
The Blades of the Fated Heroes

In the world Eolorial, a world of legends, myths, and even things that not even the world comprehends faces crisis created by eight powerful beings that no god or concept can kill no matter how much they tried. Yin Pendragon, a Royal of the Pendragon family, he was a curse to this world, a world where magic exists in all shapes and forms. His true goal is to find what's important to him and become a hero just like the First Genesis which are the first heroes who stopped the Fallen 12, a enormous group of gods, demons, valkyries, and etc. They caused many destruction and calamity where ever they went, despair covered the world until eight heroes join the phase and defeated them leaving peace for the worlds, realms, and all of existence. After 45 million years later, the same enemy returns from defeat and planning revenge against the existence that wrought them of their glory. Can Yin and the new generation of heroes stand up to this threat? You find out in the story.

Arngrim_Asura · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 1

Episode 2: The beginning of Heroes

Arc: Rize Academy

10 years later

Date: February 12th, NE567

In the Pendragon Kingdom Capital called Night Moon, The Royal twins had left the castle to explore the city, unknown of the dangers it come as being royalty. "Yin! Are you sure we're supposed to be out here?" A pointy ear teenage girl asked, her body mature to some point but couldn't rival their mother, her red hair going down to her bottom of her butt, she stood at 5'6, her soft dark golden-red eyes looking at her brother. Yin who stood at five foot looked up at his sister, his red hair longer to the back of his knees, he still had a mix of black with his red color of his hair, that his bangs were covering his left eye. He still had his feminine face which could easily say that he was a female.

"We have to start exploring if we want to go anywhere." He said brightly to his sister assuring her.

Durandal was still worried of the danger that might be lurking in such a peace for city such as this once though she hated Yin for ruining her reputation as a princess she had to keep her fake happiness. "I think we should go back" She couldn't help but be careful of her surroundings, Yin sighed softly at his sister "Let's go home then." He didn't want to put her in danger making right decisions was what he wanted to do but he couldn't help but feel empty that he couldn't go exploring. Then he realized that he was supposed to train with Amani before leaving the kingdom.

In the Pendragon Kingdom's training grounds a teenage girl is seen tapping her foot on the ground repeatedly. She has long flowing brown hair going down a little past her elbows which are covered by a light jacket. Her red skirt, reaching down to her knees is complimented by opaque black tights running all the way up her legs.

Her body shape resembles that of a human when ignoring the pupils of her eyes displaying a cross like symbol representing her lineage. 

Oh and... she is visibly annoyed.


'Ugh what is taking so long. He was the one who asked me to spar one more time before we go to Rize Academy.


Rize Academy huh. Is Yin gonna be ok over there? If the teachers treat him differently his education will tank, maybe he can hide his magic from the school.

Ahh stop thinking about Yin, I should be thinking about myself. I don't think I'll have too much of a problem over there, although studying will suck...




About time he shows up'


Yin showed up with a smile on his face, he was wearing a long-sleeved, high-collared white tunic over an undershirt, a pair of gloves, knee-length black pants, and black boots. This outfit is a bit more formal like a uniform with the both of his katana scabbards on his back.

'Crap hope I didn't make her wait long!' he thought nervously scratching the back of his head.



"Sorry I'm late Amani, I didn't mean to make you wait this long" It's been 10 years since he befriended her and never cared one bit about how others thought about their relationship together.

'Soon I'm going to reach the top one way or the other! Just watch me, the whole world will know me as the boy who started from the bottom made it to the top.'

He thought positively, he won't let anything stop him from reaching his goal.

Yin started at the wood katana catching it with just his bare hand, he knew that this battle might go two ways.

"I'm sorry, I really am. Besides, you're acting like I'm always late for everything." He said looking at the scythe, his confidence drawing to the point he was about to give up.

'Yep she's going to kill me!' he thought looking left and right for an escape route.

"How about we just start already?!" He jumped up into the air using only his leg muscles.

Amani tactically dashed at Yin attempting to reach him through her longer reach, positioning the weapon in front of him to cover his landing. "How are you gonna survive in Rize Academy if you can't even make it to a meeting as important as this! What were you doing anyway?!"

"I thought that was obvious! I'm going to do a dive attack!" Yin said smiling raising the wooden katana in the air, he exhaled flames like a dragon should, his sword covered in dragon flames.

[Flame Dragon Arts: Inferno King Slash] he thought of his first technique. He then delivers a heavy vertical slash once close enough burning the area.

This technique was developed by watching adventurers enhanced their swords with enchantments, I'm so lucky I created my sword style'

Amani's scythe burst into flames when coming in contact with Yin, the Roya pouted. "Fire with wood weapons? That doesn't seem very fair"

She hopped back while accumulating water on the top of her fingers to quickly stop the fire from spreading.

"I'm gonna use everything I have Yin, prepare yourself" Amani dashed at Yin once again, only this time wielding the weapon in one hand and the other channeling mana.

[Physical Element: Friction Destruction] The level of friction in a 10 meter area was cut in half, making it harder to grip the ground and weapons

Yin only nodded, his body pulsing from the technique he just used. 'Don't tell me I still haven't perfected the sword style yet?' he thought as the ground under him was cut from her ability.

"Nice try but this battle was decided the moment you used that move!" He gripped the wooden weapon increasing his body temperature to the point he was becoming a ball of flame.

[Flame Dragon Arts: Rage of the Fire Dragon] Yin bends down slightly and jumps, turning his sword in an downward motion he performs a devastating downward attack while falling to the ground that can reach her.

Amani smirks when she seems him lift of floor. Not having much time, she slides to the right of Yin while sliding her scythe in between his two arms holding his blade. The momentum of Yin's body clashes with the scythe, snapping it effortlessly, however due to the friction reduction the force of slamming into the scythe with his body counteracts the grip he had with his sword. Causing Yin's blade to fall out of his hands and him to still being airborne.

Yin eyes widened in shocked seeing the sword flying at his hands. He knew that it was his loss despite his legs shaking once he landed. "I accept defeat.." He fell down on his knees breathing heavily, his hand around his throat, feeling his lungs burning from the techniques.

Amani smiles when extends a hand out to Yin for support. "Stop using such hard hitting attacks when you can't grip your weapon correctly, Yin. You should know this by now... But I'll admit, you did a great job Yin, the speed of that last attack was unreal! You'll only get stronger from now on, let's continue to do it together.

***Hours Later***

After the sparing match, Yin couldn't help but feel weak again after training so much, he hasn't gotten any stronger. 'Well I'm off to the academy' He thought grabbing his luggage, he knew his father and mother was waiting for him.

Amani started walking back with Yin, steps in unison. "Sooo, you got a goodbye speech ready for your parents? I'm sure Mrs. Pendragon has one for you" Yin looked at her and smiled softly, he never really thought about a speech. "No, I never really thought about having a speech since I want my departure to be a secret.."  He said looking away nervously still feeling the affects of the techniques.

"Right, don't worry I'm sure they'd understand."

Amani notices Yin's discomfort as he can't keep his head still while walking. She attempts to derail the conversation from being about his family. "Your last technique sure was threatening, you need some painkillers? It's a fairly good distance between here and Rize City."

"No I'll be fine, it's just a little pain that'll go away soon." Yin gave a big smile as he walked out from the back way of the entrance. He ignored the pain while carrying his luggage.

"So are you coming with me or not?" He asked softly as a carriage was there waiting for them.

Amani thought for a second. She never talked with her parents about going to any school. They would most definitely say, "Wait until that moment comes" like they always do. So in Amani's eyes the answer is clear-

"Of course I'm coming, who else would hold you back from those snarky royals."

His eyes showed pure happiness, wrapping his arms around her, fully embracing her into a hug-

"Thank you!" He hopped into the carriage offering her his hand to help her inside.

'I have an amazing best friend anyone could ever want!'

She grabbed his hand and blushed after still processing the embrace. When inside the carriage she looked down at her lap and whispered quietly-

"Your welcome.." As she started to settle down for the ride.

Yin sat down looking out the window waving to the Coach man. "We're ready to go!"

The man nodded whipping the horses with their leashes telling them to move. Yin on the other hand didn't feel happy nor sad about leaving the castle.

'I can't become heir to the Pendragon kingdom..not yet at least, I need to prove myself in order to take the throne.'

***A few minutes later***

Yin opened his eyes to see nothing but red all around him, the sky was red, the clouds red as well? He looked down to see his hands and the ground covered in blood. Bodies all around him, causing him to hold in his puke.

'Where am I?! This isn't a dream! It has to be a nightmare!'

He heard sounds of battling going on in the sky. He looked up to see what looks to be himself wearing a cloak, wielding a strange weapon, he wore a sadistic smile across his bloody face, fighting 12 giant shadows all on his own, tanking tremendous amounts of blows and attacks.

"Give up Dragon of Judgement, you can't win against us, you lost everything-" One of the shadows said before being sent back a few Kilometers.

"I'm not giving up yet! I made a promise to come back home and that's what I'm going to do!!" He charged at them at great speed colliding with each other causing him to wake up in pure fear, looking around his surroundings to see he was in the carriage.

To Be Continued ➡️

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