
The Birth of the Crown

Many royals aspire to the most powerful crown in the entire kingdoms. But the time came when there was a bloody war between the kingdoms because of the sheer lust for the crown.

White_aneria · Kỳ huyễn
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The Preparation of the most evil Sorcerer

Not only good citizens of the kingdom are preparing for the chosen one, but also Vexxen (The most wicked sorcerer in the kingdom of Cordelia). The most powerful crown is coveted by many with power and throne. Vexxen is contemplating who was chosen for the most powerful crown, "I will not allow the chosen one to be born for the thing I desire most", anger was evident on his face. 

A few seconds passed since he gazed around different parts of his hideout, when he walked towards his secret chamber and there conducted training on how to kill the chosen one. 

The King of the Kingdom of Cordelia's POV

The entire kingdom was quiet as King Everard slept. In his slumber, a Battle Mage Wizard appeared in his dream. The wizard watched the war unfold as King Everard approached from behind. Slowly, the battle mage wizard turned to face him and said, "You will be one of the witnesses to the chosen one. On the very day he emerges from his mother's womb, others will see a light shining upon him, and the soul of the most powerful crown will appear beside his mother." After hearing the words of the battle mage wizard, King Everard suddenly woke up and immediately rose to go to the window of their bedchamber. As he gazed out the window, his wife Queen Naeva woke up and asked softly, "What is troubling my beloved king's mind again?" The king did not answer but continued to stare into the night sky. After a few seconds, King Everard left their bedchamber and approached some of the royal guards guarding the palace door, saying, "No one else is to enter this palace without my permission." The two royal guards replied, "As you command, my dear king."