
Angel eyes

Queen Liberty stands tall surrounded by water. She has been frozen for 1000 years. She was turned into a pillar of cement, that harden and She was placed in the middle of the ocean 1000 years ago

Year after Year she drifted the banks of the United States of America. She could see all the way across to the other side of land. From the East coast to the West Coast, She could hear cotton hit the soil .. Dayon and day out, she drifts. The more she saw the less she spoke, the less she spoke the more she heard. Then one day , she was awoken by loud horns that she never heard before. She saw great and mighty ships coming in the bay area.The ships were British empires ships. Men dressed in soldiers uniform . And mighty men dressed in tailor suits bustles about. Queen Liberty was excited because she been alone for hundred of years. As she watched the cargo being unloaded in . She saw that it was Israelites They was chains around their wrist and about their ankles that connected to a chain around their waist. . Their hair was like wool and skin the color of an olive. The women hair was plentiful about her head looking a crown. Across the land on the south coast Spanish ships were docking in the Bay. The too was unloading cargo of Israelites slaves. To work the land of Tabacco rice and indigo British Empire The Army was in total control. The army had long whips and guns forcing the men and women to be separated. Children being threw into cages. She would watch for years and years as the ships come in. and unload. She would watch each day of Kings and Queens being sold. She could feel the torture and pain. That the Spanish Army was putting on these Humans. 1000 years is what Queen Liberty watched of the Spanish Army torture, raped kidnapping and murdering the Israelites tribe. These people come from a beautiful country. with colorful silk scarves and necklaces made from beautiful rubies and crystal. they give thanks to their Gods through live music and dance. They were brought here by British Empire. Which made deals with Mexican and Cuba empires.

Forced to board ships. They were sold to the Aztecs.. Mexican Empire Texas became ground for trading post For the slave trade.

one night an angel. visit Queen Liberty in a dream. The Angel told Queen Liberty Don't be frightening of these evil doers for one day they will be on trial And the Israelites me Tribe will inherit earth. it was no longer peace in dock at the Bay.

1000 Years Queen Liberty stands frozen in the dock and watch the International slave trade become a powerful organization that had 13 colonies involved in the International trade Center The world's biggest Human trafficking ring is still going strong. The 13 colonies is an underground organization. That still control the Israelites and their future generations to come. long after the domlishment of slavery. . The southern states of America is the 13 colonies that housed the enslaved tribe. they had worked long hours tobacco rice and indigo fields they were forced to build mansion for the Master family.

1000 of years went Queen Liberty stood tall in the Harbour of New York. Her crown made of Gold glistening in the sun . She saw The world trade center being transformed into Two twin towers and viewed Wall Street stock market on big screen television in Rockefeller center. American was at peace. For 200 years the towers blocked her view. to the south.

One day as she drifts in the Harbour. She can see American planes circle New York a few times. then one plane. crashes into the One Tower then another plane into the other tower. Smoke smothered the air. The twin towers came down one by one. Queen Liberty was looking across the land and she saw The Israelites living with out chains. The tribe has multipled by thousand of ten thousands

Queen Liberty was a gift from Europe and Asia

The artist that design Lady Liberty was Frederic auguste Bartholdi. he didn't believe that Queen Liberty was placed in the Harbour. For symbol of freedom. and he was right. Queen Liberty is 1 of 4 Angels she watches over the 10 lost tribes Queen Liberty has been placed here by Jesus Christ