
The Billionaire in Disguise

Lin Wu is a high school student with a secret: he's actually a billionaire, but he's kept his wealth hidden from everyone at school. To the other students, Lin appears to be a poor, unassuming boy who's often overlooked and underestimated. But when he meets Linda, a classmate who sees through his disguise, Lin's life takes a dramatic turn. As he navigates the challenges of high school while keeping his true identity hidden, Lin must also deal with the expectations of his wealthy family and the consequences of his secret double life. With action, comedy, and a touch of romance, 'The Hidden Billionaire' is a modern tale of one young man's journey to find his place in the world.

DaoistVcYRk1 · Hiện thực
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10 Chs

chapter 8

Lin Wu spent the next few days preparing for the party, picking out an outfit and making sure he had a gift for Olivia. On the day of the party, he arrived at her house, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

As soon as he walked in, he was greeted by the sound of music and the chatter of people. Olivia's house was packed with guests, and Lin Wu scanned the crowd for familiar faces. He spotted Michiel across the room and waved at him, but couldn't see Linda anywhere.

Olivia appeared out of nowhere, grabbing Lin Wu's arm and pulling him into the living room. "I'm so glad you could make it!" she said, beaming at him. "Come on, let me introduce you to some people."

She led him around the room, introducing him to her friends and classmates. Lin Wu chatted with them for a while, but found it hard to keep up with their conversations. He felt like an outsider, unable to relate to their experiences and interests.

As the night wore on, he found himself feeling more and more out of place. He wandered around the party, sipping on a drink and trying to blend in with the crowd. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling that he didn't belong there.

Suddenly, he heard someone calling his name. It was Linda, waving at him from across the room. He smiled in relief and made his way over to her, glad to have found a familiar face in the sea of strangers.

"Hey, I'm glad you made it," she said, smiling at him. "How's the party been so far?"

"It's okay, I guess," Lin Wu said, shrugging. "I don't really know anyone here, to be honest."

Linda nodded sympathetically. "I know how you feel," she said. "I was in the same boat when I first started going to parties like this. But you'll get used to it, trust me."

They chatted for a while, catching up on their lives and reminiscing about their time in high school. Lin Wu felt a sense of comfort and familiarity with Linda that he hadn't felt with anyone else at the party.

As the night wore on, the music got louder and the guests got rowdier. Lin Wu watched as people danced and laughed, feeling more and more disconnected from the scene.

Suddenly, there was a commotion on the other side of the room. A group of guys had started a fight, and people were gathering around to watch. Lin Wu felt a pang of anxiety, wondering if he should get involved or stay out of it.

Linda noticed his hesitation and grabbed his arm. "Let's go," she said, leading him away from the chaos. "We don't need to be a part of that."

Lin Wu followed her out of the living room and into the kitchen. They sat down at the table, away from the noise and the crowds.

"Thanks for getting me out of there," Lin Wu said, feeling grateful for Linda's presence.

"No problem," Linda said, smiling at him. "That's what friends are for, right?"

Lin Wu felt a warmth spreading through his chest. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he had a real connection with someone. He leaned back in his chair, enjoying the quiet moment with Linda.

As the night wore on, the party continued to rage on around them. But for Lin Wu, it no longer felt like a daunting or alienating experience. With Linda by his side, he felt like he had found a place where he truly belonged.

Lin Wu had never been one to enjoy large crowds or social events, but the company of Linda and their new friend Olivia made the party more enjoyable. The three of them had been chatting and laughing for hours, and Lin Wu found himself feeling more relaxed than he had in a long time.

As the party started to wind down and guests began to leave, Olivia pulled Lin Wu and Linda aside. "I have to tell you guys something," she said, a serious expression on her face.

"What is it?" Linda asked, concern in her voice.

Olivia hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I overheard some people talking earlier, and I think you guys should know. There's a group of guys in school who have been targeting Lin Wu. They've been spreading rumors about him, and I heard them talking about how they're planning to confront him soon."

Lin Wu's heart sank as he listened to Olivia's words. He had known that there were people at school who looked down on him, but he had hoped that he could continue to keep a low profile and avoid any conflict.

Linda put a comforting hand on Lin Wu's shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll take care of it," she said, determination in her voice.

Olivia nodded. "I'm here for you guys too," she said.

As they left the party and made their way home, Lin Wu couldn't help but feel grateful for the new friends he had made. He knew that he couldn't face this alone, but with Linda and Olivia by his side, he felt like he had a fighting chance.

And with that, this is the third new chapter for today. I may add another chapter if I can today; otherwise, I welcome any feedback. Please don't hesitate to leave a comment. and if you like this novel, add it to your library.

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