
The Black Shade

The world is not what it seems to be. There are greater things that are there undiscovered, but those things may benefit us or may bring us dangers. Mysteries, Murders, Clues, Monsters, Myths, Legends. Things that are from the minds of the greatest thinkers from the ancient past. Stories past down from generations to another generations. Some believes, some are not. Unsolved mysteries happening around the world as one detective may have been too involved that he didn’t notice it himself that he entered another world so unfamiliar he must start from scratch to know what common sense is in there. Trials after trials. What we see is not all that is in existence. The phrases like “Seeing is believing” might not work in this wonderful but scary world. He wanders in this world as someone fated, someone predicted from the past era. He who has the power shall protect others from harm. He who will keep this planet from those others with powers. He who shall remain hidden. He is the “sacramentum possessor”.

Gairo · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Stick

I was alone when it all started. I was running as fast as I could but eventually it caught up to me. I didn't know that there are things like that existing in the world that we live in. And I woke up from this unbelievable dream. I am a detective. A solver of cases. I idolize Sherlock Holmes a fictional character. Well, I'm not like him as being in this job was a lot harder than I think. Oh, by the way I am detective Greg Tenebris. I grew up alone. To be exact, I grew up far away from my parents. My parents are divorced like any other families. My father cheated. And I don't know much about them. Back to my story as I know I sidetracked for a bit. I am 23 years old this year. I just graduated as a detective. I am a newbie so, not many in my department has a trust on me yet. I watched from sidelines these days and some cases are so gruesome you will feel the rage within you forms. Body torn limb from limb. A head with half of the face missing. Now, I can't even eat that I may start eating meat for the next coming days.

"Hey Tenebris! Come on, we have a criminal to catch on." Lola shouted. She is my partner. A veteran detective. She is like more a Sherlock than me as she is investigating from small details. What a nice partner to have really. Black hair so long that touches her own waist, A gorgeous face with a unique charm to her. Well, she is not my type but a lot more people are jealous of me. But in my opinion, she is so bossy that you need to get any space away from her.

I opened the door in her car then seat from the right side of the driver's seat. Well, I'm not the driver so where am I supposed to seat? At the back? She drives fast and I hate fast moving objects the most especially when I have a trauma from it. I really need to change partners when I got some achievements made. We stopped to buy some supper as Lola was hungry. I waited outside when my radio got some response from one of the suspects.

"We got eyes on the suspect! Hurry guys! He got a gun and a hostage from the jewelry store! I may lose sight of him. He is driving fast. The car is black, Toyota vios heading south. Over" Someone radioed from the car. Well, we are far from it and then I saw someone near in the alleyway. Someone chasing a girl in a hoodie. The girl looks terrified as she grabs something from her sleeve. I saw a stick and wondered what the stick will do. I followed them without them noticing that I was watching things to unfold. I saw something flash from the stick and the guy with the weird clothes following the girl just flew in the garbage dump. I was shocked, scared and amazed. 'Is that really magic or is it an electric stick disguised as a wood so the offender will not notice it' I thought. I was brainstorming the idea of what had transpired at this moment when I saw her suddenly standing right beside my face grinning and then she said something like some scribbled words like a special child saying something and then something like black emerge behind my back. She pushed me hard. She pushed me harder than I thought then I flew away, far than the man and lost my own consciousness.

this will go on from time to time. And the first novel that I decided to keep going to write.

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