

THE BILLIONAIRE SECRETARY {He's a sex freak She's crazy} Meet our male lead: LOUIS MAXWELL: he is the Ceo of the largest car making companies in America. He's arrogant,rude,bossy, and also seductive but his handsome, s£xy and above all flirty, though he is broken hearted he fvcks with anything in skirt and has vowed never to love again not until he meet her. Who is she? Her name is Ella Reece she is beautiful, harsh, aggressive,fiesty, kindhearted,crazy and has all the alluring curved any man could ask for. She's a never give up bitch She meets louis in an unpleasant way, he was rude to her and she gives him her crazy vibes. She applies for a job as a personal secretary and her boss turns out to be LOUIS MAXWELL. What happens when louis begins to fall in love with her? Find out more in the story. Grab your popcorn and join me.

Shittu_Fathia · Thành thị
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31 Chs


Pushing the door opened with a wide smile he immediately froze mid air , his eyes widen to the lurid scene showcased infront of him, his heart made a sharp cut through it as he began to grit his teeth together

Anger soon took over.

Ella and Ryan ceased in whatever thing they did separating from each other with shock filled in their eyes, mostly from Ella, she prayed thousands of times to be a dream, the kiss and Louis sudden appearance, her heart playing loud drums as fear and hurt gripped her

"L-louis it's not what it looks lik-" she Stumbled on her words trying to comprehend what just happened, her hand tried to reach for louis's but it was redrawn back by him, his hands folded into a fist as he turned his back at them

"Get out!" he yelled loudly.

Not like every guy louis wasn't the type to throw punches at a guy or make a scene at his company, he was more than hurt but betrayed by someone who he had never stopped loving, someone who he could easily lay his life for, he didn't want his reputation to be tarnish with such scene in his company

Ella turned to Ryan with fuming anger

"Why can't you stay away from me!!! Huh?" ella stepped further back with tear gushing out of her eyes.. this was bigger than she had thought, not only did she see ryan as a stalker but some one who wasn't ready to back off

"Because I love you ella! I have always do and I'm not giving up just yet and won't untill I have you in my arms" ryan exclaimed trying to reason with Ella but it was all futile..her hate for him was more than a flaming fire

She had lost louis all because of him, hatred had filled her inner, irk by him she walked away from Ryan and then to the door were she gave a light knock while sobbing

"Louis? L-louis?" She called but no response

Ryan cut in, confessing "I am not ready to give up on you just yet ella I still love you" one could see the concern in his eyes, not that he felt remorseful about his act, he had loved it Infact but somehow couldn't bare seeing ella in such state, it broke him.

"Can you just fucking stop all this !?? I don't love you, go away you've done more than enough to strip me of finding my happiness!!" as much as she tried holding her tears she knew somehow it wasn't going to last

"Ella i-"

"Go!" it was the last thing she said before bursting into another tears, she pushing her self closer to the door once she noticed ryan presence gone

"Louis please listen to me.. I can explain, it wasn't anything you think you saw" she tried to explain but her tears could no longer let her it was too much


"Don't let me call security, go away" she could hear the detest in his voice, she gulped down the lump of saliva stuck down her throat, shocked by his words

It didn't sound like him but a monster.

Louis wasn't the type to change his mind so it was best she withdrew for now atleast to let him cool off and rethink everything.

Crumbling the white sheet of papers his toss them into the trash can, he really wanted to believe what ella tried saying but at the time it was harder than he thought not after seeing such moment ago

It hard saying such words to her but he was still very well angry, Ella had betrayed his love, betrayed his trust and tossed in a trash like nothing, all he had wanted from her was her love in return but instead she went around cheating with other person but Ryan

It was frustrating as he thought more about it and decided to distract his mind with work stuffs atleast they'd help out...

Hours later - 9:45pm

He got up from his seat, tired and stressed and the thought of resting on his bed got destroyed with Ella waiting for his return at home

He wasn't just ready to see her and decided to send some mean time at somewhere else rather than met anger and hate eat him up... Getting into his car he drive off to the nearest bar in town, once he got there he took off his tie and jacket, unbuttoned a few buttons of his white shirt

He went inside and took his seat against the counter were he ordered himself a shot of 506 ( alcoholic drink) without glancing at anyone. A shot soon turned into 10 shots of the drink, his vision began to blur as his spoke out gibberishly under his breath

He was a man who was suppose to shed tears over a cheating lover not that he had ever felt before but thiis time was different, for the first time in his life he had this spark, connection between Ella and him in a flash she had to destroy it

"Another please!" demanded sending in an empty glass to the bartender and taking another, he gulped down squinting in his eyes to the awful hot taste

"What a coincidence after all" with a voice so familiar Louis snapped out from his delusion as he focused on the curvy lady infront of him.. it was no other person Lia but his drunkenness couldn't make him recognize her.

Her lips curled into a smirk as her trailed away from louis to the bartender "I'll have what's he's having" Lia demanded stretching her fingers for his and this time he didn't withdrew but focused his attention on her

"What are you doing here by the way..?" Lia asked picking up the glass filed of liquor that was handed to her seconds ago.

"Ella"He called out and slam his lips on hers kissing her hungrily.....