
The bio-hazard

This story is a concept for another novel I'm working on, I'm posting it as a means to get reviews on the concept so I can apply it to the main story. what if the world was invaded by supernatural beings from another dimension, some of these beings resembling creatures from myths and legends across the world, what if these beings brought an end to life as we know it? follow the story of Morgan, a child born in this world of myths and monsters.

heliumjax · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Chapter 2: Caretaker

It's been a while guys, decided to start this new story and see how it does, I'm a bit rusty.

This story is going to be revised completely into something else once I get some feedback, thought I might as well post something for the time being.

let me know what you think in the comments.


[~September 20th, 2182~]

Following the visit roughly five months ago, Morgan, Connors, and Alexis were moved to a secret offshore facility under the instructions of Doctor Mathews. Each of their incubators were now placed in separate rooms so that the corresponding experiments can be performed without any risk to the other subjects.

Residing in a white room reinforced with padded walls, an infant looking to be roughly two years of age could be seen sleeping within an incubator, the little remains of the transparent green liquid continuously being injected into its veins through a large IV drip bag rigged to his incubator. Standing next to said incubator are two Doctors in lab coats accompanied by four soldiers, each wearing protective gear as they slowly moved the incubator through the door, being careful as to not shake the young patient unnecessarily.

Making their way down the hallway, the group eventually entered through guarded double doors, passing through with the incubator and arriving to meet another one of their many doctors. "We've retrieved the subject Doctor Mathews, though he seems to have woken up.".

Approaching the incubator, Doctor Mathews observed the subject with amazement. Taking out his notepad to record all the noticeable physical changes to Morgan's body, he began to swiftly jot down his latest insights.

"The dramatic growth in Subject 929's musculature is astonishing. He's growing quite rapidly in these past five months despite no outside stimulation." Looking into the subject's eyes, Mathews slowly reached his finger into the open incubator to gauge the infant's reaction to his presence. To his surprise, the infant aggressively reached out to grab his finger with the intention of breaking it, startling Mathews and causing the guards to raise their weapons in alert.

"I suppose my first impression wasn't to your liking, huh."

Nervously checking his finger, he guided the other doctors deeper into the room to a glass bordered wall, opening a door next to the glass to reveal an advanced MRI machine. "Set Morgan in place, we need to examine what's happening inside his body". Waiting behind the glass, Mathews calibrated the machine to compensate for the thickness of Morgan's skin and a few other factors.

Its eyes roaming uncontrollably around the brightly lit sterile room as it began to examine its surroundings with a look of intense curiosity. Moving its tiny hands and feet, it tested the limits of the straps that held it down. As it realized that it was trapped, the baby let out a cry of panic, tears streaming down its face.

But as quickly as the panic had set in, the baby regained his composure. Morgan's cries turned to quiet whimpers as he laid still once more, studying the machines and tubes that surrounded it. It was clear to the doctors that this was no ordinary baby, possessing an unnatural level of intelligence and awareness for his age.

Sedating him, the two doctors gently placed Morgan within the machine and made their way behind the glass border to notify Doctor Mathews. Quickly starting the machine, he sat back comfortably in his chair and waited patiently for the results.

Nearly two hours passed with the Doctors occupying their time playing a game of chess and performing menial tasks around the room, the MRI scan concluded. Entering the MRI room, the two doctors checked the machine for anything of concern before removing Morgan and placing him back in his incubator, before hurrying back behind the safety of the glass to examine the results of the scan.

"This is astounding, Morgan seems to have developed a secondary heart on the opposite side of his chest! It might be a factor as to why his musculature system is so developed at such a young age!"

Writing this information down on his notepad, Mathews noticed a small growth next to the secondary heart in Morgan's chest. "And what might that be?"

Despite taking a closer look, Mathews could make out the shape of the new organ, but he had no clue as to what it was.

"Other than his unnaturally high intelligence for his stage of development, his body seems to still be changing at a rapid rate." Gathering all his supplies he addressed the other two doctors. "Bring him to the next room".

Placing the MRI images in a folder, Doctor Mathews left the room, his assisting doctors following closely behind with Morgan's incubator.

Entering the adjacent room to the MRI scan area, the trio of doctors placed Morgan's incubator next to an examination table customized with reinforced cargo straps. Placing the still sedated infant on the table and gently strapping him down.

One of the doctors opened a container under the table and pulled out a customized syringe gun with a specialized diamond tipped drill needle.

Carefully examining and sanitizing the device before re-approaching the examination table, they gently pressed down on Morgan's thick skin until a vein was found.

Attempting to hold down Morgan's arm, the doctor activated the device and began drilling into his arm, gradually applying pressure as smoke started to emanate from the point of contact.

"His skin will become too thick to take blood samples at this rate."

Adding more of their body weight to the small area of the needle, they finally managed to penetrate his skin, causing Morgan to flinch from the sudden breach of his skin and slowly, but surely insert the needle.

After filling up the syringe, the doctor pulled out the syringe gun and removed the vial of blood from the device. At the same time, Morgan's punctured skin already began repairing itself due to his unnaturally high regeneration.

With the process completed, Mathews received the vial of blood from the doctor and placed it in a small carefully sealed baggie. "I'll get this down to the lab, return Morgan to his room"

[~September 17th, 2182~]

Taking in as much air as his little lung could hold, Morgan could be seen sweating profusely as his body spasmed and released copious amounts of steam. His small body trembling as he desperately cried out in pain.

Looking deeper into the root of the issue, all the muscles within his body; the type 1, type 2A, 2B and all other muscles gradually condensed and fused into new tissue, carrying the properties of the whole, this new set seemed to have the potential to generate immense force and at the same time, be highly resistant to fatigue.

Going on to coil into a fashion similar to a spring, his muscle tissues were wholly coated in a thin membranous layer of protection that further reinforced his body, providing stronger attachment points for his tendon's as the muscles fibers nearly wrapped around each other, further strengthening their output.

With small amounts of steam emanating from his body, Morgan's skin writhed uncontrollably as the boy remained motionless. He could only helplessly tremble and cry as he was unable to contain his fear and confusion as to what was happening to him. His extended, and highly tortuous suffering eventually causes him to break free from his bounds and thrash around in pain, his arm slamming against the side of the incubator.


With significantly more force than was expected, his arm slammed against the side of the incubator, cracking the incredibly thick material and causing some alarm to go off, immediately calling attention to his room.

Rushing through the door, six armed guards following a male and female doctor quickly entered the room.

"Sandra, check his incubator! Now!" Swiftly checking Morgan's activity, the male doctor prepared a sedative and approached the incubator.

All six armed guards having their firearms firmly locked unto Morgan's incubator with high vigilance, he continued to thrash around in pain and confusion, the new chaotic environment only causing him to fall into further panic.

Quickly injecting him with the specialized diamond tipped drill needles that they developed to pierce subjects with enhanced durability, they sedate him with enough tranquilizer to kill a horse; the standard amount used on subjects that exhibit significantly enhanced physical capabilities. Waiting roughly three minutes, the doctor's determined that the subject should be under the effects of the sedative.

Carefully removing Morgan from his incubator, Sandra gently held him in her arms whilst two of the six guards removed the incubator. "Allen, how long do you think he'll be out for?".

The male doctor, Allen, replacing his gloves, sterilized the areas of the room that he came in contact with.

"I'm not sure, Morgan is a strange case when it comes to drug exposure. Though I wouldn't be too worried, Morgan is often docile except for a few rare occasions after continuous experimentation."

Reassuring his coworker, Allen put on a smile and approached Sandra, gently placing his hand on her shoulder. "Doctor Mathews wishes to begin power trials as soon as possible, but this subject has yet to be assigned a caretaker to interact with".

With a raised brow, Sandra grew skeptical. "What are you suggesting?"

"I'm suggesting you take up the role as Morgan's caretaker for the time being and keep track of his growth." Removing his hand, Allen checked on the subject in Sandra's arms, his gentle smile quickly replaced by a look of concern.

"Do I have a choice?" Sighing in annoyance, Sandra's attention was caught by the look of concern on Allen's face, prompting her to adjust her gaze to the infant in her arms, not expecting a pair of eyes to be staring back at her.

Suddenly succumbing with fear, Sandra stood firmly in place. "But it's only been four minutes!''.

The two went on high alert, the remaining four guards following shortly after. After a few seconds passed, contrary to their expectations of a disaster, Morgan could be seen patting the woman's chest as gently as possible to get her attention then pointing to the floor whilst using his other hand to gently pat her arms. Watching this unfold greatly confused everyone in the room, causing Sandra to ponder the meaning of his gestures.

"I think he wants to be put down."

Stepping back, Allen reached into his pocket and pulled out a small recording device before returning his attention to Sandra's predicament "It would appear so…put him down for now"

Carefully readjusting the subject in her arms, Sandra slowly placed him on the ground, watching as the infant momentarily fixed itself on all fours before casually pushing itself to stand upright. This sudden action surprised the two Doctors as they grew excited and immediately began writing down details of the event as they remembered it.

Ignoring the excitement of the Doctors towering over him, Morgan took his first wobbly steps and began walking towards the door, nearly reaching it before quickly being picked back up by Sandra. The doctor tenderly cradled him in her arms and secured him to her person. "Can't have you leaving your room by yourself Morgan.".

Seeing that the infant was seemingly annoyed, she nervously began rocking up and down to calm him down, quickly realizing that it had no effect other than further aggravating the infant, she looked around the room and continued to try her best to keep Morgan occupied.

To her shock, Morgan patted her chest with considerably more force than she was prepared for, knocking the wind out of her and causing her to slump over in a coughing fit, nearly dropping the infant. Even so, her pain was swiftly replaced by shock with what followed.

"I'm hungry."

It's been a while guys, decided to start this new story and see how it does, I'm a bit rusty.

This story is going to be revised completely into something else once I get some feedback, thought I might as well post something for the time being.

let me know what you think in the comments.

heliumjaxcreators' thoughts