

  “Look, Adele, it’s either you announce your marital status yourself or I will do that on your behalf. You have two minutes." Jamal threatened with a very serious look on his face the moment Adele walked out of the bathroom.

  It was not an exaggeration to say she was shocked, because he said these words just the way they sounded to you now!

  With no introductions, no explanations, Adele simply and

  innocently walked inside their room. His voice was terrifying when he said those words and it sacred her.

  Being the negotiating person that she was, Adele logically asked him:

  " To whom should I report my status as a married

  woman within two minutes? To the ghosts in this room?" She asked, feigning a confused look and Jamal’s jaw hardened.

  "To him" he coldly replied while handing over her cell phone.