
The Black Wizard

In a new fantasy realm, Cain finds himself reborn as the son of a high-ranking Marquis. Hoping to become a Holy Knight and live his life in peace, he is shocked to discover the existence of a group known as wizards, whom even the strongest Holy Knights pale in comparison to. Follow Cain's journey as he sets out to become a dark wizard, determined to ascend to the pinnacle of this world. .............................. As a new writer, this is my first novel, and as a non-English speaker, there might be some errors so please bear with it. Thanks.

Lucifer_Arcnine · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 2

Coming to the dining room, Cain sat down at his seat. There were only him, his father, and mother at the long table. His father was a man with a sturdy build having black hair and black eyes, while his mother was a beautiful woman with red hair and green eyes. His brother (16 years old) was away at the borders gaining experience with his grandfather, and his sister (18 years old) was already married to another Marquis family, the Silvet family.

"Well Cain, what do you want to do after reaching adulthood?" asked his father.

Listening to his father's voice, Cain fell into contemplation. According to common noble customs, the eldest son usually becomes the head of the family, regardless of his talents, and he will not have the opportunity to become head until.some unexpected happens to his brother.

Although he was reborn, being with his new family for 11 years had made him attached to them and he didn't really has a strong desire towards becoming head of Ravenclaw family. So, after thinking for a while, he replied, "Well, I'm thinking about becoming a free knight and trying to become a holy knight one day."

Knowing his son's talent, Craig thought for a while before asking seriously, "Cain, if given a choice, would you prefer to have more power even at the expense of losing your life, or would you prefer the current status?"

"Craig, but he i-"

"Let him choose for himself, Leone," Craig interrupted the worried Leone.

Listening to his father's words and sensing his mother's worry, Cain pondered for a while. Looking up at his father, he asked, "What kind of power are you talking about, father?"

"Power strong enough to make even a holy knight subservient, but also has fatal risks involved" Craig explained.

Seeing the thoughtful look on his son's face, Craig added, "Cain, if you want to give it a try, come to my study room at 9 in the morning." With that, Craig got up and left.

"Mother, what is the power that father keeps mentioning?" asked Cain.

"Cain, this is knowledge that only some big nobles in our empire know, and even if you don't go to your father tomorrow, you will eventually learn about it."

Seeing Cain's thoughtful look, Leone knew she couldn't affect his decision but still went on, "Even if you decide to visit tomorrow, it may not be certain that you will be able to obtain that power, so don't be too hasty about your choice, as I have seen many people lose their lives because of it."

After having his dinner, Cain went to his room. While lying on his bed, he thought about all the things his parents had said to him. But, considering how powerful his cheat is and how much power matters, he resolved to give his best to obtain that power. If he can't obtain it even with his cheat, then he will really be ashamed of himself.

While Cain was contemplating, in another room, Leone was angrily questioning Craig.

"Why did you tell him about it? Don't you know how many people have died chasing after that power, only to never return?"

Looking at the angry and sad Leone, Craig sighed and said, "Don't you know about his talent? In at most 10-15 years, he will be the same sky knight as me, and then knowing about it will only make him resent us for not telling him about it."


"No 'buts.' Don't you know why no one except the major royal family was able to become a holy knight? So it is best for him to give it a try first, as we don't even know if he has the talent for 'it.'"

While sad and angry, Leone couldn't refute him. She couldn't do anything other than pray for the best to come.

The next morning,

With Renna waking him up, Cain got up. Looking at the time, it was about 7 in the morning. Although it was his usual waking time, due to him staying up late at night, he had only been able to get a short amount of sleep. But, thinking of his appointment with his father and learning more about the "power," he quickly got up and went to get refreshed.

After finishing breakfast quickly, he went for some morning training.

After about an hour of hard training, he returned to his room. Checking the time, he found that there was less than 30 minutes until his appointment with his father. After getting ready, he went to his father's study room.

Seeing Cain coming up, the head butler Albert greeted him. Nodding to him, he informed Albert that he was here to meet his father.

After knocking on the door a few times, Craig's voice came from inside, "Come in."

Opening the door and entering, he saw his father writing on some papers that seemed important.

"Oh, you've come, Cain," said Craig in a tone that didn't seem surprised by his decision.

"Now that you're here, let me firstly tell you not to hold too much hope about getting that 'power,' as even sky knights like me and your grandpa were not talented in that field, and the same could be true for you," Craig warned.

"I remember, father," nodded Cain.

"Well, since you're ready, let's introduce you to the reality of this world," said Craig, pressing some buttons on his table that opened a secret door in the floor leading to a dark basement.

"Follow me," he said, descending the stairs.

Seeing him go, Cain also followed him down the stairs, anticipating what he would learn and if he would be able to master that "power."