

THE BILLIONAIRE SECRETARY {He's a sex freak She's crazy} Meet our male lead: LOUIS MAXWELL: he is the Ceo of the largest car making companies in America. He's arrogant,rude,bossy, and also seductive but his handsome, s£xy and above all flirty, though he is broken hearted he fvcks with anything in skirt and has vowed never to love again not until he meet her. Who is she? Her name is Ella Reece she is beautiful, harsh, aggressive,fiesty, kindhearted,crazy and has all the alluring curved any man could ask for. She's a never give up bitch She meets louis in an unpleasant way, he was rude to her and she gives him her crazy vibes. She applies for a job as a personal secretary and her boss turns out to be LOUIS MAXWELL. What happens when louis begins to fall in love with her? Find out more in the story. Grab your popcorn and join me.

Shittu_Fathia · Thành thị
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31 Chs


"Who the hell drugged my drink last night?"lious yelled.

"We didn't do such sir,"the chief replied.

"Then fucking tell me how was I drugged yesterday,I drank from a drink and the next thing I feel drowsy, fucking explained that,"lious yelled and Ryan put his hand on lious's shoulder trying to calm him down.

"Dude you need to calm down, yelling won't solve the problem now,"Ryan said.

"If you no anything about how I was drugged speak now before it is too late,"lious yelled.

"Am soo sorry boss,"one of the waiter cried out and step out and kneel in front of lious.

"were you the one that drugged me?"lious asked.

"yes iam,the one boss,"the waiter answered with tears streaming heavily from his eyes.

"Tell why did you drug me?"lious asked impatiently.

"I was asked to do it,"the waiter answered.

"Who asked you to do it?"lious asked.

"It was a lady named Lia,she handed the drugs over to me and told me to drug your drink but I refused so she threatened to kill me if I don't do it,am soo sorry boss I have no choice,"the waiter explained.

"that witch,"lious yelled and clench his fist.

"I never knew she could stoop soo low,"Ella said.

"She's a bitch,"Ryan replied.

"Sir, please forgive me I never wanted to drug you,"the waiter pleaded.

"You should all leave,"Ryan said and all the waiter disappeared immediately from their presence.

"why did you asked them to leave I was going to punish them?"lious asked Ryan.

"you can't do that dude besides it wasn't their fault,"Ryan replied.

"what are you going to do about lia?"Ella asked.

"Am soo going to kill that witch,"lious replied and storm off.

"where is he going to?"Ella asked worriedly.

"He is really going to kill her,I need to stop him,you should go back home and get some rest Ella,"Ryan said and run to catch up with lious but he didn't meet him.

"fuck,he is going to murder her,"Ryan muttered to himself and enter his car and drove off.


"Ahhhh,fuck why isn't he picking up the call?"lia yelled.

"Just pray lious doesn't find out that is was you who drugged him,"Florence said.

"Am sure,he won't,"Lia replied.

"And how sure are you?"Florence asked.

"Well,if lious was to be curious about who drugged him last night,I told the waiter to put the blame on someone,"Lia smirks.

"And who is that?"Florence asked.

"I told him to put the blame on that witch Ella,"Lia replied.

One of lia guards entered the living room shaking in fear.

"What the hell happened? why are you shaking that way?"Lia asked.

"Boss,sir lious is here,"the guard replied.

"lious"Lia asked shockingly and just immediately lious barge and walk straight to Lia furiously.

"Li,,,lio,,, lious,,,what are you doing here?"Lia stammered.

"You bitch,"lious said angrily and grab her neck tightly.

" How dare you drug me bitch?"lious yelled and tighten his hand on her neck making her to choke.

"lious,"lia said trying to make him come back to his senses but instead he tighten his hold on her neck more.

"Fuck,"Ryan cursed immediately he step into the house and meet lious strangling lia.

"Dude come back to your senses,you are going to fucking kill her if you continue,"Ryan said trying to calm lious down.

"If she fucking die then she deserves it,"lious yelled.

"You don't wanna go to jail dude,"Ryan said and instantly lious realease lia.

"Fucking stay away from me bitch,"lious said and left the house with Ryan.

"Are you okay?"Florence asked as she hand over a cup of water to lia.

"Do I look like am okay?"lia said and glare at her.

"I have never seen him that angry before,"florence replied.

"Ahhhh that fool,why did he tell lious the truth?"Lia yelled.

"maybe lious threatens him,"Florence replied.

"I fucking told him to put the blame on Ella,"lia yelled...


"dude,you almost kill her back there,"Ryan said as they about to enter into their various car.

"I wished I had killed her,"lious replied.

"You need to control your anger dude,"Ryan said.

"yeah I know that,"lious replied then he look around like he was looking for someone.

"What are you looking for dude?"Ryan asked.

"Where is Ella?"lious asked.

"I told Ella to go back home besides the poor girl needs some rest,she stayed by your side throughout the night,"Ryan replied.

"Did she really did that?"lious asked.

"Yes of course,"Ryan replied then they both step into their various car and drove off.


"Babe,where have you been since last night?"Vera asked immediately Ella step into the house.

"I was very worried about you,I was even planning to inform the police,"Vera said.

"I was taking care of my boss,"Ella replied.

"have he suddenly become a baby?"Vera asked.

"No,he was drugged last night at the party,"Ella replied then she explained everything that happened.

"that lia is a witch, she's shameless how could she do such a thing?"Vera yelled.

"I don't know vera, she's really something else,"Ella replied.

"And what did lious do about it?"Vera asked.

"He actually storm off to her house to confront but Ryan said he was going to kill her,"Ella said.

"Well if it was me I will do more than that,"Vera replied.

"Am sure he will teach her a lesson that he will never forget,"Ella said.

"I prepared some food for you,it in the kitchen,"Vera replied.

"thank you soo much dear,I will go and take a shower right now,"Ella said and hug her.

"Well you should do that because you really stinks,"Vera replied and Ella beat her playfully then she left to freshen up.

Vera's phone rings continuously,she look at the phone screen and drop the phone back.

"Why is he calling me?"Vera muttered to herself.....


"I have a job for you,"Lia said to one of her men.

"Just say it and it will be done ma'am,"he replied.

"I want you to kill Ella Recce,"Lia said and show him ella's picture.

"Consider it done ma'am,"he replied and left the house.

"Get ready to die bitch, lious is mine,"Lia laugh out...