has always been her dream for years now no matter how many times she has that dream she could still feel the fear and pain

Also she can't use her powers any more

Even though her mother set her free the trauma won't allow her any time she tries

She will lose control and end up in coma after attacking her self to save people

so she decided to live as human


The xxxx hotel

Mageret arrived early after repairing the the damages on her clothes

Mageret in the bathroom changing her clothes to her work uniform she finished few minutes later dressing the edge she turned


She screamed after noticing the man behind her

"What the f***

"Why are you in the ladies restroom!!!!?

"I think It should be the other way round "

"Why are you here?

Damon asked calmly

Trying hard to hold back his laughter

Mageret looked at the door and saw a male drawing which means she is wrong this time

She looked at Damon's clothes wait no robe the strange man with robe is not wearing rode?

Damon who noticed her questioning gaze

Broke the silence

"Right never saw me with out my robe

My Butler told me it's not the right clothe to wear for today's occasion so yeah I'm wearing a suit today"

Mageret drooled staring at him agape

The suit looks like it was made for him no on his body him

his biceps looks like they are about to pop out of his shirt

Damon saw mageret drooling over his body he decided to add more to satisfy his ego he removed his suit leaving only his shirt which revealed everything when I say everything I mean everything

The shirt cling to his body like second skin magerets eyes trased his body from his neck to his biceps further downwards to his six-packs wait eight packs!!!!?

Mageret was flabbergasted

" WOW"

Her eyes looked at little down ward

keep reading my sweets I'll tell you what happened after Maggie lost control and who the visitors are later

please support me only your support can help me continue

adebanjo_deborahcreators' thoughts