
Chapter 80 The Hebert family's Trick: Go Beg Sister El

Stella immediately yelled: "Doctor! Doctor! Come here quickly!!"

In the ward, there was a mess again.

Liu Flora, however, was secretly relieved.

Forty minutes later.

A group of people listened to the bad news from the white coat doctor's examination outside the door: "I'm sorry, the patient's spirit seems to have been greatly stimulated. Just now the psychiatrists of this hospital have gone in for a detailed examination. Your Son, it may not be possible to recover for the time being..."

The words are not finished.

But... in an instant, everyone understood what was going on.

Stella's face is ashes!

The body fell backwards.

Liu Flora stepped forward to support her.

A few seconds later, Stella regained her composure and cried loudly, "How could my old Feng's family suffer such a disaster!"