
The Blades of the Fated Heroes

In the world Eolorial, a world of legends, myths, and even things that not even the world comprehends faces crisis created by eight powerful beings that no god or concept can kill no matter how much they tried. Yin Pendragon, a Royal of the Pendragon family, he was a curse to this world, a world where magic exists in all shapes and forms. His true goal is to find what's important to him and become a hero just like the First Genesis which are the first heroes who stopped the Fallen 12, a enormous group of gods, demons, valkyries, and etc. They caused many destruction and calamity where ever they went, despair covered the world until eight heroes join the phase and defeated them leaving peace for the worlds, realms, and all of existence. After 45 million years later, the same enemy returns from defeat and planning revenge against the existence that wrought them of their glory. Can Yin and the new generation of heroes stand up to this threat? You find out in the story.

Arngrim_Asura · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 9

Rize Academy Arc

Title: Training Begins PT.3, The Hero of Death Arrives

Two hours before the fight between the Forge and the Demigoddess, a familiar red hair girl was traveling to the southern region. Her intentions were unknown, she grew a grin after sensing a shocking presence there. "So you're still alive..dear brother!" she couldn't help but feel overjoyed he's still alive.


At the Pendragon's royal chamber of which to be seen as Yin's bedroom, a tall women could be seen sobbing on the bed, most maids could truly hear sadness from almost in the northern section of the kingdom. She felt Desolate from the news a month back, Yin snuck out the kingdom with Amani Roya, his own therapist. "I-I want my son back..." she sorrowfully demanded one of the maids, the maid bowed and left the room.

A black hair male with purple eyes stumbled into the room, he had a face that showed pure excitement, "We found out where Yin!" This brought the sobbing women back up to high spirit within seconds.

"Where?!" Himeko demanded with her eyes all dragon like. "In the Southern Region, he managed to defeat the strongest man in the entire country." Without hesitation Himeko literally dashed out of the window into the sky in less than a second heading straight to her baby boy.

[Flashback End]

"He managed to defeat the strongest man with ease and now he's getting married." The smile faded away as she gripped her hair in pure despair. "I can't even do that! Damn you Yin!" she shouted as Yin was just about to leave the southern region until he felt death upon him which made him turn back.

Back with Wander and Astraea, the mysterious girl stood still, letting her <<familiar>>, a Grim demon with sharp nails handle this battle as she saw this as a pointless fight.

Before the next second approached, thousands of micro ice shards appeared around the familiar. "Wander, attacked the girl, I have the familiar. Do not worry about the difference in strength, because the nature of your power is very similar to hers." Astraea said to Wander.

He thought about the situation as he glanced over to Astraea, "Before we work together, how can I trust you after all you did just attack me....?" He asked still keeping his guard up on the new women they both were facing.

"Haha, guess you can't. I won't make any moves if you don't make any moves on the temple alright? We can work that out later, currently someone much more dangerous is here." She replied.

After Astraea regained balance, she clasped her hands together, causing a surge of voltage. "Don't talk as if you aren't someone's lapdog." Astraea sneered. "I hope you have the brains to understand what happens when electric currents run through ice crystals."

The little girl glared at her making the surge of Voltage to disappear. "My death magic can nullified that of light. Refuse all you want it won't be enough to save you from death." She explained before showing Wander and Astraea the back of her hand showing them a symbol that look very familiar.

The symbol on the girls hand made him a bit uneasy, ".....Tch" he looked back at the temple before back to the girl as he made his fist glow "Sorry to tell you I die when I want to die..." he punched his fist together as the marks on his body glowed "...and it ain't gonna be any time soon"

"Poor Forge, it seems you haven't witnessed what true power is!" Her smile became twisted with corruption, showing off a portion of her power with no difficulty. "Kill them! <<Thanatos>>" The dead beast roared with accepting the order.

Astraea jerked back, "Damnit!" She said, jumping backwards and extending her hand. An unknown substance started to leak from her fingers while she yelled at Wander to start moving.

Wander rushed towards the beast slamming his hands on the ground making pillars form from the ground and fly towards both the beast and the girl "so you know what I am huh" he said speaking to the death girl

"Of course but you're nowhere near my level of strength." The girl replied forcing both of them on their knees with gravity magic.

"Ha, you're pretty strong...?" Astraea wheezed, barely being able to raise her arm. "However, you made a miscalculation. Maybe this will teach you to not kill everything."

In an instant a metaphysical force lit up a three-hundred meter area around them. Only hero caliber warriors could view what was happening, as it was all on a sub-atomic level.

When atoms or particles in general are killed, they create something called an 『Alpha Particle』. A extremely light, highly charged and ionized particle. The destruction of the voltage before has caused an unnatural amount to exist. When in contact with organs of a being, living or not, it decays their body from the inside out. Corrupting their soul, heart, muscles, mind, and power. However they cannot penetrate even dead skin because of their highly ionized nature, Astraea thought ahead of time. Just like how an 'Alpha Particle' exists, so does its opposite, a 'Beta Particle'. Particles that spawn from highly positively charged fields, much like voltage. These particles cannot be stopped by any force of nature. They are so small, so fast, and so negatively ionizing that they rip through anything in this world no matter how durable. Even if the death hero were to kill all these particles, it would only spawn more of them. Even if you could move at the same speed as them, the speed of light, there's no way you could dodge every single one of the quadrillions.

Normally these particles only last five to ten seconds due to loss of energy. However a being such as Astraea is contracted by a "god" and can give all of them as much energy as they need.

And all of them are coming at the enemy all at once.

The girl smiled with pure interest, "This attack reminds of that red hair dragon who moved just as fast like this." she couldn't help but feel pleased that she can witness such speed before raising her hand into the air, she was manipulating Astraea soul trying to kill her from the inside out. This move was called [Soul Imitation] a special skill the Hero of Death used before.


Astraea held her chest attempting to keep up her assault, "God won't let me die, no matter the means! Give up!"

A vast amount of colors and shades began to form, it seems as if she was throwing more then just the binary particles, she was draining out all the power she had in fear she dies before it.

"Hmm..I wonder if you know the hell that we're going to be in soon?" She thought to herself before stopping her spell, grinning like everything is normal. "You're not strong enough to stop 'him' but I will allow you to live just to see you die."

Astraea didn't object, only a fool would be prideful in a situation such as this.

"Well I must be going home now, this battle was boring anyway." She said opening up a black swirling rift called [Demon Gate].

The second she walked through the portal wander looked back at the temple "...." In a instant he dashed towards it going back to his main mission "At this point I just want to go home and eat." He said slamming his foot down onto the earth as a pillar sent him flying


It's been a few days since I started training with Kyle. A lot of his methods are new and abstract to me. I never thought you could train anything else other than fighting, he would incorporate rest with enhancing mental strength so that there isn't a day that is gone to waste. I can see why the school considered him elite. I think I can feel my power becoming apart of me.

One thing I'm noticing however, is that Kyle would act strangely from time to time. I think he's sane but he has some quirks that I can't quite put my finger on. Today he said he would do something but didn't tell me what it was or if it even included me or not.

Kyle have been gathering a couple of books to see how Ren could be the right martial artist. He then went to see Ren. "First thing, I need to test you by doing a little thing called Image Training." he said as he puts the books down.

"Image training?" Ren replies. "Could you explain what that is?"

"Of course, Ren." Kyle calmly said as he set the books on his table, then sit in front of him. "Image Training is where we picture ourselves training using the mental simulation or our imagination, either by ourselves or against other people you know enough to picture in your mind. That way, you can grow & develop through it."

Ren looked puzzled for a moment, "But how can I know the simulation would be accurate if it's only in my mind? Can't our brains only produce what we know? And therefore meaning we cannot learn more simply through mental simulation."

"First answer is you can't. You can only know how to be prepared for future fights. Our brains not only can produce what we know, but also help improve our abilities by creating, learning, & master them. You can even push them further to shattered their limits."

"Could you provide an example? Like a way how it helped you in the past? Because I'm still not fully understanding how exactly I'll be able to improve." Ren replied.

"Hmm..." Kyle then think up of a example as he bring up his right hand back with a palm. His left is covered with water. "Ren, you might want to move out the way."

Ren walked behind and to the left of the Demi-human, awaiting his display.

Kyle then pictured his opponent, or should he mentioned, his next meal, the crab pig. He throws his left as a water tentacle then head towards the target. It was not long before he yank the tentacle as the crab pig head towards him, causing his right enter the chop. "Water Art: Drop Ripple Thrust!" Kyle perform a fast and accurate stab, capable of reducing the impact of the Crab Pig, killing it as it laying down.

Ren was watching intently at the technique. In awe of its precision and accuracy. "So you could perfect this technique all through mental training? And I could do it too if I try it?" Ren said.

"Yep. Not only image training, but also two more training we will be doing: Handicapped training & Spiritual Meditation under the waterfall & other environment."

"Handicapped training? I think I get what that one is. Isn't all meditation spiritual? What's so different about this one?" Ren responded

"Master Jun?"

"Yep. Master Jun was my first master. There are other masters, as well. She was amazing. All the Demi-humans loved her. She even taught us how Spiritual Meditation helped us get connected by being sync with our body, mind, heart, & soul. "

"What did she respond when you asked the same question I did?"

"She told me that Spiritual Meditation helped maintain balanced within ourselves, remove any limitations, heal, & be in control. Without doing that, we could be stuck & sore without progressing." Kyle then sit down with his legs crossed. "Master Jun demonstrated with this by connecting to nature. Now I will demonstrate my connection." Kyle then crossed his legs, put his hands together with his thumbs touching, close his eyes & concentrated. A couple minutes later, A spiritual cheetah next to him.

The demon pondered for a moment, staring at his master's level of connection with his mind and drew a conclusion.

"So, someone with your level of stillness and control over spirit could not only achieve mental strength, but also cause a release of any physical limitations?"

"None." Ren said as he finally grabs one of the books on the table.


Back at the Southern Hemisphere, Yin has finally been working on his sword style. At first he was able to use his 『Flame Dragon Arts』, now he unlocked his mother ability to use Qi. The power was only able to manifest because of his *Will Power* alone. As of now he was training in the courtyard, his body covered in sweat, his pants burned a little, his katana in his hand while the energy sword in the other. "I can't muster enough power to perform the final stage of the 『Lightning Dragon Arts』" he muttered to himself, he took more notes of how to perfect his sword technique, the only way he knew how was to find his sister so she can do the 『Genesis Armageddon』 it's a Pendragon technique which could unlock the purest dragon from within them. It can only be used by siblings, their minds must link together to find go through the mind and find what they need.

Back at the Southern Hemisphere, Yin has finally been working on his sword style. At first he was able to use his 『Flame Dragon Arts』, now he unlocked his mother ability to use Qi. The power was only able to manifest because of his Will Power alone. As of now he was training in the courtyard, his body covered in sweat, his pants burned a little, his katana in his hand while the energy sword in the other. "I can't muster enough power to perform the final stage of the 『Lightning Dragon Arts』" he muttered to himself, he took more notes of how to perfect his sword technique, the only way he knew how was to find his sister so she can do the 『Genesis Armageddon』 it's a Pendragon technique which could unlock their purest dragon soul from within them. It can only be used by siblings, their minds must link together to find go through the mind and find what they need. The sound that sounded way faster than even electromagnetic fields was heard above the Dragon. Yin looked up and jumped back as the impact of the thing shock the Southern Hemisphere. "W-What the hell?!" He was surprised by the presence and was shaking in fear.

"Yin Alexander Pendragon! COME HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT !!" Yin was in pure fear hearing his full name was called out. He slowly walked up to his mother who was beyond furious. No. This was the wrath of the dragon who missed her son.

"I'm here mother..." he kept his head, dropping his sword on the ground. His mother was emitting such animosity before. "Do you know how worried me and your father was when we heard you ran away? What if you got kidnapped, or something. I. Would. Never. Forgive. Myself." She gripped onto his shoulder with a hollow look in her eyes. He responded in a calm tone, "It's fine, I'm old enough to make my own decisions, besides I've survived worst than abuse and being discriminated from the others. You should be glad that I'd left to keep the family reputation up." Immediately he was slapped across the face, his cheek red.

"Don't you ever say that again. I gave birth to you for a reason, I wanted you to live your life the best you could not become a suicidal maniac." Yin's eyes widen. "Yeah, I know about the things you've been doing, trying to get yourself kill just because you can't take the verbal abuse anymore. Prove them wrong, Yin! Look at them with face of confidence not a murderer." His mother said embracing him into a tight hug.

Amani was looking for her lover until she sensed a massive amount of magical energy coming south.

'Hm?! What's going on?!'

Amani thought to herself. She ran over in that direction, the energy becoming denser as she beckons near the anomaly. Within the thick aura she was able to slightly make out Yin's, which was submissive in front of the powerful creature. As they came into her eyesight she was able to recognize the figure.

'Ah?! That's Ms. Pendragon's aura? I've never seen it this high before, is she angry?' Amani worriedly thought to herself. 'Mad at me for stealing his son I'm sure.'

She stopped in her tracks and attempted to observe from afar, not wanting anything to do with her until she finishes her one on one with the Prince.

"You there come out now, we have some things to discuss." Himeko pointed at the direction of where Amani was. She could sense even the weakest thing in her proximity, it was scary, but when it comes to dragons they have a better ways of sensing prey.

Ah! She noticed me!

Amani thought to herself. She slowly came out of hiding and marched towards the queen. Who was now talking more softly with her son.

"Er, hello Ms. Himeko?"

Amani awkwardly stated as she bowed three meters away from the two royals.

Crap this is not good! Yin thought seeing Amani reveal herself. He knows how over possessive she is with him.

"Hello Amani, I see you've been doing well. Now, I would like to ask you about the battle against Cyprus." Her eyes stared daggers at her, the pressure was too much for the both of them. Yin couldn't even move his body, he could only see death that was awaiting him if she lost it.

"O- oh, you saw that? W- what exactly do you want to know about it."

Amani asks meekly, trembling under the weight of Ms. Pendragon's gaze.

"Exactly why was my son kidnapped? Why wasn't he back home when he ran away? And don't worry I'll talk to your father about this as well." Himeko said sternly, her motherly instincts and personality was no joke especially when you have one of her babies fighting for their lives.

Amani mumbled to herself,

"Well, it's not really kidnapping if he wanted to go..."

Himeko didn't like the words that came out of her mouth. "Speak up, there's no way that my precious son would ever want to get kidnapped, right Yin?" Yin swiftly turned his head the opposite direction when she looked at him. She was flabbergasted, she almost went into a panic attack because of his reaction.

Amani quickly blurted out,

"But it wasn't because of you Ms! It was his dream to get out and he assumed that you guys would never let him. He didn't hate you at all."

Himeko fell to the ground, when her knees hit the ground, it splintered. "My own son has abandoned me! WWAAAHHH!!" Tears streamed down her face, she was actually crying. This gave Yin the chance to tip toe away from the crying mother.

"You're just gonna leave her like this after her well thought of speech?!"

Amani loudly whispered to Yin.

"What do you want me to do?! She's the one over protective not you!" Yin exclaimed as his mother's cries louder than before.



"I'm sorry mom.." he finally gave in to his feelings and apologized. He embraced her in a warm hug, her wailing stopped as she dug her head into his chest. "Promise me you won't ever run away from your family, I don't care what the reason is." This was heartfelt words that entered his heart. He responded with a calm smile "I promise mom."

Amani smiled shortly at the heartfelt moment, but then realized something.

"Uh, Ms. Pendragon..."

Amani took a moment before she continued,

"Are you implying he has to stay in the kingdom his whole teenage life like he was going to do before?"

Himeko quickly turned her gaze to the princess "You have to promise me that you can take care of him. He maybe stubborn and depressed, but he's innocent and kind... he doesn't know what the real world was like when I was a child." She patted her son on the head who was embarrassed, his face tinted with a red blush.

"I promise you I can take care of him. I've promised myself that a long time ago." Amani said, grabbing Yin's shoulder. She continued,

"And I don't know what the future is like, or how bad it'll get, but I'll make sure Yin is in the best situation he can possibly be."

Yin place his hand on top of her hand and smiled, it was still strange for him since she was his first love. "And if anything happens to him, I will hold you responsible for this." Her expression said it all. It was cold, dull, and beyond frightening.


Amani thought as froze up for a moment.

"Y-yeah sure you can get me if anything happens... in any case, how did you even figure out where he was?"

Himeko grinned gently and spoke in such a teasing way. "I had eyes in the sky, I then noticed a flyer about your engagement to Yin and I had to come." She said.

She must had broke Heaven and earth just come see me. He thought calmly.

"Oh right haha," Amani said as she chuckled a bit,

"I forgot that's something that would be stated nationwide. But I'm happy to see you again Ms. Pendragon. I'm sure you'd like to know what your son was even doing here, and I'm happy to explain that if you want."

Yin covered Amani's mouth as he nervously chuckled. "No more talking. I'm already close to death's door." He said turning his gaze to his mother, who only tilted his head a bit.

Amani, annoyed by Yin's cowardliness and his blunt action of covering her mouth, bit his hand and caused him to let go.

"No, I have to tell her!" Amani loudly whispered to Yin before explaining to Himeko.

"We were out here because of school. We go to Rize Academy which prompted us to go train individually for a certain fighting tournament in the future."

Himeko thought about the tournament "This tournament is something I can't let Yin do." Yin tilted his head in confusion. He spoke with nervousness in his voice "Is it because of my sister? I'm already training to face her anyway." He always wanted to do the fighting tournament anyway, so what was up with his mother saying no? "You haven't realized what risks your taken when doing this." She said before going quietly.


Back with Wander who finally landed at a strange ruined like place, he cracked his neck after landing so harshly on the ground. "I never thought that Astraea was capable of keeping up with me, she has to be stronger than Ren and Yin with those level of speed and power." He turned his gaze to look at a symbol he never recognized before. He shrugged it off and walked to a platform that had a marking of a scythe. "As I know the scythe is more of a balance of close to range combat, depending on its quality it can handle multiple attacks from even from lancers and casters. What makes this scythe more interesting is that I can't even sense any magic on it, but it's aura is on another levels."

Astraea, who finally caught up, appeared behind him.

"Just leaving instantly and going off on your work? Don't you know we have something more important to talk about you damn cretin!?" Astraea said with her hands on her hips.

Wander turned his head sharply and spoke with a hint of malice.

"Careful little girl, or else I'll throw you into a volcano. I'm here looking for answers, not here to fight just yet."

Astraea's eyebrow raised, "Big talk for someone who was losing our battle. Anyway I'm not looking for a fight, not anymore at least. I referring to the death baby we were fighting no more than 10 minutes ago. You don't think that's even a bit important?"

Wander thought about it for a second beige shrugging.

"Nope...what's important to me right now is whatever is in this temple."

The artificer said walking off deeper into the mysterious place "I can deal with whatever was going on there later, Kay tiny?" He said making a short joke slightly turning around.

"I'll ignore that little comment for your sake, and if you aren't gonna talk with me I'll force you out of this temple once again as I was ordered to do so."

He sighed heavily before touching the wall forming a wall between the two "We can talk later..see ya!" He said walking deeper into the temple. He touched the temples walls to form a barricade between the two so he could walk off into said temple.

"Damnit!" The blue haired demigod exclaimed.

"Why do these forges always have to be so stubborn." Astraea says as she finds the loose particles within the wall to slice open, only to realize the wall is made purely from one element.

She stated to complain, "Ugh! I forgot they can do this too."

To Be Continued...