

THE BILLIONAIRE SECRETARY {He's a sex freak She's crazy} Meet our male lead: LOUIS MAXWELL: he is the Ceo of the largest car making companies in America. He's arrogant,rude,bossy, and also seductive but his handsome, s£xy and above all flirty, though he is broken hearted he fvcks with anything in skirt and has vowed never to love again not until he meet her. Who is she? Her name is Ella Reece she is beautiful, harsh, aggressive,fiesty, kindhearted,crazy and has all the alluring curved any man could ask for. She's a never give up bitch She meets louis in an unpleasant way, he was rude to her and she gives him her crazy vibes. She applies for a job as a personal secretary and her boss turns out to be LOUIS MAXWELL. What happens when louis begins to fall in love with her? Find out more in the story. Grab your popcorn and join me.

Shittu_Fathia · Thành thị
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31 Chs


Louis crashed his lips on hers and her eyes immediately grew wide in shock,She was confused at first but immediately played along, she knew he was drunk because the Louis she knows would never kiss her in his right senses.

"Ella?" Lious called pulling away from the kiss.

"Why?Ella why?"Lious called grabbing her hands tightly,why Ryan of all people?"Lious yelled in tears,

The rest of the people in the hotel turned their gases on him wondering why he was behaving like that.

Lia smirked mischievously knowing fully well that he was already wasted at the moment,she thought of a way to make it work out to her advantage.

A dark smile find it way to her lips,she immediately payed the bills,picked up his wallet and the rest of his belongings with her handbag hanging on her shoulder.She held him tightl, putting his hand around her shoulder leading him out of the bar as he staggering and spitting rubbish,Lia smiled dangerously letting out a scoff.

"Ella!? Just wait and watch,after tonight,it over between you and Louis,am here to take what belongs to me and today no one can stop me not even you,"Lia muttered to herself holding tight to the wasted Louis who wouldn't stop mentioning Ella.

She opened his cars help him in before getting on the driver's seat,she started the car driving off roughly, heading straight to her house,the smile never disappeared from her face as she imagine herself being kissed again by Louis,Lia got home,helped him out of the car as they both headed in side.

Louis was too drunk to realize that he wasn't at his home,he tried opening the door but it was locked,Lia pushed him off lightly digging the key into the hole,she opened the door and he staggered in and she followed slamming the doors before locking it.

Lia grabbed his hands taking him upstairs to her room,he fell sleepily into the bed like a log of wood, she crawled up to him unbotten his shirt but he grabbed her hands stopping her and her eyes widened.

"What ...are you trying to do?"Lious shuttered sleepily.

Lia withdraw her hands from him and he threw back his head grinning loudly,She attempted to take off the clothes but he never stopped her again and she went on removing his dress.


Ella kept pesing around the room restlessly, Louis is not yet back and she's worried sick about him.

It's already 10pm and he is not yet back,she's been crying her eyes out since she came back from work.

"What's taking him so long?"Ella thought to herself as she stared at the wall clock.

She kept looking at the door hoping he comes back anytime soon but he never did.

"It's already 11pm and he isn't yet back from work,He is still mad at me I know,but that is not enough reason why he should sleep out,"She thought as a tear drop from her eyes.She climbed the bed crying her eyes out soon she slept off.

. . . . .


Louis woke up stretching his body,his head was pounding really hard,the headache was much,He managed to seat up looking around,His eyes widened when he noticed he was in another room entirely.

Yesterday incident flew back to his head.

"Lia"Lious muttered looking under the bedsheets,he groan seeing he wasn't putting on anything.

Fuck !! He spat angrily,what has Lia down to him? He thought hoping it wasn't what he was thinking.

The door opened immediately and Lia came in carrying a tray,she walked towards the table dropping the tray on it.

"Hey sweetie you are awake,"Lia asked trying to caress his shoulder but he shift back glaring at her hatefully,she cleared her throat noisily folding her hands under her breast.

"What the hell did you do to me?What the fuck happen last night? Lious asked coldly and Lia stared at him like he made some kind of joke or something she scoffed standing akimbo.

"We had fun last night,we had sex together,you were really wasted last night and you enjoy having sex with me,"Lia replied shamelessly.

"Fuck,what have I done?"Lious yelled and scatter his head frustrated. Lious stop from the bed, he pick up his clothes and wore them.

"You should drink up that soup before you leave,"Lia said and lious glare at her.

Lious picked up his car keys and wallet, he left the room heading straight to his car and drove off.

"I really enjoyed last night,"Lia smirks.




Lious tried all his possible best to avoid Ella during this past three weeks because he was feeling very guilty about what happened between him and lia. Ella on the other hand notice lious always distancing himself from her which makes her sad so she left his house thinking he just needed some space for some time but he still avoid her at the company. Ella told Vera about lious's action and Vera advice her to try talking to him so she decided to make sure she meet him today.

Ella quickly go through the files she was as to work on hurriedly because it was almost time for launch and lious will leave his office when it time so she doesn't want to lose her chance to talk to him. Ella was done with the files so she head straight to lious's office,she didn't bother to knock on the door but instead barge into his office.

"Can't you knock on the door?"Lious yelled at her.

"If I had knock and said my name you won't open the door,Why are you avoiding me lious?"Ella asked.

"Am not avoiding you Ella,I just need some space,"Lious replied.

"It doesn't seem like you need some space,you are worried about something,"Ella said.

"Am not avoiding you Ella,I just need some space to think,am soo sorry if I made you feel like am avoiding you,"Lious replied as he stood up from his seat and hug Ella.

"I really miss you lious,I thought you were angry with me about what happened the other day,"Ella pouted sadly.

"I know it wasn't your fault Ella,"Lious replied and kiss her on the lips which she responded.

Suddenly the door open interupting them, lious broke the kiss and they both turn to look at the person at the door.

"What are you doing here Lia?"Lious yelled.

"I have good news for you hunny,"Lia replied and walk up to his desk.

"What news?"Ella asked confusingly then Lia brought out a paper from her bag and drop it on lious desk, lious picked it up and open it to read what is written in it,his face expression change.

"Well,iam carrying your child,"Lia said.

"What?"Ella shouted shockingly...