
The Billionaire's Serendipitous Love

Two individuals with broken hearts and no hope in love anymore meet, Emily, who has been eagerly waiting for her boyfriend to propose to her finds out he is getting married to her best friend. Devastated she agrees to marry a billionaire as per her mother's request, but he mistakes her for Olivia Emily's sister. Emily goes along with the charade and assumes her sisters identity. She agrees to a proxy marriage. Despite trying to to move on, they couldn't shake off the memories and feeling they had for their past partners. Will they be able to find closure and move on, or will they be forever stuck in the past?

Ogala_Miriam · Thành thị
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87 Chs

Timely Intervention

Ethan's POV 

 The uncomfortable truth hit me like a ton of bricks. Maybe I was indeed sugarcoating my words to spare her feelings. In reality, Emily wasn't someone who particularly stood out to me, neither positively nor negatively. She was, as I thought to myself, simply average. But in that moment, I realized that my honesty, or lack thereof, wasn't what mattered. What mattered was that Emily was hurting, and she needed someone to acknowledge her pain, even if I didn't truly believe she was "amazing". I took a deep breath, deciding to focus on being present for her, rather than trying to convince her of something she didn't believe herself.

 My eyes scanned the room, desperate for a way to rescue our conversation from the awkward abyss. And then, I spotted it - a tiny opening to pry open the door to understanding. 

 "Why do you think there's a chance your mom, boyfriend, and best friend just don't...get it?"