
The Billionaire's Secret Wife (English)

Scarlet Yu is a simple girl. She's willing to do everything just for her sister's sake ! And one day she made a contract with the very famous business tycoon Tyron Zaires. She agreed to be the Billionaire's secret wife with reason. What if they fall in love with each other ? What if Scarlet will suffer a lot of challenges that will come to her life , with Tyron? What if Tyron will leave her after his great love come back ? Will she be happy in the end ? Let's step in Scarlet's litte world and witness her life.

Rhoda_Lonoy · Thành thị
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13 Chs


Chapter 13

Terrence's POV

I didn't waste time investigating my babe and when I found out something between my brother and Scarlet, shit. I directly head to the bar and then get drunk! Part of me wants to beat up my older brother and another part of me wants to kill him instead. But I know I have nothing against him. I know him too well that even I am afraid when he gets angry. Thank you. He's also a short-tempered person.

I was so annoyed that I threw the wine glass I was holding and knew that other people were already looking at my behavior but I don't give a damn about it! I messed up my hair and then fell down.

I didn't realize that I was silently crying. It hurt me because you did everything just for her and then...

Then you will know that she was already married. She's such a player and a gold-digger?!

Did she choose my brother because he is more capable than me?! More money?! Famous? Can give her what she wants?

"Ahh! Fuck you! Fuck you, Ty!!"

I threw away the bottles I could get my hands on. Someone came up to me as if they were their manager at the bar here. Before he could get close to me, I glared at him and retreated.

"Don't you dare stop me?!"

I shouted angrily and then I washed my face. Fuck?! I swear I'll get mine back! And Scarlet is mine, alone?! I don't share even if it means I will be the one to start a rivalry between me and Ty!

Liam's POV

I'm still in the hospital and standing exactly at the main entrance. I was just standing while holding my phone because I had a text from Mr. Zaires. I missed a call earlier so I just texted. It's not very important but it's still nerve-wracking.

I put my phone in my pocket and then looked up at the sky. The rain was heavy and it was very dark. I can't go home because I'm on duty now and I have to read a lot of papers and records of my patients.

I turned around to walk in when I saw Dr. Wang was also walking but his direction was towards me.

He didn't even seem to notice me because he was seriously looking at the paper he was holding. I frowned. I'm not a gossip type of man but I didn't see Dr. Wang so stressed about his work and he doesn't come out of his office much so we don't really talk. And as I know he has a patient that needs to be taken care of.

" Good Evening Dr. Wang, you look so serious and... stressed"

I started while facing each other. I got now his attention. He let out a heavy sigh and looked into my eyes directly and smiled.

"Yes. Good evening too, Dr. Liam I'm just reviewing my patient's record. The patient is getting worse and I just feel sorry for the patient's sister because she seems to be okay and trying also her best to pay that's why I'm doing my best to save her sister"

He answered me seriously. I didn't expect him to tell that story, it looks like he couldn't take it anymore because he's the type of person who doesn't open up unless he badly asks for help. He doesn't know what to do when he can't take it anymore and I bet it looks like he will be giving up because even we are hurt by our patients and seeing their family members.

Especially if we fail to save our patients.

I patted his shoulder and then smiled.

" Take a rest Dr. Wang if you want I can help ---"

"No.no. I can handle this. Thank you "

He replied with a smile. I just nodded and drifted my gaze then looked at my wristwatch.


" Okay. Ahm, I have to go now Dr. Liam I still need to check my special patient. So see you around."

I just nodded again and smiled.

"See you around"

I answered and he left. I just shrugged my shoulders and went straight to my office. I fell on my couch and then closed my eyes. I'm tired. What a long day!


Scarlet's POV

It's tomorrow. Tomorrow is the meeting that Hannah and I have been waiting for the most. And I really stayed up late for tomorrow but I think something is still missing.

I don't know but I'm really not content even though Hannah tells me that it's okay and that my design is very beautiful.

I'm wondering. It's a simple style yet you can see the elegance. The colors are red and gold. It's in 3D and everything.

"Ma'am Scarlet! Bossing calls you!"

I turned around when Zen called me and almost all of our co-workers also turned around because of her behavior. This one is also crazy, Hannah's inheritance! I'm just tired.

A lot of people get annoyed when I'm called. They weren't like this before, but sometimes I heard them talking about me.

I just shook my head when I saw that Zen was smiling and so was Hannah. I just shook my head and took my laptop. I'm going to present it to Boss today. I'll show him my work if it's okay.

"Boss is excited to see that!"

"Yes, we are already looking for him"

See? Really crazy people. I'm still ahead.

"Stay here. I'm coming in"

I told them. They nodded at me.

"Okay let's have lunch after. Zen's treat"

Hannah said. I just laughed and left the two of them. I entered Boss's office.


Shan's POV

Hi, remember me? I am Scarlet's best friend and I am the one who watches over her Mother. No one's gonna look to their mother and his sister is in the hospital. So that's it.

I'm here at home preparing food. Mother is in town buying something because my girlfriend is with her. While I was boiling chicken soup, I was also fixing the table.

After a while, I heard the sound of a car so I was surprised. I quickly turned off the stove and then went straight outside the house.

I was even more surprised to see that there was another car there. It's not Calid's car and we don't have a car, so I'm really surprised.

What is this again? Did they owe Scarlet again?

A man came out there. And it's still in shades. Based on his posture, he is obviously rich.

He looked at me and came closer.

"Is this the house of Mrs. Yu?"

Yu? That's Mother and Scarlet's last name! Why is he looking for it?

"Yes. What do you need?"

I asked formally and respectfully. He looked around and then removed his shades.

"I am Tyron Zaires and I am here to talk about something with Mrs. Yu"

Tyrone? Who is this guy again? The car is nice and looks expensive.

"Ah, she's still in our town, if you want to come on in and just wait if that's okay with you?"

He didn't answer and just looked at his wristwatch. He looked at me again.

"Okay. I'll wait."

He suddenly went inside. I just excused myself and continued my work in the kitchen. I also cooked another dish so we could have more. It's embarrassing for the guest.

While spooning, I couldn't help but look at the living room. Why is Tyron here?

What does he need from Mother? I just shrugged my shoulders and continued. Maybe when they talk I'll know, because my mother will share it with me. But I hope it's not a problem for us to worry about because I'm afraid that Mother might have a heart attack and Scarlet might kick me out of nowhere.