
Chapter 10


  My phone's alarm went off reminding me it was time to go pick Laurel up from school. I had lost track of time, sobbing and sinking in gloom since I got back from Dior’s Diner.

  I was relieved to see that Jody had left, so I had enough space to cry my eyes out without anyone asking me what was wrong. I had no idea if she kept to her promise but I couldn’t care less at that point.

  I was going to tell my friends, but not now. I still couldn’t believe this was happening after all I had gone through to get my life back on track. Working like a mull these past seven years, trading sleep and convenience for a life of comfort for my daughter.

  What do I tell her now? That some stranger who was about slipping into my life after six years was her father? After telling her she had no dad the first time she asked me with watery eyes at age three.

  Damn you, Connor Shelby, I thought.