
The Blackwood Chronicles: The Pendant of Lumos

This book is a series called The Blackwood Chronicles… GENERAL SYPNOSIS Devon Blackwood resurrected from the grave only to discover the truth about the painful part of his past life that was taken away from him by his family - The Blackwoods. A powerful supernatural family and the protectors of the veil. He found out about his ability to cheat death and was left to unravel the mystery behind his father’s murder caused at the hands of his own grandfather. Throughout his arduous quest, he discovered profound insights into his own identity and encountered literal demons that he had to confront and thwart to prevent their entry into the world. Yet, amidst the turmoil, the most bewildering and agonizing question persisted: Who was he truly? THE PENDANT OF LUMOS SYPNOSIS; Devon’s third death was caused by an evil archaeologist after a treasure known to bestow immortality to whoever wields it — The Pendant of Lumos. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Prior to his death, Devon led a relatively obscure existence as Devon Harris, an outcast at school who was shunned by his peers and even abandoned by his girlfriend for someone more accomplished. Despite enduring constant ridicule, insults, and humiliation, Devon had mastered the art of controlling his anger. However, his resurrection thrust him into a world where missing fragments of his life were unveiled, pieces that had been unjustly taken from him. He discovered his true lineage as a Blackwood, one of the heirs to the renowned Blackwood Legacy, a formidable company inhabited by families feared by all. As Devon delved deeper into the revelations of his identity, he found himself locked in a battle against the nefarious archaeologist, Dr. Victor Hades, in a race to safeguard the pendant from falling into the wrong hands. Read to find out….

Faith_Writes · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs


Devon's journey back home was a long and complicated one. Moving out onto the streets, he realized where his body was buried and it wasn't in Crystal Springs where he lived, they took him far toward Solhaven, a perilous town nestled in the heart of shadows, infamous for being a breeding ground for criminals and ne'er-do-wells.

It exists as a place where lawlessness and danger permeate the very air, casting an ominous pall over the community.

And Devon knew that because the streets of Solhaven are lined with dilapidated buildings, their cracked appearance bearing witness to the hardships endured by its residents.

Dark alleys and narrow passages snake through the town, providing perfect hideouts for those seeking to evade the authorities.

The criminal underworld holds sway in this town, with organized gangs and ruthless syndicates exerting control over illicit activities such as smuggling, theft, and illicit trade.

Devon had to admit that he was scared for his life. The worst time to be out in Solhaven was at nightfall, cause it brings an eerie transformation to the town. One can never tell what could come out and bite you.

Devon cautiously navigated the treacherous streets of Solhaven, his senses heightened as he ventured through the darkened labyrinth of this notorious town.

Fear clung to him like a cloak, casting long shadows across his path as he anxiously sought a hiding place for the night, yearning to return to the safety of his home by morning, even though he knew what awaited him there.

However, it was still better than being in a place like Solhaven at night.

The dimly lit alleys seemed to whisper with secrets, their eerie silence broken only by distant echoes of muffled conversations and the occasional scuffle. He knew he wasn't out alone and could only hope he wasn't caught.

Every step he took echoed with a sense of unease, his heart pounding in his chest as he darted glances over his shoulder, wary of unseen dangers lurking in the shadows.

The flickering streetlights, their feeble glow struggling against the encroaching darkness, offered little solace to Devon. The flickering shadows they cast danced eerily along the crumbling walls of decaying buildings, amplifying his sense of vulnerability. Graffiti-covered walls served as a testament to the lawlessness that pervaded the streets.

As Devon hurried along, he sought shelter within the narrow doorways of abandoned structures, their broken windows and sagging roofs offering temporary respite from the menacing night. Each hiding spot he discovered became a fleeting sanctuary, a place where he could catch his breath and gather his wits before pressing forward.

As Devon continued his cautious journey, he suddenly felt a force pulling him towards an alley, eliciting a startled yelp. Reacting swiftly, he pushed the person away and turned to face them. It was a girl around his age, her index finger pressed against her lips in a hushed gesture.

Recognizing the urgency in her actions, Devon followed the girl's lead and sought refuge beside her, hiding from the sounds that echoed in the distance. The girl's eyes met his, and she whispered softly, "Come with me."

With little choice but to trust her, Devon nodded silently, and together they stealthily made their way out of the alley, cautiously avoiding the armed men who had gathered. Their path led them to a nearby house, where the girl skillfully unlocked the door and extended an invitation for Devon to enter.

But the moment she closed her door, a sharp voice cut through the air, calling out, "OLIVIA!"

Startled, Olivia froze in her tracks, her heart sinking as she laid eyes on her furious mother. "Oh. Oh, Mother, you're awake," she murmured, her voice tinged with a mixture of guilt and trepidation.

Martha, Olivia's mother, approached her with wide eyes, the worry etched on her face quickly transforming into anger. "Do you want to be the death of me?! You know very well that being outside at this hour is dangerous! Do you have a death wish?!"

Caught between her mother's scathing words and the presence of Devon, Olivia stole a glance at him, unsure of how to respond to her mother's furious tirade.

She lowered her gaze, feeling a mixture of shame, fear, and uncertainty swirling within her, uncertain of how to navigate this tense moment with her mother.

Martha's gaze was fixed on Devon as she posed a question with suspicion etched on her face. "And who is this guy?" she inquired, her frown deepening.

Olivia glanced at Devon and then back at her mother, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. "I don't know, Mom. I just found him and brought him here. It looks like he's been through something terrible," she explained, her gaze shifting to Devon's bloodied shirt and disheveled appearance.

Devon nodded awkwardly, caught in the uneasy exchange between Olivia and her mother.

"I'm Devon Harris. It's a pleasure to meet both of you," he introduced himself, attempting to ease the tension.

Martha continued to scrutinize the young boy, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. "And what happened to you?" she pressed, her gaze unwavering. "You better not be one of those troublemaking kids involved in a dangerous gang, or I'll have no choice but to show you the door right now."

Devon vehemently shook his head in response and replied, "No, I... I just found myself here. I was, uh... I was..." He paused, searching for the right words to explain his situation. "I was kidnapped," he finally managed to say.

Olivia stepped forward to face Devon, her brows furrowing with concern. "Kidnapped? From where?" she inquired, her voice filled with curiosity.

"Crystal Springs," Devon asserted, his voice tinged with unease.

A look of shock washed over Olivia's face as she processed the information. "Crystal Springs in Lumina? That's quite a distance from Solhaven, my friend. You've been taken far away from your home. It's approximately 600 miles away," she revealed, her eyes widening in realization.

Devon nodded, acknowledging the truth of Olivia's statement. "Yes, I know," he admitted, his voice tinged with a mix of resignation and determination. "I managed to escape from my captors," he lied, casting a glance at Martha and Olivia. "And now, I just want to go back home... to my mom, who is probably worried sick about me."

Martha nodded empathetically. "In the morning, we can take you to the nearest bus stop," she offered, extending her assistance to Devon.

Curiosity gleamed in Olivia's eyes as she inquired, "Who kidnapped you?"

Devon's gaze met Olivia's, and a mix of anger and deduction flickered in his eyes. He knew exactly who was responsible for his ordeal – Dr. Victor Hades, and his son, Jensen who played a pivotal role in the tragedy.

When he gets back home, Jensen better brace himself. Let's see how they will react to seeing a dead person come to life, even though he wondered it himself.

"He probably doesn't know, Olivia," Martha interjected, perceiving the need for Devon to rest. "The boy clearly needs time to recuperate. Follow me, Devon. I'll prepare a warm bath for you," she offered, departing from the conversation.

Olivia's curiosity remained unabated as she continued to regard Devon with keen interest.

"Thanks for helping me." Devon expressed his gratitude to Olivia for her assistance.

Olivia nonchalantly shrugged, her demeanor exuding a sense of self-assurance. "Well, I've been a resident of this town my entire life, so I'm well acquainted with its every corner. Consider yourself fortunate," she boasted, striding over to a nearby couch and taking a seat.

Curiosity sparked within Devon as he settled onto the couch opposite hers. He couldn't help but wonder why anyone would choose to stay in a place as inhospitable as Solhaven.

With genuine interest, he posed his question to Olivia. "I've always wondered why people would want to remain in a town like this. What keeps them here?"

"Some people's lives are intertwined with this town, Devon. Not everyone has the means or opportunities to escape, just like my mom and me," Olivia explained with a hint of sadness. Recalling her late father, she continued, "When my father was alive, he promised that after completing a crucial assignment, he would take us away from here. But tragically, that assignment ended his life."

"Oh. I'm sorry –"

Olivia shook her head, indicating her gradual acceptance of the loss. "Although it hasn't been long, I'm slowly adapting. My father was an honorable and dedicated police officer, one of the few who genuinely sought to apprehend criminals and bring about change in Solhaven. Unfortunately, it proved to be an impossible task. It was a fight beyond one man's capacity."

Curiosity still lingering, Devon inquired, "Do you know who was responsible?"

Olivia's gaze shifted, reflecting a mix of sorrow and frustration.

Olivia blinked in surprise, her gaze fixed on Devon. "There's a name that was frequently on my father's lips—Victor Hades. I did some research and discovered he was an archaeologist."

Devon's eyebrows furrowed, intrigued by this unexpected revelation.

"I believe this man holds significant influence here in Solhaven. Otherwise, my father wouldn't have been so invested in him. However, delving deeper into the truth felt like signing my own death warrant," Olivia revealed with a tinge of sorrow in her voice.

Curiosity piqued, Devon inquired, "Is that why you venture out at night?"

A soft chuckle escaped Olivia's lips as she replied, "The walls have ears, you know. I was hoping to make use of that fact."

Amusement danced in Devon's eyes, but before he could respond, Martha appeared and informed him that his bath was ready.

Expressing gratitude towards Olivia and her mother, Devon proceeded to take a refreshing bath, donning a new set of clothes that Olivia had provided, which belonged to her late father.

Settling down on the couch, Devon's mind dwelled on Olivia's revelation about Victor Hades. It seemed like the only plausible explanation for why he had been buried in Solhaven. After all, if he were reported missing, the authorities would least suspect this notorious town—a perfect hiding spot for a concealed body.

As weariness washed over him, Devon surrendered to the embrace of sleep, and a whirlwind of fragmented memories surged forth, engulfing his subconscious mind…