
the bleeding soul

adebanjo_deborah · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

leave me if you love me

This is her secret no one should know she wondered how did she not know for years until he decided to show himself

Damon was shocked no woman has ever dare to lay a finger on him his eyes glowed with anger

Mageret moved back when she noticed he was mad but she was surprised when Damon decided to hug her instead of what she was expecting to be beaten or to be thrown in a dark dungeon

Mageret suddenly felt Damon's Fangs graze her neck sending waves of desire allover



She slapped me?

Wow she actually slapped me!!!?

I can already feel my blood boiling with anger

Nobody has ever dare to lay a finger me those who tried did not live to tell the story the dead can't talk

What a brave little lamb

I must punish you for this, you are too weak so I will give you a punishment that suits y


Teasing you is the best way to get to you until you beg me I won't stop, I have lived way before you were born so this is a piece of cake

I have to make you go through alittle bit of what I have to endure each day being around you

I drew her to myself,I was planning to kiss her breathless and touch her body with my hands until she lost control.

She is scared I sensed her fear she is trembling,i lowered my head to her neck staring at it I start to feel my self lose control my fangs came out I was loosing control fast

I was surpose to be in control why do I feel like I am the one who's about to get punished

I can already feel my blood Rush downwards

Few seconds later I grazed her neck with my fangs held onto her head one hand the other hand I used to hold her body tightly to mine I grazed her neck again she froze.

I chuckled she reacted to my chuckling as well then I sucked and graze her neck

She did not react for a minute but she started breathing heavily she put her hands on my chest to push me away, the minute she touched me It was like electric shock tingling sensation I wanted more so I held onto her tightly making all her struggles useless

I sucked her harder I want her to beg me she started squarming , I sucked harder almost biting her this time

She lost control before I knew it I felt her hands in my hair she was clinging and making sounds that drove me crazy making me rock hard I was now caressing her body to satisfy her alittle she was pulling and fiddling my hair which is painfully sweet then I heard her voice


"Please moooore!"

I was shocked I thought she hates me I held her more tightly and rubbed my self against her and she clinged more tightly I knew if I go of limit she will hate me for it

So I decided to stop before I lose the tinywiny bit of control left in me

I separated our bodies alittle bit we were both breathing heavily I looked into her deep blue eyes I felt peace hypnotized I can't look away no matter how hard I try no I don't want to look away I can already feel my arousal go away alittle desires fading my fangs shrinking so did my nails

She saw it I bet she saw it but there is no fear in her eyes the way she looked at me emotions I can't understand

She tried to move

"Let me go"

She said trying to look mad

I threatened her to make her stop moving I saw the lust and fear at once in her eyes

I don't blame her any woman in her situation would be scared, what she said next surprised me alittle but I did not react

"Do you love me"

I answered


"Leave me if you do"


"After what just happened"

Honestly I was alittle hurt when she told me to leave

"I should leave?"

"Sorry to disappoint sweet love but I can't leave can't you feel it your craving ,the desire the tension mageret_


"Stop it don't call my name"

"If you love me leave me alone that is what I want from you right now just leave

love is all about making the one you love happy right!?"

She said looking at me at least I am not the only one affected her face is tomato red right now

I stared at her intensely trying to every see every little attempt to escape but there is none.

I decided to let her go

"Ok sweet love I will let you go for now to give you space you will look for me anyways but I will not let you go when I come back no matter how much you tell me to bye love"

please support me dear readers love you all

adebanjo_deborahcreators' thoughts