

  It took a while for Adele to calm down and stop herself from crying. Jamal was ruining her entire life for her and she hated it. He was making it impossible for her to do anything in life without him getting involved.

  First, she lost her unborn child, then later she found out that her chances of ever conceiving again were very slim and now Jamal had made sure she was fired from her work place. He had also made sure no publishing firm in the country was ever going to hire her again.

  He was like an evil shadow lurking in the corners, following her everywhere she went.

  An evil shadow that brought her nothing but bad luck.

  "Damn!" She screamed in agony as she hit the steering wheel countless times, shaking her head, caring less about the fact that her hair was turning into a hot mess.

  She was angry and frustrated at the same time.

  The same man she had been avoiding for the past year was back in her life to torment her and there was sadly nothing she could do about it.