

  "Good morning Mr. Franck '' Adele greeted as she walked into her superior's office. She wanted to ask him about the article to be sure that it had truly been canceled.

  "Good morning Adele. I hope I'm safe" He inquired, looking up at Adele and that made her laugh.

  "Why do you say that?"

  "Because you never come into my office or anyone else's office in the morning. You always just crawl into that hole of yours called your office and shut everyone out for the entire day " Mr. Franck explained and the accuracy of his words made Adele feel very guilty.

  That was what she did everyday of her life.

  She only got out of her office when she wanted to get something from a colleague, when she she was going out for lunch or when she was going out for an outdoor work.

  "Well Mr. Franck, I promise everything is alright. I just came to get some clarifications about something, if that…is okay with you" She explained and her voice died down towards the end of her statement.