
The Black Reaper

No matter how much I trained, I never progressed beyond 1st Level. In a violent hunt for a black cat, he revealed himself as an immortal. "You have a demon in your body." He said. Well, I think this cat was a little wrong, I am the demon himself.

BrolyM · Thành thị
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3 Chs

The Black Cat

Hundreds of years ago, a large sword pierced the skies and entered the atmosphere of our planet.

This triggered many mystical and surprising events.

The animals mutated terribly and turned into wild beasts.

Our weapons and missiles no longer worked.

We were suffering at the hands of these wild beasts, which used to be our pets.

When a large part of the population was wiped out and the many survivors were giving up their lives, hope was rekindled in the hearts of the population.

Mysterious energy had taken over the entire planet. Many humans felt this energy entering their bodies and, along with that, they gained superhuman abilities.

Later, they also discovered that they could cultivate this mysterious energy, which became known as the energy of heaven and earth.

Humanity then rose and recovered some of its lost lands. Barriers were then built around cities.

Our history begins in one of these cities.

In a remote corner of the city, a young man, with dark hair and brown eyes, of medium height and height, walked with a bitter expression.

"Sigh! No matter how much effort and resources I put into my practices, I haven't advanced a single inch."

This young man is called Tian Long.

No matter what his training or resources, he did not advance at all. It was as if there was a black hole absorbing all its energy.

He started cultivating immortality four years ago. However, he is still at the 1st Level of the Qi Meeting Stage.

It was commonly known that other young people his age were already at the 4th or 5th level.

Tian Long would be 16 next month, it would also be time to enter high school, but he would need to be in 4th level.

Needless to say, it was an almost impossible task.

As his thoughts wandered, he arrived in front of a large residence.

Dozens of guards were watching the gates.

Servants were coming and going.

The residence is not at all stopped.

As soon as he got close, one of the guards noticed him.

"Welcome, young master."

Even though he spoke in a friendly tone, his eyes did not hide a hint of contempt when he mentioned the young man's name.

Tian Long didn't care.

This was a world where the strong dictated. He was not afraid, but neither would he dare to offend other people easily, even if he had the support of his family. The latter already gave him many resources, if he made his parents suffer, he would never forgive himself.

He crossed the several kilometers and arrived in a well-kept yard.

A lion-shaped fountain filled a small river with fish of the most diverse colors.

The wall was a little high and prevented the sight of onlookers.

As soon as he looked at his humble residence, he put on an expression of misery. The door to his small residence was open. It could only mean one thing.

He entered his residence with light steps.

The furniture was made of wood and he is in a very common room. A television, a three-seater sofa, a bookcase, flowerpots, and a big old clock.

He paid no attention to these things. His attention was focused on a small cat.

"Now I get you, you bastard!"

He raged and charged towards the little cat as dark as night.

The unexpected happened, the cat was very fast and deflected the attack with an unusual speed.

As for the young man, he was on the floor, his expression was bitter.

He then looked at the cat, who looked at the human with an expression of contempt.

"He, he! I can't beat even a cat ..."

"This is common ..."

"I think I went crazy for good."

Tian Long whispered.

He was sure he heard the cat talking, however, he was sure it was his head playing a trick on him.



Tian Long stood up urgently.

"Do you speak?"

"This is a fact."

The shock was evident in Tian Long's expression. This was because he read in a book that a beast could only communicate in the human language if it had reached the Fourth Great Kingdom.

It was necessary to know that even the mayor of the city was only in the Third Great Kingdom.

In front of him, at that moment, there was a beast that even the mayor could not face.

And he… was he just a small cat ?!

"You… what can this little brother do for you, sir?"

Tian Long asked while showing due respect to this cat.

"How motivated is your heart?"

The cat asked a rather strange question.

"What does that mean?"

Tian Long asked with a confused expression.

"Would you be willing to sacrifice your heart for power?"

The cat recapitulated his question, and a dangerous gleam shone in his animal eyes.

"My heart ..."

Tian Long understood the essence of that question.

The feline is proposing a contract. Under that contract, he would gain strength in exchange for his heart.

He also understood that he would not necessarily sacrifice his heart, but all the emotions contained in it.

Wouldn't that make him a doll without emotions ?!

Realizing the lingering doubt in the young man's heart, the feline stepped forward and clarified his doubts.

"That would not make you a doll without emotions. You also didn't understand my reasoning well. I don't want your heart or emotions, I want your loyalty."


Tian Long is very confused. He was no one extraordinary, so because this cat came up with such a proposal.

"You are one of the most talented people I have ever met, child."

"If I'm so talented, then why can't I progress…"

Tian Long murmured in an upset voice.

"That's because you have a demon inhabiting your body."

Tian Long's brown eyes went as thin as a needle. He didn't dare believe what that cat said.