
The Billionaire's Mistress: Love of a surrogate

The powerful and aristocratic Zelkowicz family is obsessed with having male heirs to continue their lineage. Harry Zelkowicz, the heir of the family has a stoic personality and is in a loveless marriage with Sasha Famazani. She is the heiress of an equally noble family however she's infertile. The matriarch decided to get a surrogate to bore the next heir of the family. Reina Lyle is a sweet, fiesty and beautiful young girl who confronts life joyfully and enthusiastically despite her poor background. For a large sum of money, Reina is forced to be a surrogate mother for the Zelkowicz family. However, after two failed artificial insemination, the matriarch advised Harry to get close to Reina to mate with her naturally. After a series of passionate encounters with her, Harry is attracted by her cheerful and unrestrained nature; the two fell in love with each other and become involved in a passionate love affair resulting in Reina's pregnancy and also igniting Sasha's jealousy, exposing Reina to infinite danger. Realizing that the display of his affection will endanger Reina and the matriarch vehement disapproval of him to love someone below his social status, Harry started to treat her coldly to protect her but it caused her to be heartbroken and disappointed. After giving birth to a pair of twins, Reina is ruthlessly chased away by the rich family despite her desperate attempts to get back her children. Unable to deal with the psychological trauma of losing her loved ones and abandoned by her lover, Reina gave up on life. Seven years later, a guilt-stricken Harry meets a woman who looks identical to Reina but she treats him with cold indifference as she does not recognize him. However, Harry is unwilling to give up and begin to pursue her again to regain her love and forgiveness at all cost. Will he be able to get back her love and forgiveness? Will she be able to leave behind the past pain and humiliation she suffered and love him again or will she move on with a new source of happiness?

Monica_Aryee_7983 · Thành thị
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41 Chs

Chapter 41

In a luxurious villa, a beautiful young woman with delicate features was lying unconscious in a bed. Her head was bandaged and her face was looking pale. A young and handsome doctor was checking up on her condition. The doctor looked at the sleeping beauty and felt a little dazzled.

"Doctor, how's she?. Is she really going to be alright?". A fat middle aged man asked, looking anxious. The doctor sighed and assured him.

"Mr Smith shouldn't worry. The young lady here is out of danger. She'll soon wake up. Don't worry about it".

Mr Smith moved to sit by the bed, took the beauty's cold hand and held it in his own as he stared lovingly at Reina.

"My little kitty, wake up soon. I've missed you so much". He spoke lovingly to her and left several kisses on the back of her hand.

The doctor stood behind him, staring at this greasy old man acting so intimate with the beauty and couldn't help feeling ridiculous. He wasn't brought here by his free will but was coerced into coming here to attend to this injured lady. The first time he saw her, she was in a pretty bad condition, he had panicked and insisted on having her taken to a hospital for treatment but Mr Smith vehemently refused. He and his men held him at gunpoint and threatened to eliminate him if he didn't save her.

Fortunately, he managed to save her in time and there were no serious complications. He was brought here and not allowed to leave until the lady gets better. Unable to bear watching the ugly ogre lusting after the beauty, the doctor cleared his throat, jolting Mr Smith out of his smitten state.

He said "Sir, the patient needs a lot of rest to recover quickly and must not be disturbed".

Mr Smith gazed at Reina with a reluctance to path expression, heaved a big sigh and finally walked out of the room with the doctor. His minions were guarding the villa. This is one of his exclusive properties that he had acquired over the years. It's a villa situated in the middle of a secluded island surrounded by water. The only way out of here is by a boat. Everything here is within his control. Reina will never be able to escape from his grip now.

Lyle House

Annie was sitting down at the dining table brooding, her left hand resting on her cheek, supporting her head. Her sad eyes were glued on the phone lying down on the table.

"Please call. Please call. Please call. If you don't call I'll get mad at you". She mutters. Tears welled up in her eyes. It has been so many days already since Reina last called her.

"Annie baby, what's wrong with you?" Mrs Lyle walked in on her and couldn't help asking. Annie raised her sad eyes to stare back at her mother as tears flowed down her cheeks. Worried, Mrs Lyle rushed to her side, gathering her gently into her embrace and enquired,

"Annie, what is wrong with you? Are you hurt somewhere?"

Mrs Lyle worriedly checked her from top to bottom to see if she had injured herself or something. Annie stopped her mother's movement and shook her head.

"Mommy, I'm fine".

Mrs Lyle furrowed her eyebrows and wondered, "If there's nothing wrong with you then why are you crying for no reason? Did something happen that I'm not aware of?".

Hearing her mother's words, Annie wiped her tears with the back of her hand and replied in a low voice, "Mommy, l miss sister. It's been so many days already and sister hasn't called nor returned any of our call. I want to talk to her. l miss her a lot".

"Oh Annie, don't cry. I'm sure Reina hasn't called because she must've been caught up with a lot of work. Your sister needs to work a lot so that's why she hasn't been able to call. Don't worry, very soon she'll surely call. I'm sure she misses you very much too". Mrs Lyle comforted her daughter.

Even she had been stressed and worried about her daughter these past months especially these couple of days when she hasn't called to let them know how she's doing but she try not to think about such things because this was the sacrifice her child made for the sake of their family's wellbeing.

She can only pray for the Lord to keep her safe at all times.

In a high rise building and inside a luxurious condo, a very handsome young man clad in

"Master, I've got something. I don't know if it's of any importance to you but the old man you asked me to bring him in has disappeared". Alan reported.

"Disappeared?" Axel narrowed his eyes. "For how long?" he asked.

"Three days. It's been three days since he was last seen". Alan answered truthfully. Axel's eyes turned cold. It's been three days since Reina's abduction and that old fogey disappeared around the same period?. He doesn't believe in coincidence.

"Use any means possible and find out his whereabouts as soon as possible". He ordered. "Yes Master. I'll get it done." Alan replied.

Axel sat down on the couch and threw his head back, staring blankly at the white ceiling. He hasn't been able to eat or sleep properly since Reina's disappearance and had been feeling frustrated over his inability to not find her as soon as possible.

"Master, we can't delay out departure from here much longer. We really need to leave as soon as possible" Alan spoke, looking a little worried.


That was the only thing that came out of Axel's mouth. Silence filled the room for a long time before Axel spoke again.

"I'm not leaving until I find her and make sure that she's safe".