

THE BILLIONAIRE SECRETARY {He's a sex freak She's crazy} Meet our male lead: LOUIS MAXWELL: he is the Ceo of the largest car making companies in America. He's arrogant,rude,bossy, and also seductive but his handsome, s£xy and above all flirty, though he is broken hearted he fvcks with anything in skirt and has vowed never to love again not until he meet her. Who is she? Her name is Ella Reece she is beautiful, harsh, aggressive,fiesty, kindhearted,crazy and has all the alluring curved any man could ask for. She's a never give up bitch She meets louis in an unpleasant way, he was rude to her and she gives him her crazy vibes. She applies for a job as a personal secretary and her boss turns out to be LOUIS MAXWELL. What happens when louis begins to fall in love with her? Find out more in the story. Grab your popcorn and join me.

Shittu_Fathia · Thành thị
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31 Chs

Caught in his web

{Ella's POV}

I wasted no time in submitting my certificates and application letters for the position of a secretary at different companies.

I am quite fortunate I was called by the Maxwell's enterprise for an interview tomorrow, I'm so lucky.

I feel elated inside.

"Why are you smiling so much?" Vera snapped and banged her fist on the table.

I snap out of my reverie.

"None of your business!" I snap at her, she eyed me and continued eating.

"Come on tell me babe" She pouted.

"Okay I will tell you, I am going to have an interview tomorrow" I smile and her eyes lit up.

"Really?" She said and I nod.

"Finally, you get to pay your part of the rent money " She said and the smile on my face disappeared.

I frown.

"Are you kidding me?" I yelled and she swallowed hard.

Vera gave a fake sorry face but she can't fool me.

"I wanted to buy you that pretty gown you liked when we went for window shopping the other day, I said to myself, I will buy my friend this gown when I get my salary, that is if I am employed but seeing how you really are and that all you care about is yourself" I yell, I am really hurt by her comment.

"I'm sorry Ella, I didn't mean to talk like that, I just wanted to make you laugh, I'm happy you got the job and you don't have to buy me any gown, Being happy for you is enough" She said in a low voice.

I truly saw her sincerity.

"It's okay, let's eat" I said and she smiled.

"Love you Ella" She smiled.

"Love you too, Vera" I replied and Vera chuckled.

We ate and washed the dishes together, we retired to bed.

I enter my room, I am really nervous about the interview, I hope I pass.

I walk to the bed and lay on it, I put off the lights and close my eyes, I drifted off to sleep.

"Ella wake up" Vera tapped me.

I jerk off her hand from my arm.

"Is it morning already?" I pouted slothfully.

"Yes, you will be late for your interview" She yelled.

I hear the word interview and I sprang up from the bed. She winced when she saw how I climbed down the bed.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's almost nine o'clock" She said and my eyes widen.

"My interview is by 10 am" I yell and walk briskly to the bathroom.


I am standing by the road waiting for a cab, a bus would be to slow.

A car suddenly drive past me and splash muddy water on my entire body.

I gasp loudly as the mud splashed on my face and body, my white shirt, black pencil skirt, my black heels are ruined by the mud.

"Oh my goodness" I gasped, almost at the point of tears.

I begin to dust some of the mud off my body.

"Miss, are you okay?"The male voice asked.

I look up and was shocked to see that pervert who made me get fired from the cafeteria.

" You! "We both chorused, it seems like he recognized me too.

" You did not only put your perverted eyed on me but also splash mud on me too "I yelled in anger.

" You are pathetic, I thought I was coming to say sorry to a reasonable person unaware that it was an idiot and a fool like you!! "Louis insulted me.

" You f**l! "I raise my hand to hit him but he shifted back and skipped over the little pond of mud.

"You deserve this for pouring juice on me, f**k you" He said giving that same perverted stare.

I pressed forward to hit him but he ran off before I could hit him, his car sped off.

I stare at myself and a tear dropped from my eye.

" I have to find a place to buy a new dress" I mutter.

"I won't be late for my interview because of you idiot, pervert, bastard!" I scream loudly.


Maxwell's enterprise ***

{Louis's POV}

"Next" I said and check the

certificate in front of me.

The lady has good credentials.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in " I said and continue checking the papers.

I hear the fling open and sound of shoes coming close to my table.

I slowly raise up my head and I am stunned.

"You again!" I yelled and stood up.

She looked shocked as well.

"You are the Ella Reece girl" I said and a smirk formed on my face.

She looked shocked and scared at the same time.

"I'm supposed to be your new boss, this is a small world" I smirk and saw that she had changed from her stained clothes.

I can see her biting her pink lower lip, she looked seductive doing that.

She took her gaze from Me to the floor and I smirk.

"You are employed" I said and she instantly looked up.

"What?!" She asked with extreme shock visible on her face.

"You are hired, Ella Reece" I smirk and stare at her hips.

"I'm gonna f**k you till you can't even stand b*tch!" I said inwardly...