
Chapter 27

Rella winced, groaning as the first ray of sunlight hit her face. She put her hand against her face to shield her eyes from the onslaught.

Turning away from the source of her discomfort, she stretched lazily.

When she finally sat up she bit her lip from crying out loud at the sharp pain in her head. Muttering expletives, she cradled her head all the while reminding herself never to drink again.

  She has a killer headache that felt like someone was drilling a hole inside her head. 

  "I could've warned you about how nasty it can get but it's best to experience it yourself so you don't drink like a fish next time."

  Rella glanced up to find Stefan with an amused expression on his handsome face.

  "This is not funny." She said glaring at him.

Stefan laughed instead and that made her angrier. And yes she was never getting within ten feet of a wine bottle ever again. Suddenly remembering why she drank in the first place and her heart ached.

  Rella knew she was only delaying the inevitable, if Cindy doesn't show up she feared she might cave in and her relationship with her sister would no longer be the same again. Rella prayed it wouldn't come to that.

  She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice Stefan in front of her.

  "Here I brought you some soup, drink up it'll help with the hangover."

  She reached for the bowl but he stopped her.

  "Let me."

It was then that Rella noticed his state of undress. The washed jeans he wore was hanging dangerously low on his narrow waist, her body reacted to him instantly having a mind of its own and God that sleek wet hair will always be her undoing. Rella was suddenly feeling uncomfortably hot she needed some fresh air.

  "I-i'll do it myself." She stuttered.

  "No let me."

Rella stared up at him swallowing hard, seeing how determined he was. She conceded, allowing him to feed her and every now and then he'd wipe soup from the corner of her mouth, his eyes never leaving hers.

His gaze held her spellbound. 

Who knew feeding someone could be so erotic?

  After he was done feeding her he leaned towards her, kissing the corner of her mouth, his tongue snaked out warm and soft to lick dribble of soup before she could lick them herself. Rella's heart hammered furiously across her ribcage as she felt herself responding to him.

Stefan lingered and Rella's eyes drooped on their own momentarily lost in the sensation. Mentally, she reminded herself not to get too carried away, not to forget the reason she'd drowned herself in alcohol last night.

  She couldn't let anything happen between them.

Stefan thankfully pulled back and although she missed his warmth she was grateful for a crisis averted.

  To make sure what happened that morning didn't repeat itself, Rella pretended to be down with fever.

Although she had no idea how long she could keep pretending for it was just a spur of the moment thing.

  Stefan fussed over her all day she felt guilty for lying to him. 

It occured to her to hire someone to find Cindy asap but that idea was squelched when she realised she didn't have enough money and that Stefan might find out what she was up to. She called her mom but they still haven't heard from her twin.

  "How am I even certain you're actually looking for Cindy? For all I know you could care less about the situation if it meant crisis averted and you get to save face in front of your precious Manhattan high society."

  " Darling I know I asked you to do such a daunting favour and believe me I HAVE been looking for your sister but I can do so much to find someone who doesn't want to be found. Dear as much you hate this situation think of it as a blessing in disguise."

  " Mom you cannot be serious right now." 

  " As a matter of fact I am. This is fate I don't know what to tell you, this marriage between Stefan and Cindy was never about love and your sister proved that when she ran away."

  " Stefan thinks he's married to Cindy mom, the entire city thinks I'm Cindy."

  " If you like the guy I suggest you never tell him the truth."

  " You're cruel."

Her mom sighed. " Hate me all you want Rella but I am being practical here. What's done is done you got married to him not Cindy that should tell you everything you need to know. You're starting to fall in love with aren't you?" 

Rella furiously wiped at the tears rolling down her cheeks. Her mom took her silence as confirmation.

  " It was bound to happen and I suggest you let fate play out if Cindy shows up I'll deal with her. I know you don't believe me but I love you, I love the both of you." 

Josh Hamilton waved and smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes. Van wanted to go to him but she was swarmed by customers and it'd be selfish on her part to leave it all to Monica. She was going to tell him that, but he nodded in understanding. She thought he was going to take a seat at one of the tables but he surprised her by going into the storage room and taking out an extra apron as he proceeded to help with the orders.

  By the time it was noon, it had trickled down to two or three customers all of which she let Monica handle as she went to speak with Josh.

  ''Look I'm sorry about that day–taking advantage of you and then storming out the way that I did–it was pretty stupid of me.''

  ''It's okay Josh I forgive you so there's nothing to worry about.''

An awkward silence ensued. Josh buried his hands deep in his pants pocket while Van fidgeted, bouncing on one feet to another. It lasted a good minute before Josh sighed and said. 

  ''I really don't stand a chance do i?''

  ''Look Josh–''

  ''I know." he sighed regretfully. "Which is why I came to say goodbye.''

  ''You're leaving?'' she did not expect that. 

  ''Yes. I got a call this morning that my dad had another attack.'' Van covered his arm with hers instantly filled with remorse.

  ''I had no idea.'' The news reminded her of her own father, those dark few weeks before he finally gave up. She had sold her soul to the devil and now she's paying for it.

  ''It's okay, I don't like talking about it much.''

  ''I'm sorry.''

  ''Don't be. I probably got what I deserved.''

  ''When will you be back?''

  ''I don't know. Will you see me off tonight?'' his tone was hopeful and she didn't want to disappoint him so she smiled and said, ''sure, why not?'' 


  "Hey man," 

  "Hey." Josh glanced up momentarily from packing up his suit case to regard Jake who'd just walked into the room, his hands shoved casually inside his jeans' pocket.

  "I heard about your dad." Jake said, "do you think he'll be okay?"

  "I don't know."

They lapsed into an uncomfortable silence.

  "Do you love Van?" Jake asked finally.

  "Yes." Jake stiffened at Josh's affirmation. 

What had he expected? It was no secret that Josh had always liked Vanessa he knew that for a fact but knowing something and having it thrown in your face was a totally different thing, it made reality seem like a whole new level.

But Josh quickly added, "she loves you."

Jake's eyes widened. "What?"

  "I think you heard me." Josh pointed with a roll of his eyes. 

Jake heard him alright he just needed a moment to process it. Something shifted in his gut and suddenly he felt the weight of the fear of losing Van dissipate and hope returning with a vengeance.

  "It's because she chose you that i'm backing off Jake so I suggest that you man up and do the right thing, forget about your stupid vendetta." Josh told him. "Van is an extraordinary person, she deserves better from you."

  "I know." Jake agreed and Josh looked surprised. 

Josh sighed and looked away glancing down at the suit case he'd abandoned a few minutes ago before he looked at Jake again. "I didn't tell her the truth because it's not mine to tell. You have to be honest about everything Jake, if you trully love her and care about her. You have to tell her the truth or you'll find yourself right back where you started." 

  Jake never thought he'd be able to have any decent conversation with his new step brother much less have Josh give him advice on his love life of all things but he still managed to be grateful for the first time which was a good thing. And as they both stared at each other it wasn't to size each other up, no, it was a look that said they understood one another.