
Chapter 4

As Cao Yan walked along the way, what he saw was the biggest difference from the earth. He could see a lot of beasts everywhere on the street, beside his owner, and some also acted as mounts.

These beasts are huge or fierce or petite and cute.

"I 'm afraid that this dinosaur and dinosaur are not blood brothers. They are 90% similar. I do n't know what they are called in this world. In addition, these beasts will be on the street at random, even if they are next to their master. event?"

Xun inherited the original body's memory is not complete, some things Cao Yan is not clear, as he walks inquiring about the false system in consciousness.

"The one that looks like a dinosaur is called Greentooth Ground Dragon. It is a type of Warcraft. It has petrified skin and is extremely powerful. These riding beasts that can walk on the street have passed relevant assessments and will not easily lose their reason to attack humans." The fake system replied:

"This Magic City and another nearby Landis Sea City are both cities with prosperous professions, so you can often see all kinds of Warcraft. However, most of these beasts you see are civilians who are imitating Demons. The domesticated Warcraft bought from the pet store, their owners are not real magic pet masters. Real pet masters need special talents, even in big cities like Modu. "

The beasts on the streets were regularly riding by people. Occasionally, spectacles such as flames or water flow appeared during the throughput, which really surprised Cao Yan and had a lot of longing for the profession of the magic pet master.

The World of Warcraft Pavilion is a huge ring-shaped building. There are many people at the door and many visitors.

The so-called exhibition hall, which mostly displays the remains or specimens of Warcraft inside, is used to allow people in this world to learn more about Warcraft and learn relevant knowledge. It is a public welfare place, and access is not restricted.

After Cao Yan arrived, he went directly to the progress hall with the flow of people and began to look for mission targets.

The pavilion is divided into multiple areas, where different types and periods of Warcraft specimens are placed.

Of course, there are also live Warcraft in some exhibition areas.

The modern earth has about nine million different organisms, and the species in ancient times are more abundant than in modern times.

The green jungle world is vibrant, the ocean and land are unpredictable, creating an excellent environment for reproduction, and the richness of species is like the stars in the night sky, countless.

"At present, the world has explored more than 34 million species of organisms, with spinal organisms accounting for 37%, the largest proportion, and elemental life accounting for the least, less than 1% ..."

Entering the venue, there are peaceful female voices ringing from the sound control facility, which can be heard everywhere, and is responsible for explaining some popular science knowledge: "... We have divided the discovered Warcraft into five major levels and 15 small stages. Levels 1-3 respectively The subordinate Warcraft, the elite Warcraft of level 4-6, the lord level of level 7-9, and the king level of level 10-12. According to historical records, there are totem-level warcraft beyond level 12 in the depths of the eternal forest. Legendary mythical creatures ... There are only four magic pet masters in established history. Fortunately, they have signed a totem-level magic pet ... As for whether there is a higher level of Warcraft, no one can give an exact answer ... "

"Subordinates, elites, lords, kings, and totems, each level is divided into three small steps." Cao Yan listened with interest.

很快 He quickly followed the flow of people into a particularly large exhibition hall.

"The World of Warcraft displayed in this exhibition area is special, and many of them are unique levels of Warcraft orphanages, that is, unique species among the types of Warcraft found at the current stage. During the visit, you must pay attention not to touch ..." The electronic voice reminded you Taboo.

As soon as Cao Yangang walked into the progress hall, he was secretly surprised, and he saw a huge Warcraft skeleton on his face.

"Such a long worm?"

That is a dark blue whole body, and the remains of the Warcraft skeletal body that lay on the ground are indeed a big snake, but the big ten split spectrum. There is still nearly half the size of a football field. How long is it straight?

With such a large snake disc in front of her eyes, the pressure is amazing, and the rhino elephant is nothing more than a little Teddy.

"This is a storm sea snake. It was a lord-level seventh-order creature during his lifetime. He can manipulate the attributes of storm and water."

When I entered the venue, a competent female staff member leaned over and smiled at the crowd. "The first time visitors can follow me, and I will explain the origin and characteristics of Warcraft in the museum."

Cao Yan followed the flow, followed most people, and listened to the guidance of the staff.

Every time in front of a Warcraft bone, the commentator will introduce a few words to make science popular for the first time.

Soon after, Cao Yan left the crowd, walked through the booths, and came to the corner of the exhibition hall alone.

In front of his eyes is a small exhibition stand. On the half-height base is a spherical object, much like a pale golden giant amber.

围 A fence is pulled around the booth to prevent visitors from approaching.

Cao Yan, who is so big as Amber, has never seen it before, and he came because he received a fake system prompt, and Amber was his mission goal.

Next to the booth, there is a note about the origin of amber, which says:

"Amber was discovered by researchers over 150 years ago and was salvaged from the deep sea. After research, it was concluded that this amber is most likely an extraterrestrial object that fell into the ocean with an extraterrestrial meteorite ... strange The reason is that no matter what instrument is used, it is impossible to measure what kind of creature is sealed in this seemingly transparent amber. If you look through amber, you can see the fuzzy biological shape inside, much like some kind of insect ...

Unfortunately, amber is formed by the condensation of unknown materials from outside the world. It is hard to imagine and cannot be cut with all means. Therefore, I have not been able to further study the internal creatures and have become an exhibit. "

The pale golden color of amber looks like a transparent jelly. It is hard to imagine something similar in material, which will be too strong to break.

The onlookers could only see a dark spot of light hidden inside, very mysterious.

A long strip of creature is faintly revealed in the light spot, which looks like a weird bug.

Cao Yan looked at the amber, secretly took out the black crystal from the sea mussel in his pocket and held it in his palm.

Considering what happened before and after the release of the mission, plus the description next to Amber, it said that Amber had fallen from the sky, which is highly similar to the black crystal introduced by the fake system.

Considering that the novice task is not difficult, and these conditions add up, Cao Yan feels that the task is critical and is likely to be mastered by himself, which is the black crystal that fell into his own hands.

叮 "Ding! Mission reminder, the host removed important items to complete the mission."

The voice in Xun's consciousness proved Cao Yan's judgment.

Fake system: "The black crystals obtained by the host and the creatures in amber were originally one, and accidentally separated when they fell into the sea from outside the world. For more than 100 years, the creatures in amber have been calling for black crystals. The one who swallowed the black crystals The crystal sea clam was attracted by a certain force in the underworld, and then unknowingly approached the coast of the demon capital ... with the help of the intellect, it became the key to the novice task for you. "

"Everyone else's system is a novice gift, but I have to find it myself. It really is a fake system."

Cao Yan was surprised at the same time as she vomited daily: what kind of creatures are stored in amber? It is a peculiar thing that they can be sealed for a hundred years, but they can still call black crystals from a distance.

This is too amazing.

At this time, the black spot in the center of amber suddenly changed, and it seemed to expand regularly. It was as if the heartbeat was beating.