
The Billionaire's Secret Wife (English)

Scarlet Yu is a simple girl. She's willing to do everything just for her sister's sake ! And one day she made a contract with the very famous business tycoon Tyron Zaires. She agreed to be the Billionaire's secret wife with reason. What if they fall in love with each other ? What if Scarlet will suffer a lot of challenges that will come to her life , with Tyron? What if Tyron will leave her after his great love come back ? Will she be happy in the end ? Let's step in Scarlet's litte world and witness her life.

Rhoda_Lonoy · Thành thị
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13 Chs


Chapter 9

Scarlet's POV

I have been interacting with them for a while now and all I get back is a smile. I still see my friends.

I didn't think that Ria and I would go to the place I used to study. I was surprised to see someone I know and that perfectly made my day. There's a big change now, the school and people have changed.

My classmates have families and their own businesses. I'm ashamed to go along with that 'success' talk because honestly, I haven't finished studying the course I took. I stopped when my sister got sick and secretly got a husband. So I won't be promoted anymore. Sigh.

' Yes. I have my own pavilion in the US and here in our country

'Wow cool. '

'Thanks '

I heard them talking. It's good that they have something to brag about, just shut it up. I'm just quietly drinking wine here at the table where I joined. They are the only ones I know.

' My husband is one of the shareholders at Emperor's Branches '

'' You're so rich!''

'I hope all'

And they laughed at the other's answer. I'm not really comfortable with their topics. I'm so left behind.

'How 'bout you Scarlet? What do you have in your life now?'

I almost fainted at the question from my former friend. They handed me water and tissue

but I said I'm okay. Now, I was once again the center of their conversation.

I don't know what to say. I have nothing to brag about in front of them. I only have my own car that Ty bought for me.

' So how's life? Do you have a wife and children? '

'Yes. Are you still with Terrence?'

''I used to love you guys because you're so good and you're also fighting in school and smart."

I smiled brightly. By the way, they don't know that the break-up took place, or did we really break up? For a complicated fate, I don't know exactly what happened to Terence and me.

' Ahm, I don't have a family yet and Terence and I haven't been around for a long time. I f-focused on my work today.'

I said bowing. They said 'oh'.

' Wasteful. Terence is still very successful now '

'But girls I like his elder brother Tyron. That's more successful than him'

When Tyron's name was mentioned, our companions started to cry even though they already have wives and children.

'Ah! Yes ! '

'That's also one of the reasons why I'm single and successful at work now

Okay. They're talking about Tyron, my husband. I just nod when they need an answer from me. After a while, I said goodbye and I wanted to be alone.

I stumbled upon the garden where Terence and I used to hang out. It just got wider and more beautiful because there are roses but the big tree is still there with a table and chairs for those who want to hang out.

I walked there and sat down. I really like the ambiance here, it's so relaxing. when my eyes got tired of looking, I suddenly fell asleep so I took a nap.

I just woke up when I felt someone pulling my hair that was scattered on my face. I was a bit surprised when I realized that Terence's face was very close to mine. It's just inches away and it's like our lips are about to touch.


'Hey Scarlet '

I turned my face away from him because someone might see. He is still popular today.

'Oh hello'

I have said this a few times. He held my hand which I immediately took back.

' Ah, what... I'm leaving--'

'Wait Scarlet, are you avoiding me?'

He asked me in surprise. As long as I want to leave him here I still don't want to be rude.

"No. I'm kinda busy and I'm going back to my work''

"Let's talk about us Scarlet. I'm back, let's talk about our relationship and the upcoming wedding--''

'Wait what?!'

I asked him in surprise. What marriage is he talking about? He doesn't know yet?

'Yes. I told you when I come back I'm gonna marry you '

"Terence there is something that you need to know"

He immediately became serious. His smile disappeared and my heart was losing its speed.

'' Is there someone else? Someone has taken my place in your heart? But whoever he is I'm willing to stand a war..just to win you back''

And with that, he turned his back on me. I just looked behind him. When he spoke his words, he looked very serious to me. I also saw the pain in his eyes staring at me earlier.

'Come on.'

He called me. I nodded and followed him. We are only a few steps away while walking. He was just staring while I was looking at him from behind.

My surroundings seemed to go in slow motion when I saw Tyron looking at Terence and me. He was with his investors and Ria and Gin were also with him.

Ria and Gin were even surprised when they saw me. Tyron just looked at both of us seriously and came to the point that they would pass by Terence's side.

It was as if the wind blew when they suddenly confessed. Terence stopped a bit and Tyron slowed his pace.

I am the one who is nervous about the situation of the three of us now. But I clearly hear what Tyron says to his brother.

' Long time no see and communication, brother '

Then he walked straight and didn't wait for Terence's reply. I am sure, Ria and Gin felt the tension between them. I saw how Terence's hands form into a fist. I don't know why he is like that.