
The Billionaire's Secret Wife (English)

Scarlet Yu is a simple girl. She's willing to do everything just for her sister's sake ! And one day she made a contract with the very famous business tycoon Tyron Zaires. She agreed to be the Billionaire's secret wife with reason. What if they fall in love with each other ? What if Scarlet will suffer a lot of challenges that will come to her life , with Tyron? What if Tyron will leave her after his great love come back ? Will she be happy in the end ? Let's step in Scarlet's litte world and witness her life.

Rhoda_Lonoy · Thành thị
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13 Chs


Chapter 11

I smiled at Boss after he got close to me.

"Boss? Do you have anything else to do?"

I asked him. He guided his hand so that we could both sit down. I stood up.

"I received the invitation from Emperor's Group of Company. I'll send you to their company for the upcoming meeting"

He says. I wondered. We were invited to a meeting held by big companies?! Wow!

"Are you serious Boss?"

"Yes! His personal assistant sent an invitation through email"

He said happily. Because of Boss's sudden smile, I couldn't help but stare! He is like a happy egg. My Boss is bald and has a chin that's why when he laughs his eyes disappear.

I just stopped myself from laughing at my thoughts about him.

"So I'm the one you're going to fight again?"

He nodded. He turned to the side where Hannah was sitting because that's where her table is.

"Hannah come here"

Hannah looked at him with surprise. Boss rarely calls her. She slowly stood up.


"I said come here"

Boss repeated himself. Hannah scratched her head while approaching Boss and me.

"You two will be the ones I will send to the meeting. Hannah will be your assistant Scarlet. I'm counting on you guys this is our chance"

Hannah and I just nodded. Boss said goodbye and left to go back to his office. I sighed and looked at Hannah who was now dumbfounded. I stared at her. She suddenly lost herself.

" Oh, Hanna---"

"Kyyyaaaaahhhhh ?! Omy ghaaad !"

I was shocked by her scream. Our co-workers looked at us. I pinched Hannah by her side to simply calm her down. She came to her senses and looked around.

She bit her lip and gave a peace sign and said sorry to those she disturbed. She looked at me and then held me close while holding back her screams. I'm the one who stopped me.

"I'm really going to go with you! And I'm going to see Mr. Billionaire in person?!"

She said happily. I just shook my head and went back to my work. I don't know why they are so dead in Tyrone. Well, he is said to be a total package.

"Yes, Hannah. I wonder if we're already there, don't scream like that"

I said to her as I started typing again on my laptop. I haven't finished the sketch I'm doing for the client yet. There is always a project that follows.

"Yes, Ma'am. I'm just excited!"

She said and left. I looked at my cell phone. Can I thank him because he gave our company a chance? I mean, they don't need to find another designer for the new company to be built because they have a department where they have great architecture!

In the end, I still texted him 'thank you for giving us a chance' I didn't expect his reply but I smiled when he replied.

'Do your best. Even if you're my wife, still I'm not gonna help you. I'll be home later

I smiled. Not because of his reply about my best but because of 'I'll be home later '

I just finished what I was doing so I could go home. I also want him to be able to bond.


I finished early so I will go home early today to the villa. I'm already here in the parking lot of our company to go to the car and go home.

I got into the car when my phone vibrated. A text from Terrence. I just read it and deleted it. It's not that important. He just wants a date with me and I'm not interested in that.

He probably knows that I'm already married or maybe I'm in a relationship with someone else. He is the kind of person who will investigate and he stated that on our first-day meeting again at school.

I shook my head and sighed. I like Tyrone more than Terrence. So what? He is my husband and it's not like I can't really develop with him. Like I've said I've been with him for a few years.

I parked my car and then entered the villa. There I saw my husband again who didn't come home for several nights. Even though I was annoyed at our last meeting, I still ignored it and came closer and caressed him.

He kissed me on my lips and I returned what he wanted. A few minutes passed when he let go and we both caught our own breath.

"You didn't pick me up at our candlelight dinner. I prepared all the foods that you like and yet you didn't show up, what a waste of my efforts Mr. Zaire!"

He smiled at what he heard from me. He kissed the back of my ear which made me nervous.

"Really? I'm sorry but I'm really busy at that time"

He says. I was sad. I know I don't have the right to complain but he doesn't know what I feel so I'm sad because he made me rely on him too.

"What's with that long face?"

"H-ha? Ahh, nothing! What am I going to prepare for you so you can eat hmm? I know you're hungry"

I explained and was about to leave to go to the kitchen when he suddenly grabbed me by the waist and kissed me on the lips. His kiss is not just a touch and I think this kiss he is giving me a destination.

"I want you."

He said with a husky voice while staring into my eyes. And I am the same as him. I also want to be with him even tonight.

I initiated the kiss and he deepened it. He just carried me to our bedroom and the rest is history.


I woke up feeling like someone was stroking my hair. I opened my eyes only to see my husband's handsome face. I was ashamed to look at him when I remembered what happened last night. Shit, we actually did that!

"You're blushing"

He tempted me. Did I just hear him say that?! But even though I still can't face him because I'm ashamed knowing that we both have no cover underneath.

"It's not just a dream.."

I hung up weakly from what he heard.

"Yes, it's not. And.."

My eyes widened when I saw him lying on top of me again. Isn't he fed up yet?

"Want some breakfast in bed?"

And he didn't wait for me to answer. He just claimed me again and whether I deny it or not but I like what he is doing and it's an accomplishment for me because I also played the part of being a wife and gave him what he needed as a man.