I am being followed by a monster, putting everyone's lives in danger everywhere I go. A rogue in hiding. I don't want to be killed so I live every day on the run. When will this nightmare end?
The next morning after the party,
"What the hell are you thinking," Trevor smashed Lucien into the wall gripping his collar tightly. He was thrown back at a tremendous force by Lucien. He crashed onto his wood piece table and it crushed under his weight. Trevor staggered to an upward stance blood trickled down his down and he wiped it off in one clean swipe.
Lucien glowered at him his eyes looking dead and sullen. Trevor knew he wasn't in his right senses so he was determined to bring him back. He grunted about to advance at him again the door flew open and in came Lenora with the mansion guards. They trouped in after her surrounding entrance of the room. Lenora made her way to Lucien's side, her hands grazing the gnash on his cheeks. She turned looking at Trevor with her fiery gaze, " you harmed your alpha," she stated,