
The Billionaire's Secret Wife (English)

Scarlet Yu is a simple girl. She's willing to do everything just for her sister's sake ! And one day she made a contract with the very famous business tycoon Tyron Zaires. She agreed to be the Billionaire's secret wife with reason. What if they fall in love with each other ? What if Scarlet will suffer a lot of challenges that will come to her life , with Tyron? What if Tyron will leave her after his great love come back ? Will she be happy in the end ? Let's step in Scarlet's litte world and witness her life.

Rhoda_Lonoy · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs


Chapter 8

Scarlet's POV

I'm at home now and resting. I feel lazy so I didn't go to work. Feeling rich? Well no, I just don't feel like it.

And oh, since the party, my Boss hasn't come back home. I don't know where he is, maybe he will go with Gretzel! hmm


I get really annoyed when Gretzel is mentioned. Gretzel. Gretzel. Argh!

I was so annoyed that I marched towards the door and opened it for the person who was making noise outside.


I was surprised to see Ria. Tyron's secretary. I immediately formalized and smiled at her. Geez, I don't know what I look like anymore.

''Ahm, Hello Ria, what brings you here? Are you going to get something for your Sir m--''

I stopped talking when she suddenly cut me off.

''Actually, Mr. President is asking me to join you in the school Mrs. Zairesl''

I'm so sorry for her. She laughed softly at my reaction. Well, we're not that close so it's a bit awkward and we treat each other too formally.

and I don't socialize with Tyron's people too much, coz obviously I know where I stand.

'Why? Do I really need to be there?'

This time she really laughed at me. I just frowned while looking at her. I just invited her inside Tyron's house and she entered.

She looked around the house. Oh, I remember, Gin is the only one who can come here because he is Tyron's personal assistant. Except for his friends who were also banned.

''Mrs. Zaires you really are beautiful. Then you're so cute to wonder"

I was embarrassed and just caressing my arms as if I feel cold. Tyron's secretary is terrible.

''Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment. So can you tell me now why are we going to the school you said earlier?''

I said. She smiled and return the formality.

'' It's the owner's 60th anniversary at the school and they're having a reunion. So, Mr. President wants you to go and attend. '

So he knows more about what's going on with me? It's really different when you have many sources. I feel like I'm the boss and it's like I'm just scheduling a meeting with another company. Hey!

''Is he coming too?''

I asked hopefully. I want to see him. I was suddenly excited that he might also go for business matters.

''Sorry but I don't know if he's coming or not. His line was too busy and he didn't say anything other than to pick you up."

'Ah. Okay. '

I suddenly feel sad. I thought he would go too. I took a deep breath and looked back at her and smiled. She was smiling at me.

' Don't worry I will accompany you. I'll be your company there. '

''Oh thank you. By the way, what do you want to eat or drink? I'll give you, just tell me before I go upstairs to get dressed"

She shook her head and slightly raised her hand to reject my offer.

' No, I'm okay just fix yourself so we're out but thanks for the offer '

She says. I just nodded and immediately went upstairs and got dressed. I wore a pink dress above the knee and pink doll shoes. I let my hair down and looked at myself in the mirror again. It's okay.

I took my handbag and went down. I saw Ria watching our pictures. The pictures of me and Ty in frames.

I approached her and looked at what she was looking at. She took our wedding picture and showed it to me.

' You're so lucky Scarlet. I don't know why Tyron chose you instead of Gretzel. There must be really something about you '

She said seriously and put the picture back on the desk.

'Maybe I'm really lucky to meet Tyron. We met at times when I almost gave up. He became my Savior Ria and I'll be forever grateful for it. '

She just smiled and patted me lightly on the shoulder.

'You two are lucky to have each other Mrs. Zaires'

' Oh please, call me Scarlet. You guys are being so formal when you are around me. Treat me a friend ya know '

She laughed at me. I smiled and we went straight to her car. She left my car because she was the one who would take me home, so I was settled.



Tyron's POV

' Mr. President here's my report for you about Scarlet Yu '

I looked at the folder in front of me. I just asked my investigator to investigate my wife if what others were saying about her high school life were true.

I reached for the folder and looked at what was inside. Before I could finally see the contents of the paper, I watched the man leave and go out.

She doesn't know about Scarlet Yu or anything for being my wife. Maybe he knows something else, tsk.

I never expected the result was like this. Suddenly my mood changed but I still read the content.

Terence Zaires a famous lawyer in United State was once having an affair with Scarlet Yu four years ago. They end their relationship when Terence studied abroad and left Scarlet here.

So they really have a relationship? My brother is still good. And now he's back, I may now have a rival. I know Terence very well and he is not someone who just gives up.

I put the papers down. My brother came the other day but I haven't seen him yet. I must go and see Scarlet, maybe when I get home I will settle with her. But I'll be the one to give a divorce anyway.

I'll be meeting someone and the same place as Scarlet.