
The Blades of the Fated Heroes

In the world Eolorial, a world of legends, myths, and even things that not even the world comprehends faces crisis created by eight powerful beings that no god or concept can kill no matter how much they tried. Yin Pendragon, a Royal of the Pendragon family, he was a curse to this world, a world where magic exists in all shapes and forms. His true goal is to find what's important to him and become a hero just like the First Genesis which are the first heroes who stopped the Fallen 12, a enormous group of gods, demons, valkyries, and etc. They caused many destruction and calamity where ever they went, despair covered the world until eight heroes join the phase and defeated them leaving peace for the worlds, realms, and all of existence. After 45 million years later, the same enemy returns from defeat and planning revenge against the existence that wrought them of their glory. Can Yin and the new generation of heroes stand up to this threat? You find out in the story.

Arngrim_Asura · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 2

The Royal Academy Arc

Episode 3: Meeting Wander Nozu

Date: February 13th, NE567

Deep within the Fate Plane forest, the carriage moving slow so the time estimate would take 2 days to arrive at the academy, Yin was reading a book on sword style he created but couldn't seem to master it, his thought transformed into battle ideas into creative art style. He couldn't sleep after that nightmare, he felt mentally scared to the point he only focused on his book.

Amani was looking in her bag to find something to do when she noticed she packed up her split weapon from before. She decided to confront Yin about it "Hey, my weapon snapped the last time we sparred. You think there's someone who can fix it on the way there?"

Yin looked at her before putting his hand on his chin, thinking softly. Though he probably don't wanted to go there and said with a calm yet serious tone. "Very well, we'll head to the Land of Dawn. It's where all the blacksmiths live and create many weapons. But it will take about a day to get there seeing how far we are from Rize City."

The carriage start to veer off from its original trail and headed for the Land of Dawn. After 24 hours of a rocky trip they arrived at the Land of Dawn in an attempt to find a blacksmith skilled enough to fix a weapon split in two. Amani got out of the carriage and immediately started to ask the locals of a guy who would do it for a good price.

Yin hopped out of the carriage, he looked up at the sky seeing it was clear blue instead of red.

'I always hated when I looked up at the sky' He thought coldly thinking about if what he saw was real or not.

The land of the dawn was better then what story's told as it was the perfect mix of magic and machine. The city was incredibly large as it seemed like there wasn't a blacksmith insight

"Are you looking for a certain blacksmiths?"  A old women said calling out Amani hearing her talk to the other town's people. "I know a young boy who tops all blacksmith and I can tell you." The old women pointed to the center of the city as there was a incredibly large building as the women spoke again

"Go there and you will find the out best blacksmiths over there...you might even find the boy in mentioning."

Amani looks over and is fascinated by the size of the infrastructure, only noticing it now.

"Right, thank you. Come on Yin move it" As they near the middle of the town she takes her scythe out of her bag as they start to see the monument in a more personal fashion.

Yin shook his head, smiling softly at his best friend. "You go on, I'll stay here and wait." He said looking around the village, the place was huge compared to most places he been which were  the valley forge which is known for its dangerous reality shiftiness. "Where do you think we can find a blacksmith in a crowd like this!? Damn it I should've asked the lady for one of the blacksmith's name."

"Maybe I should have warned her that the boy is a little....different when it comes to his work. To be honest he's not exactly from this land and for that everyone shuns him...they are somewhat afraid as well." the elderly women said walking off. The thing about this land it was peaceful yet heavily fortified it seemed like it could survive a 1000 year war by the way it was protected.

While looking around for people who she can work with Amani stumbles upon a boy working by himself. The first thing she noticed is that the boy had dark skin and orange markings all over his bare body, his black hair to match. Unlike the other blacksmith he has no crowd around him asking his for things to fix. Remembering what the old women said she thought to herself.

'Hm? Is this the boy she was talking about? Great I finally found someone.'

Amani walked up to the boy and asked-

"Hey are you busy at all? I was wondering if you could fix my weapon, maybe even improve it?'


"Since your talking to me I'm gonna guess your from outside the lands" I said as he finished up making a dagger . It looked sharp and shined liked gold yet it was made out of copper. He placed it down not even turning to look at whoever was talking to him.

"Perfect..." I muttered while placing it down not even turning to look at whoever was talking to me.

"What do you mean, Since you're talking to me? In any case, yes, I'm not from here. Does it really matter though? Business is business." The girl said in annoyed tone.

I smirked at that response as I pointed to the front of my shop "There's the answer to your question." There was carving and marks with words spewing hate and fear all over. "But your answer made me smile so I'll fix ,build and upgrade whatever you want free of charge for today" I said turning around.

The girl glanced over at the shop sign with a disappointed look at her face. She then looked back at me, extending a scythe split in two and battered.

"Much thanks, I don't know what you have done, but I'll take free stuff any day if the week. Do you mind if I at least treat you to some cuisine later with a buddy of mine?"

I took both pieces of the scythe as I began to observe it. "I don't like to get too much into it but...let's just say I'm different." I said picking up a old wrench. "While I'm working on this I need to ask some questions so I can make it better then new."

"Not gonna tell me... we'll it's your story. Ask away" she replied.

"Well let's start with the basics...can you use magic?" I asked as I opened up a pot containing lava in it. "And if you can what type can you use...."

"Yes I can use magic. Magic affinities include Mental magic and physics magic. Why do you need the info?"

"Because I'm not just some normal blacksmith." I said pulling out a bottle with a silver liquid. "I'm a artificer."  I dropped both the scythe pieces and the bottle into the magma.

"Thats amazing


Wouldn't you need magic of that type to power it efficiently though?"

"Yup!" I said slamming my hand down into the burning magma. "That what makes me different from everyone else here...I have magic"

The girl looked as if she wanted to say something, but kept it to herself.  "Hmm, a blacksmith that uses magic? Say, what is your name? I'm sure someone with magic can get a more paying job, especially with the level you are at."

"The names wander." I said pulling out the lava with my bare hands as I began to form the handle part of your scythe.

"And I don't care for the money I'm just doing this because I like it but I do need to pay for things sadly." I said chuckling as I looked back at the girl "You also said  physics magic right?"

"Nice to meet you Wander. And yes, physics magic." I placed the handle in water as steam went into the air. I pulled out what seemed to just be a dull piece of metal. "Since you know mines what's yours?"

"Oh where are my manners. I'm Amani-"

The girl paused for a second.

"-Roya. Yeah. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Nice to meet you roya!" I said sharping the blade as I covered it with the liquid from the bottle. "And just like that your scythe is better then knew." I said fixing it up making it look like the scythe just got made.

"Ah thank you again. I know you kinda ignored it, but my offer from before still stands if you want to take a break and grab a bite.."

"Well I'm not one to say no to free food so sure." I said tossing the scythe to Roya. "I haven't eaten in a while so yeah"

Roya's eyes lit up, "Great! Wait at, uhh" Roya looked around for a diner that looked high class, her eyes locked on one of them.

"That one! I'll be back soon so just wait for me! I need to grab a friend!" She sprinted away after saying those words.


Yin who was out in the iron forest looking for rare material for a new weapon he needed. "Ironite, a rare material which was said to even endure a god's mercy if needed. If I can find it then I can use it for my katana to increase power and speed to my sword style." He whispered to himself digging next to a withering tree.

Amani, new scythe on hip, was running around places she'd think to find Yin, constantly yelling out his name in the process-

"Yiiinnnn! Yin where are you!"

Yin flinched from the sound of a constant yelling Amani causing him to drop the shovel and ran straight back to the carriage, dusting off his clothes to look completely innocent.

She sounds so scary right now

He thought, sweating beads thinking of what happens if he saw her face to face when she's pissed.

Amani saw the small figure rushing towards her location and she waved at it. "Yo Yin! Where were you? Ah it doesn't matter, we're going to get some food let's go!" Rubbing her stomach and pointing to the restaurant as she said it.

The red hair male looked at her and tilted her head in confusion. "Do you know where we're going?"  He asked with his eyes piecing into hers.

"Yes yes just follow me." Leading him to the location she pointed at before.

Yin only followed her to the the restaurant not saying a word, it seemed something was on his mind that he didn't want to say anything about it.

Amani opened the doors to the diner. The place was shining, it had beautiful large pillars and such all over the dining area. A waiter came to greet them. When Amani stated her name the waiters eyes widened as she sat the two down at a long table with only one other person on it. Immediately, before they could settle down, waiters came to get the orders for the group.

"What drinks would you like ma'am?" Amani quickly responded, "I'm still thinking, ask someone else."

Yin looked at the waiter and ordered his water, he looked at Amani leaning over the table. "I think you should have chose a undercover name so no one would recognize you." He whispered before chopping her head with his left hand. He then sat down and looked at the menu seeing so many tasty names. Soon later he decided to try out their blueberry pie, it looked tasty but when he tried, his faces turned green and he spat it out. "This apple pie is disgusting!!"

"This apple pie is amazing!" I said as it overheard the person next to me as I looked over with a slight glare ".....tch" Wander decided to ignore the other one as he ate some more but then needed a drink as he grabbed my cup "BLEH....this is disgusting!" he blurted out.

Yin looked over at the boy next to him and glared daggers at him. "This is worse than what I had back at Night moon inn..!" He looked at the black hair guy and laughed at him for being stupid. "That's what you get! Hahaha!!"

"Tch brat..." Wander grumbled taking a bottle and poring the same liquid "If you wana act like that then you try it." He said glaring at the yin sliding a cup over as he secretly poured Tabasco sauce in it to make it spicy.

"With pleasure!"

He didn't hesitate to chugged the drink down not tasting a thing for a while "...!" In a instant  Yin was spitting out flames from what Wander put in the drink "WHAT THE HELL?!" he thought as he glared at the boy.

Wander looked away snickering as he glared back at Yin with a smirk "Heh ain't so high and might now huh." He said smirking as he finished his apple pie.

Yin finish spitting out the drink pissed as he decided to ignore Wander for now as he spoke to the man in the front. "Hey I'll take 10 pieces of meat!" He said with a smile.


"And I'll take 20 of those tasty apple pies!" Wander said one up-Ing Yin as he smirked thinking he won and got the last laugh.

"I'll take 30 of them!!" Yin shoved his hand in Wander's face as he lean over the counter.

"Scratch that I'll take 50!" He said pushing Yin's head down as he made a five with his hand.

"Hey hey-"

Yin body temperature rose higher as he slammed the boy head onto the counter. "I'll take 100 of them!!"

"I'll take 150!" He said as his orange marks glowed

"I'll all of THEM!!!!" He shouted as his pupil turned slit.

"I'LL BUY THE ENTIRE BAR!" He yelled back glaring at Yin.

"You wanna fight!" He said in sync with the Wander as flames burst from his mouth.

"You wanna fight!" He also said in sync with Yin as he had his fist covered in magma in a punching position.

As the waiters were prancing around not knowing what's about to ensue, Amani promptly got up from her chair-

"What the hell are you guys doing!"

As she grabs their faces, smushing their cheeks together. "Not only am I paying for both of you, and therefore can't have to buying stuff over 2 silver coins, but you guys also are FIGHTING IN A PRIVATE ESTABLISHMENT!" Amani screamed as dropped off a silver coin to the waiters and threw the boys outside... along with herself a few moments later.


Yin felt so much pain after his cheek was slammed into Wander's.

'Who knew a female possesses this much strength! She's like a gorilla!' He thought rubbing his cheek. Wander was caught off guard as he was slammed into yin's cheek. 'Fucking hell is she a forest beast for something!' Wander thought as he was thrown out the bar by the girl.

"You know you two should get along, I think you guys are alike in some ways." Amani stated, pointing at the two of them.

"You know him?" He asked pointing to yin "Oi brat what's your name? He said to Yin. "My name is Lyra Mistral." He replied making up a fake new that was easy to remember.

"Lyra huh....the names Wander." he said as a waiter brought out a large pack of apple pies to Wander.

"Oh yea! Yin, Wander here fixed up my weapon. So when you are ready we can continue going to Rize."

"Let's get going already, gorilla woman.." Yin said still rubbing his cheeks.

"Pfft!" Wander looked away trying to hold in a laugh from what Yin said.




"You know, I'm a lot calmer than you guys, so I'm going to pretend nothing came from your mouth and completely forget about it" Amani said with a face entirely contradictory of what she just mentioned. Then she remembered why she invited Wander to the restaurant in the first place.

"Say, Wander, you're about 15 right? You're pretty proficient in magic, and this city isn't too far away from Rize... What do you think about coming with us?"

"...No don't make him come with us!!" Yin said bowing down to Amani as he was praying that he didn't come with them. He had a lot to talk about with her, he didn't know why he felt his heart race for her.

"I would like to but I can't just go up and leave...this is my home after." He chucking at Yin's reaction "See even he agrees I shouldn't come."

Some town's people listened to the conversation as they all knew one thing...Wander did wanna go but he stayed to protect them.

"...Disappointing, but it's alright. I guess I'll see you later Wander."

She said as she waved to him, starting to move towards the carriage, still a little dazed from Yin's reaction to the idea.

Yin followed behind her, he was acting like a bodyguard to her. "Let's get going..."

"See y'all around!" he said picking up his apple pies and walking off  "It's...for the best anyways." he said sighing as some of the townsfolk secretly sneaked to his workshop.

In the Sealed Universe

The space creature noticed the distortion in the universe from it's massive power, it only roared in delight to see the seal getting ready to disappear soon.

"Soon the twelve fallen Gods will have our revenge on those who wrought us of our victory!!"  The creature let out a loud roar to the point everything was shaking in the sealed universe.


To be continued ➡️