
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Chapter 4 The Big battle

Chapter 4 The Battle Of the Gray snakes.

The sun rises and a horn is blasted throughout the camp waking everyone up. Hayden wakes up to see Laila Next to him

"Ahh what is she doing here? Did we...Hayden thoughts were interrupted from some yelling outside the tent.


Laila sleepy sits up in bed and looks right and then left at Heyden.

"Good Morning. How did you sleep" Laila said almost incomprehensible

"Pretty good. Wish we could have gotten a little bit more sleep." Hayden said obviously mad

"Yeah but don't worry, after today we can sleep for hours back at the village" Laila said as she started to get out of bed and put on her armor.

"I guess you're right, and with winter almost here I'm never leaving my bed" Hayden said as he also stood up and started to put his armor on.

As Hayden and Laila put on their armor Laila keeps peeking and looking at Hayden, as he fits his armor to his body and puts both of his swords on his waist.

"You fight with two swords? Why no shield?" Laila said, confused.

" You remember my arm" Showing the bandage wrapped around his arm. "That's why. It was destroyed in my last battle. Now I have a brand new sword I found and it works better then any shield" Hayden said as he pulled his brand new sword out.

Both walk out of the tent and now under the light of the sun Hayden finally gets to look at all of laila features.

She had Long black hair but it was tied up into a bun, she had beautiful brown eyes, she has a scar under her left eye brow. Her armor was new. No cuts, no signs of aging.

" how old are you" Hayden said focuses on her details

"I'm 19. What's with the sudden interested" Laila said confused

"Just wondering, that's all. Hayden said as he turned away from her and started walking again.

Hayden and Laila Kept walking. as they walked into the general giving a speech. They got there at the end but just as they thought it was over the king walked up on the stage and all of the army Yelled in excitement. Just as the yelling slowly died down the king spoked.

" My brothers and sisters, today we battle against a mighty foe. The Gray snakes. They have killed 3 raid parties already. Even thinking about killing One is enough to be seen as an enemy. Those men lost their lives and today we bring their revenge. Today We will stomp out our enemies and take what is theirs. We take there Iron there, food there, cloth there gold. Now my brother and sisters, the time is now I lead the march. We leave now"

The whole crowd screamed. The king led the march to the gray snakes. It was an hour march to the Gray snakes camp. Army of the black wolves gathered a few hundred steps away, hidden in the woods.

"We need to scoop their camp out" A tall solder said

"Yes you're right but who will scoop it out? The king said, looking over his solders

" I will" said Hayden as he was seen standing next to Laila.

"You sure kid? You know you have to go into the village and find a weakness for us to use to enter there walls" the king said concerned

"I seek to gain some honor for myself, and I can't think of any better way to start then to help my People," Hayden said, obviously trying to impress Laila.

The King smiled and walked up to Hayden, Placing his hand on his shoulder. "Your honor starts today. What is your name kid' the king said happily.

"Hayden frostburn" Hayden said proudly.

The king looked confused"frostburn? Your father is a builder right? He is a man with the honor of a builder but there's no real honor in building. Fighting is where honor lies." the king said before he was interrupted.

"Before you question the kid on his skill just know i watched him fight, he has skill. He killed 3 attackers who attacked him at the same time and killed the gray snake who struck down another man in my group. The kid has proven himself to me as a worthy member of my Raid party." Alexander said proudly

"That's Much praise from alexander" looking at Alexander " you have proven yourself ten times over so if you say the kid is good i believe you" now looking at Hayden" you have my blessing to seek your honor young Hayden. Make us proud" the king said confident

Hayden ran off heading to the gray snake camp. As Hayden is at the end of the woods he is just in view of the camp. Hayden looks around and can't find any good way to get to the wall so he just runs. He makes it to the wall and can hear talking.

"What was that? I thought I heard running." said guy 1 " you heard nothing. Going 2 hours without a drink makes you crazy" said guy 2 "maybe you're right, but i swear i heard it" said guy 1 Look! It's nothing but an empty field, nothing is out there" said guy 2. "Okay, okay, i get it" said guy 1

"That was close" Hayden thought as he continued to sneak around. Finailly Hayden finds a small crack in the wooden wall. Big enough for one person but not the whole army.

" If anyone comes through here they just pick us off one by one. We could go through the port way but I would bet that's more guarded. Uhhhh the front gate is the only way I can think of. But that means I have to clear the wall so they can't shoot arrows. That's probably my best bet." Hayden says as he starts to head to the top of the walls.

Hayden pulls out his shiny sword and climbs the stairs seeing two guards watching over the wall Hayden pulls his other sword out and sneaks over and stabs both the guys and pushes them over the wall." if the sab didn't get them the fall did." Hayden thought. So he sneaks back down and moves the wood locking the door just as he moves the heavy wood beam people's voices start to get louder. Panicking Hayden looks around and sees a tiny Corner where he can hide.

"It's a long shot buttttt" Hayden runs to the corner. 3 people walk in front of the now unlocked door

"What do you make of this" "those bastards forgot to lock it up again" "god damn it. I hate picking this heavy thing up, Hurts my back" "yeah, yeah, the faster we do this the faster we can go back to drinking.

As the 3 guys lift the wooden beam Hayden charges cutting down the first guy with ease and throwing his old iron sword into the head of the 2th guy and as Hayden charges the 3th guy the guy blocks his attack and kicks Hayden in the stomach sending Hayden back. The Gray snake Now Rushes and attacks. Hayden tries his best to block each attack coming his way. As Hayden goes for an attack he gets cut on his cheek but still lands an elbow right into the face of the gray snake. Hayden thinks. " Come on, come on. How do I win this? Okay i have a plan but its going to be risky"

Hayden rushes his enemy with his sword in his right hand and goes for a stab but the gray snake chops his stab down, blocking Hayden's attack. As his attack was blocked Hayden grabs his sword left hand and reaches his hand to the gray snake. Grabbing his collar and throwing the guy into the door. Hayden tries to stab him but is dogged so Hayden kicks the gray snake making him go through the door. Making the gray snake fall to the floor and Hayden Jumps on top of him stabbing his sword straight down the gray snake trying his best to fight back. Hayden leaning on his blade pushing it down, is too much weight for the gray snake to handle. Hayden's blade goes through the chest of the gray snake killing him.

The black wolf's show up and charge into the camp. Alexander runs up to Hayden grabbing his arm pulling him up. " the battle isn't down just yet kid." As they run past the gate Hayden picks up his iron sword and runs into battle. They kill all the gray snakes when they come up to the king's mead hall. The black wolf's rush in and are met by the king and his 4 guards. The king stands up laughing.

"You're too late. You're way too late." the gray snake king says

"What are you talking about?" the black wolf king said.

As they were talking a crowd of gray snakes showed up behind the black wolves. Causing the black wolves to attack them. Leaving Alexander,the Black wolf king, Hayden, Laila and a few others inside the mead hall. Why the others fight outside?

" I signed a contract with the king of the blood lions. We were supposed to join in with them making their kingdom bigger. They have an army 100x bigger than you are and they wanted us to join. Now with you killing us, you're hurting them. And they're going to want their revenge" the gray snake king said, laughing.

"You bastard," the black wolf king said angrily . " kill them boys, get it over with".

Hayden and the other charged and the gray snake king and his 4 men didn't move and got cut down and just took it. The rest of the man came back with victory at hand.

'What now my king?' Alexander said with a blank look on his face

"We need to loot everything and leave fast" the black wolf king said loudly.

"Everyone take what you can fast we have to leave" the black wolf king told all his warriors.

Everyone looted and robbed everything that wasn't nailed down.

"We leave at once. Hurry now. The king said.

They leave taking their loot. But as they left you could hear the march of thousand men marching. They made it out just in time and left and met back at their camp they stayed at last night.

"Men we leave today back to our home we can not stay here for much longer. Pack everything fast we must be sailing home before the day is done" the king said worried.

Everyone packed up and headed back home Hayden climbed back on his boat with his raid party and sailed for home.