
Chapter 227: Age and Appetites

Elias caught Professor Isabella's deeply wistful gaze and started to mull things over. He'd been doing some thinking about her age. 

Elias figured that if she really were one of those ageless types, a millennium old or so, she probably wouldn't fuss over her age much. 

So, bottom line, Isabella might just be slightly older than the average joe. That's why she feels old when she sizes herself up against her younger coworkers and friends.

Considering the intel at hand, higher-ranking vampires can easily live up to a thousand years under normal circumstances. Vampire princes usually hover around two thousand, while the ancient ancestors are said to be immortal, merely in a deep slumber...

Roughly calculating, if a hundred years for a high-ranking vampire is akin to ten years for a human, then Professor Isabella, always insisting she's "26," likely falls within the 200-300 age bracket.

Elias watched Isabella quietly, feeling he was close to the truth.