
The Blackwood Chronicles: The Pendant of Lumos

This book is a series called The Blackwood Chronicles… GENERAL SYPNOSIS Devon Blackwood resurrected from the grave only to discover the truth about the painful part of his past life that was taken away from him by his family - The Blackwoods. A powerful supernatural family and the protectors of the veil. He found out about his ability to cheat death and was left to unravel the mystery behind his father’s murder caused at the hands of his own grandfather. Throughout his arduous quest, he discovered profound insights into his own identity and encountered literal demons that he had to confront and thwart to prevent their entry into the world. Yet, amidst the turmoil, the most bewildering and agonizing question persisted: Who was he truly? THE PENDANT OF LUMOS SYPNOSIS; Devon’s third death was caused by an evil archaeologist after a treasure known to bestow immortality to whoever wields it — The Pendant of Lumos. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Prior to his death, Devon led a relatively obscure existence as Devon Harris, an outcast at school who was shunned by his peers and even abandoned by his girlfriend for someone more accomplished. Despite enduring constant ridicule, insults, and humiliation, Devon had mastered the art of controlling his anger. However, his resurrection thrust him into a world where missing fragments of his life were unveiled, pieces that had been unjustly taken from him. He discovered his true lineage as a Blackwood, one of the heirs to the renowned Blackwood Legacy, a formidable company inhabited by families feared by all. As Devon delved deeper into the revelations of his identity, he found himself locked in a battle against the nefarious archaeologist, Dr. Victor Hades, in a race to safeguard the pendant from falling into the wrong hands. Read to find out….

Faith_Writes · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Returning to school

Devon was all dressed up for school the next day but before leaving his room, he carefully hid his mother's necklace, having a thought that Eliza might want to take it away from him.

He left the room and bounded off the stairs, a small smile appearing on his face as he saw his adorable sister.

Willow Harris is a beautiful sixteen years old girl with an understated elegance that shone through her features and a cascade of chestnut curls that framed her face with a striking shade of bright blue eyes. She has an average height for her age.

She beamed and ran to hug him which he reciprocated almost immediately.

"Where have you been for the past week? You got us all worried." Willow expressed.

Devon pushed her while holding her arms as confusion engulfed him. "Did you just say 'past week'?" He questioned.

Willow nodded and answered, "Yeah. Parker also came to look for you but no one knew where you went. I thought you ran away."

Devon blinked and looked at Eliza who just kept herself focused on arranging the dining table whilst stealing glances at him from time to time.

"Is this true? Was I gone for one week?" He asked her.

Eliza sighed and looked at him. "That's a tricky question, Devon. Shouldn't you know that you were gone for a week?"

Devon stared at her without a thought in mind, before finally digesting the words. Has he been dead for a week? Although he remembered he was locked up for two days before his demise.

Eliza spared him a glance and decided to ask the throbbing question in her mind. "Where have you been? How did you find out the truth?"

Devon glared at her before looking away. "I'm heading out now. I'm pretty sure I've got a lot of explanation to give as to why I've been gone for a week." Devon stated before walking out.

Arriving at school, known as Lumina High School, which Devon always called his hell, he put a face cap on to avoid being the subject of gossip or scrutinizing gazes.

Without choice, he went to his school teacher and gave a fabricated explanation as to why he was gone for a while before he could fully start his classes for the day.

"Okay, you guys, just so you know, Devon Harris is back to school. Why don't you take that cap off, Devon?" The teacher told him.

Devon nodded and took his cap off.

Jensen Hades' eyes widened in shock at the sight of Devon, his heart skipping painfully. "What?" He muttered to himself, looking like someone staring at a ghost while Glenda let out a sigh of relief.

Parker Jenkins, Devon's best friend was also surprised to see him and as Devon went back to his seat, he tried gaining his attention, "Psst. Devon! Where have you been, Man?"

"Parker, no talking. After class, you can reunite with your friend." The teacher warned and began his classes.

Parker straightened up with a nod and an awkward smile, beginning to feel eager to leave the class.

After the class was over, Devon left the class absorbed in his own thoughts. He was sure he didn't even hear anything his teacher was saying.

As Parker ran after him, Jensen remained in the class, looking at Devon in confusion. Ever since he saw Devon, he's been out of his mind. His whole body has been restless.

"There's something wrong." He blinked and looked at his two friends who could also sense it. "Devon is meant to be dead."

"Obviously," Lance affirmed with a fearful expression. "I thought your dad took care of him."

"Yeah, how is he still alive, Jensen?" Dave questioned in a serious tone.

"Beats me. My dad needs to hear about this." Jensen affirmed.

"Hey, Devon, gee, wait for me!" Jensen hollered as he ran after Devon.

Devon bumped into a young lady due to the fact that he was not looking and he gasped in shock as he saw who she was. "I'm so sorry, Stacy. I'm really sorry."

Stacy frowned at him with narrowed eyes. Her head tilted in a weird manner as if she was studying him. "There's something different about you now." She said in an odd voice.

"What?" Devon blurted out.

Then Parker chimed in, "Of course, there's something different about him. He went missing and is back whole and hearty." He joked with a grin, while looking at Stacy with awe in his eyes.

Stacy blinked and looked at the both of them weirdly before looking around to see eyes staring at her. She lowered her gaze and walked away.

Parker let out a disappointed sigh and walked in front of Devon. "What the hell is wrong with you? Most importantly, where have you been?"

Parker Jenkins, also around eighteen years of age, possesses a cheerful and lively disposition that lights up any room.

With an average height, Parker stands at around 5 feet 8 inches, his jovial nature is reflected in his warm, sparkling blue eyes that radiate with a playful and inviting charm and his black hair is slightly tousled in a carefree manner.

"It's a long story," Devon told him. "But first, I've got somewhere to be."

"Where?" Parker asked.

"The Haven."