
The Blades of the Fated Heroes

In the world Eolorial, a world of legends, myths, and even things that not even the world comprehends faces crisis created by eight powerful beings that no god or concept can kill no matter how much they tried. Yin Pendragon, a Royal of the Pendragon family, he was a curse to this world, a world where magic exists in all shapes and forms. His true goal is to find what's important to him and become a hero just like the First Genesis which are the first heroes who stopped the Fallen 12, a enormous group of gods, demons, valkyries, and etc. They caused many destruction and calamity where ever they went, despair covered the world until eight heroes join the phase and defeated them leaving peace for the worlds, realms, and all of existence. After 45 million years later, the same enemy returns from defeat and planning revenge against the existence that wrought them of their glory. Can Yin and the new generation of heroes stand up to this threat? You find out in the story.

Arngrim_Asura · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 7

Rize Academy Arc

Title: Training Begins Part 1

The day of training started for the young heroes as we see them walking to the principal office. It seemed the reason they was called there was to be given a map to different places, Yin still couldn't help but wanted to know who the principal truly was.


It happened the same day before he went unconscious, he was at the mess hall eating a lot of food that not even a normal person could eat. Yin Pendragon Report to the Office immediately!

The announcement went off before he stood up and made his way towards the office.

"I hope he gets expelled."

"He's been a bother to this school!"

Being hated by the world was still hurting him on the inside but he kept smiling. Reaching the office he saw the principal standing there at the door. "Follow me." She demanded, as he gulped nervously and followed behind her.

A few minutes they made it to a grassy field, the flowers bloomed just by Mei's presence, it shocked Yin down to the bone. "What is your reason to fight?" she asked him bluntly.

"Huh?" And just like that a sword could be seen coming at him at lightning speed dodging it immediately. His senses were telling him to run but without his weapon he was weak. Mei swung her sword downward as he blocked it with his bare arms enduring such levels of pain, the sheer force of her swing spilt the mountains and even shook the grassy field, making a big crater.

"I want to fight because I'm tired of how bad I was treated all of my life!" he groaned in pain pushing the sword upwards before kicking her away from him. His arms bruised purple and still numb from the attack but he had to push himself, "Is that all? Or do I have to force it out of you?" She asked pointing her weapon at him then out of nowhere, the very sword was encased with purple lightning that he thought couldn't exist.

"Oh, Divine Heaven—strike fear into my opponent's heart and show no mercy [Lightning Magic: Divine Wrath]" She said blitzing Yin who stood.

He stood there helplessly until his instincts of the Will Breaker Sword inside him moved his body out of the way responding with a uppercut up to the chin sending her away from him for a few minutes. Until she appeared right behind him wiping the small drop of blood off her cheek.

"I guess I seen enough of your reason..but let me say this, the tournament won't be easy if you can control that mind of yours."

"What do you want me to do?" He asked her while his wounds slowly healed up, she grinned with confidence and threw him a book.

"Study this and I want you to go to an island that will test your mental strength and show you true reasoning!" She said, he nodded and bowed to her.

[Flashback End]

bzzzt bzzzt bzzzt

Amani lifted her hand up and slammed it down on her makeshift alarm clock. The day before she was asked to go the Rize early for a "event" she was to take part in. Sadly this meant she had to take a few hours out of her lovely sleep schedule. After getting ready and heading out in a fatigued mood, she quickly entered the principles office in which she was the third one inside. Aside from the principle, mei, she could see a student sitting in a chair. After observing him further, Amani concluded that they had fairly dark skin, black hair, and deep red eyes. They seemed to have noticed her too, but said nothing of it. Mei welcomed her, "Ah Amani, early aren't you? Come now and sit down. We still have two more people to wait on, one particularly should get here soon... or their will be consequences for them. Amani just nodded frankly and plopped herself onto a chair on the opposite side of the boy unknown to her. Before she knew it she started to drift off back into wonderland.


The girl didn't say much as she went back to sleep. Going to sleep in front of the principle?! She doesn't know what she's getting into. Frankly I'm terrified, I've been sitting in this room for the last thirty minutes with Ms. Mei for some unknown reason. Noting from how strong the girl who walked in was, it probably has something to do with the tourney. I guess all I can do it wait until someone else walks in.




A few minutes seem to pass by until the door opens once again... the dragon kid? Interesting seeing him, his eyes seemed to light up when he saw the girl who came in earlier. Is she really that special? Should I talk to them? Well I can't wake up the women, so I should just settle for the outcast. What was his name again? Yin? I remember people talking about him like he was some sort of monster, maybe I shouldn't speak...

Ok ok, I'll speak if he speaks first, then I can see if he's sociable at all.

Yin turned to face Ren with his cold hollowed eyes looking deep into his own. He himself was busy after filling his tummy up with delicious food, until he was interrupted by the announcement. 'Can this day get any more annoying?" he said before turning to the door sensing Amani sleeping outside the office door.

He walked back out the office and chopped Amani on her head to wake her up from her nap.




Amani shouted as she was suddenly brought into reality. She then noticed Yin had entered, "Oh Yin!" She gleefully exclaimed, "You're here too it seems, did Mei tell you what this was about? I'm too scared to ask her myself."

Ren shivered when he stared at Yin, 'clearly conversation was out of the question,' he thought after looking away.

"I think I already know about why she called us here." Yin said picking Amani up, helping her stand up on her own two feet. "She's forcing us to become a team for the tournament."

"Forcing?" Amani questioned . "You're acting as if she won't allow no for an answer haha... ah but a team with you for the tournament? How exciting!"

The dragon boy blushed a deep red color before hiding his face with his hands. 'How can she be so cute?!' he screamed mentally feeling his heart racing. "Well Mei did say if we lose we'll have to feel her wrath."

"Whaaatt!? There's some strong people out there, to win we gotta have more than just me and you... speaking about that, isn't there supposed to be four people a team?"

"Who said we're just fighting?" Yin said opening up the office doors to see Ren there. Though Yin knew that they was only missing Wander and the team would be completed.

"...." Finally making it back to the academy Wander was now quiet thinking about the fight with the crazed priest as one thing kept going through his head "How did he know me..." he mumbled knowing this could be a serious problem, looking down at the blood on his hand he slowly burned it away "Tch...." He bumped into Yin breaking out of his thought "Oh sorry- oh hey Yin"

Yin looked at Wander, he smiled calmly before hearing the principal enter the room after the four. "Hello there, I'm glad you're all made it here on a short notice!" she greeted with a serious tone.

"Hey Ms. Mei! I may have been spoiled by Yin here, but what made you call us here today?" Amani questioned.

Mei switch her sight towards Amani, she grabbed a map off her desk handing it to her. "Well considering your current levels, I decided to send you four to different places to train."

Amani shoulder bumped Yin and whispered, "Haha, we're too strong so they have to send us somewhere else!"

Yin nodded before looking at his map that was given to him. "Well that's not why I'm going." he replied calmly.

"....." Wander started at the location of the map as he spoke up asking a question "What's there anyways?"

"It's for you to find out for yourselves." Mei said calmly sitting in her seat looking at the four of them.

Ren sat up quickly at the proclamation and exclaimed, "What?! What do you mean? This is not how it was last year at all."

"The rules changed especially since we have a magicless boy here!" She replied bluntly pointing at Yin who only made a regretful face.

"Please refrain from pointing at Yin...." Wander said looking at the principal it didn't matter who someone was he wasn't gonna let them talk down his friends.

Mei only remain calm and didn't care about Wander's feelings "What are you going to do about it?"

"..." he looked straight into Mei's soul not saying a word however his expression gave off many threats "....." he closed his eyes before breathing in and out calming down

She smirked before standing up from her desk "I don't think you realize who you're dealing with." she said summoning her sword just by calling a strike of purple lightning.

Ren, seeing the situation unfold, disliked it. "Now now, y'all be badasses in your own time. Frankly I don't think she meant 'magicless' as an insult." Ren said, directing his statement at Wander.

"Now Ms. Mei, you wanted us to train together in unknown locations because we surpass the likes of this schools faculties? That's fine and all, but unlike these fine freshman-" He says pointing at the three, "-I have people here that I want to hang out with. Sending me off for who knows how long for the sake of training is a little cruel don't you think? Will you not compensate us for that?"

"Well I heard that another academy has someone from purgatory and she wiped out an entire hordes of Wyverns." Mei said softly, Yin was able to understand quickly since he knew other academies had stronger students.

"Dodging as always I see..." Ren sighed as he spoke.

Yin looked up at the ceiling "I'm heading to Night moon valley to train." He announced nervously.


After leaving the room an envelope was delivered to me by a boys hands. He didn't say much and immediately left as I got it. weird I thought. I opened it up and was freaked out by the contents. It read out like this,

"Dear Amani,

I am most unpleasantly surprised to find that you left us unannounced. I hope that you can come back and explain to me the reason that you left. I sent Cyprus to pick you up but you badly beat him, it's not fit for a princess to beat on men you know? Your mother has been worried sick. I hope that you can consider returning.

Sincerely, King Conrad."

Woah, I thought to myself is this was really worth it. I mean, Yin has settled, he doesn't need me. I also do feel a little bad for leaving my mother behind to deal with dad's anger of my disappearance. Maybe I can use this 'mission' as an excuse to go back and try to explain everything. I mean worst comes to worst I leave the school, but that isn't so bad. I only came for Yin, the school really doesn't teach me much about anything.

I thought about it for a few minutes up until I leave the front gates.

... It can't hurt, and it would really grant me pleasure to learn what is happening to mom. I decided on doing it.

The trip itself is obviously very far, but nothing money can't make easier, which I still hand a large amount of. The carriage reminded me of the same one that took me and Yin here, the interior was bright rose red while the exterior had a blank white color despite its constant traveling.


A few days pass by and I enter the kingdom's territory, the trip was shorter than the one before because the Southern Hemisphere is closer to Rize. Some skirmishers stop me when they see our direction, but immediately let us through as they see my face. The same happened when we reached the kingdom gates, it seems as if words travel faster than carriages, maybe I should take them for a ride next time. The second I enter the castle I hear a voice booming,


No nickname? Seems like the letter was a huge act. Maybe this was a mistake. Before answering I analyze the room, the red carpets and gold interior seemed to be the same. The long hallway with the large throne at the end too. Everyone but dad and mom are rested on one knee. Cyprus can be seen kneeling closest to the king, not surprising. What was surprising was mom. She had face and body coverings everywhere. I could barely see her face past her eyes, weird, she never wears that. I'm not stupid, I think it's clearly to hide something. I just can't tell what. Cyprus probably told the king of how advanced I have become because even standing in this room I can feel the electro magnetic waves clouding my ability to access my powers. I finally answer, "I was playing around with a school father."


Dad brings up some good points, it does seem logical for me to do that first. Not only that but his voice is starting to frighten me a little. I mean he's the king, someone that powerful yelling at your face should be intimidating. It's not like it would take too much effort out of him to kill me, however I'm betting heavily on the fact he won't. After all, I'm the only possible heir after he lost his reproductive organs.

"I apologize father, I didn't deem it necessary because I have hit the age of independence."

"You're lying, my abilities are better than yours Amani. Tell me the real reason you left without letting me know. Otherwise their will be consequences."

Like? What could he possibl-

"I reckon your close to that dragon boy right? Yin was his name?" My heart dropped as he said something I never expected.


"No need to make excuses. Just tell me exactly what happened and a hair won't be touched on his head." I thought for a moment, Yin is more important than keeping this a secret. And I can't even begin to think of what my father could do. So I let it out, "I went to Rize because I felt the need to keep Yin company! He was closed up and got almost no social interaction. Not only that but his family was never going to let him have a normal life because of reputation. So I snuck him outside of his kingdom to go to the school with him!"

Dad stroked his chin as he thought, "Yin Pendragon... my magic-less I presume? I wonder what caused my princess to think of him so highly. I must find out."


"Men! Sneak into that retched academy and find the location of that Pendragon. Be discreet and incapacitate him. Make sure not to harm him too greatly, I don't want my dear to be sad after all haha!"

"Wait! You can't do that, you said you wouldn't TOUCH him!"

"Ah... you're talking still? How about you go to your room, daddy's orders."

No no no, this can't be happening. I didn't think he'd know anything about Yin. I can't even get a word out before unidentified people grab and "lead" me to my old room...


Meanwhile, with Yin who was currently meditating to regain his senses in the <<Forest of Judah>>, the very forest that instantly dull the senses of any living organisms that come into contact with it's mist. His master couldn't make it due to some paperwork from the war general who was very strict about work. He's been in the forest for about a few days and no progress had came across him. His mind was still unable to learn his new sword style mode that he heard about in the ancient text back at home.

Lurking in the shadows was a figure. Watching and stalking the perfectly still Yin. With his senses shut off by the forest, the figure attacked. They quickly came behind Yin, knocking him in the back of the head causing him to instantly get knocked out. They put a bag over his body and threw him in the back of a waiting carriage before making their getaway back to the Southern Hemisphere.


I found myself in myself in the very kingdom that my father was able to create an alliance with but truth be told I can't move my arms yet. What happened? Why did the king kidnapped me? Question ran through my head like a flip book trying to understand the situation. "Let me out!" I shouted struggle to break free from the chains, my strength was fading away quickly the more I moved. The guards finally dropped me out of the bag and now there I was in front of Amani's father himself.

"Yin Pendragon... I have grown interested in you as of recent. What makes your clock turn I wonder..." The king says with a grimace.

Yin replied with a kind smile on his face "Well if you wanted to chat why not send a guard to escort me instead of kidnapping me." He knew something was off just by the stench in the air that filled with an menacing presence.

"Thats the thing dragon, I'm not here to just chat. I can't imagine you'd agree to my proposal. And even if you possibly could, I'm not someone who likes people saying no. Much like my daughter."

"Well then how about you start talking and tell me where Amani is?" Yin somehow managed to sense Amani's aura, it felt scared and anger at the same time.

He chuckled and said, "Now now that's irrelevant. She's currently in timeout for what she did, something I never had to do to my princess before hand. Clearly you are the influence that made her like this and because of that I have to put you to the test." He clapped his hands as the throne room started to twist and turn. Flip into a new scenery showing a huge coliseum that could hold maybe a million people. The king spoke again, "What I need you to do is show your strength against my strongest warrior, Cyprus. He's become way stronger since he fought Amani before so don't think it will be easy, or even possible for you to win. A scoundrel like you could never defeat Cyprus, who's strength got him into the royal family. So it would be fun seeing you squirm around until your inventible defeat." Cyprus smirked after the repeated praise from his king.

Yin was shocked but this gave him familiar vibes back when he was training, no matter how big he was, it always come down to stamina and speed alone in his field advantage. "Don't underestimate me or else I'll make a grave for you too." the boy replied coldly pointing at the king himself.

"Hahaha!" The king laughed wildly. "Is this confidence what made my daughter fall for you? No, this is foolery, not confidence. No logic person would ever challenge me to a fight unless they were some god... off you go then" The king claps his hands once more as they pick up the tied Yin and threw him from the balcony over the stadium. Yin came crashing down from fifty feet up, the force of the drop alone instantly cracked his shackles.

He broke free and stretching his arms around to make sure nothing was broken. "What a rude King! I need a weapon if I'm going to survive." He said rubbing his wrist, scanning the entire stadium to recognize his surroundings. He then noticed that his strength was slowly coming back but he needed to be at full power now.

The entrance opposite from yin started to move... no, something inside of it was starting to move. A figure with long indigo hair that spiked up. They were wearing a Royale guard uniform with a special lance in hand. Everyone in the stadium knew who they were, Cyprus the great. The strongest man ever produced from this kingdom. They say his swings could demolish villages if he wished.

As he came towards the middle of the stadium he spoke to Yin,

"I feel bad for you Pendragon, you may have wished to have a life ahead of you, but once I'm done you won't ever want to fight again." He finished off his words pointing the lance at Yin's throat.

Yin could only see how this fight turn out if he even slip up once he's done for, "Man and here I thought I was going to come here and ask Amani her hands in marriage but looks like a duel will help!" he said readying his fighting stance he won't use his weapon until he truly needed it but he needed to use hand to hand combat against a lance. He grinned planting his foot before leaping cracking the earth with such raw strength, straight towards Cyprus with his arm cocked back.

Cyprus analyzed the situation and assumed a defensive stance. He swung his large lance in a blade-like manor that crashed into Yin's body.

Yin felt the aching pain from the lance, it differently wasn't ordinary more like something that could kill him. "I see so that's the strength of the strongest!" he said still standing before charging again and landing a hard uppercut, sending him away a few feet.

Cyprus bounced against the floor a few times before regaining his balance and getting up. "So quick- I couldn't even react!" Cyprus, who's now weary of Yin's attacks, decided to launch his weapon at Yin. The sheer force of the throw warped and bended all types of energy. Kinetic energy started to form into physical electricity. Potential energy was manipulated to the point where the lance was impossible to predict. The lance was advancing to Yin at such a speed that even electro magnetic waves were put to shame.

Yin eyes widen at the speed before he was able to deflect it without moving his arms, "It was a gamble but I didn't know if I was ready!" In his hand formed a purple energy blade made from his own Qi thanks to his mother bloodline. He smirked as he let out a dragon like roar and blitz Cyprus with the blade charging up almost causing an overload of power.

Cyprus with now no weapon to defend himself only put his arms up to block the incoming attack. However, before Cyprus could be hit, an interesting phenomenon occurred. Cyprus appeared where the attack should been, and the attacked appeared where Cyprus should been. After the event Cyprus quickly held in his surprised face and acted as if the move was done on his accord.

The surprise was true to Yin though he knew what happened behind the movement of Cyprus but never said a word. His sword was starting to fade away due to his weaken state and his senses still recovering. "Cyprus, It's best for you to surrender, I don't want to make Amani think I'm a monster if I killed you here!"

Cyprus was about to give some consideration to the thought before a voice bellowed loudly throughout the stadium,


Yin drew a grin before the energy sword vanished into thin air and he blitz him at full speed cocking his arm back, then sending a left hook straight to the left side of Cyprus face. The stadium cracking from his raw strength he had before sending him flying out of the stadium.

The king sat in awe as he stared at the chain of events. He couldn't believe that this dragon boy could really beat the strongest man in the country. Someone who he thought of as a rival. With the slight panic in the stadium the mental wavelength blockers were turned off in which Amani quickly started to come down from her room and into the stadium. She ran up to Yin, embracing him as she says, "Thank goodness you're alright! I thought you would be seriously hurt or worse..."

Yin looked at Amani and smiled softly accepting the embrace, he felt warm but he glared at the king, his aura of bloodlust vanishing. "It's okay, I'm here now and I'm going to ask your father something now!" he patted her head leaving her where she stood and walked towards the king's position with a confident grin on his face. "Your majesty! Allow me to ask for your permission to marry your daughter!" He shouted out creating an echo.

The crowd was in shock. No one dared say a word due to the proclamation just made. Even the king and his subordinates sat in silence for what felt like an hour. Amani blushed hard and found it hard to get a word out. Finally, the king started to speak, "Y- you really think just because you are strong you will be allowed to marry my daughter?! A cross marriage between two kingdoms from opposite sides of the world as well?! I only have one heir so she will be queen HERE. There's no way you're family will be ok with their only male offspring being married off to some other kingdom!"

"I don't care! I love Amani with everything I have to offer, she's the reason why I'm here. The reason why I felt normal to her was because she saw me for who I truly was and not a monster who wasn't born with magic!" Yin clenching his fists till they bled, his heart truly betrayed him at the right moment after beating the strongest.

"You're right, my family wouldn't agree to this, that's why I'm giving up my title as heir and giving it to my sister, Durandal. After we graduated maybe we can head to a small village and live there for the rest of our lives." He knew he was making the right decision but question remains, will he accept Yin for who is he?

The king paused and took some time for thought. Above all he should consider his daughter's happiness. He thought about how Cyprus could make a fine replacement when the time calls for. He couldn't find any real objects to the stance that Yin had. "Fine! Yin Pendragon I, Conrad Roya, Grant you the permission to wed Amani Roya when the time calls for it." Amani was real red now, she couldn't believe this was happening, now of all times.

Yin eyes gleamed in joy to see that his request was granted, it truly was a day to remember. "I promise to protect her with my life!" he said bowing with great joy. He wrapped his arms around Amani waist and leaned toward slowly, his face was a blushing disaster but he went through with the passion kiss he delivered to his betrothed.

Amani was completely caught off guard by Yin's lips meeting hers, much like she was this entire situation. It was clear he wasn't experienced with the varying levels of intensity as his mouth presses into hers, but she didn't dislike it. She felt a rush she never experienced in the past which made her panic slightly before waving it off. Trying not to have him do all the work, she began to kiss him back.

To be continued