
The Billionaire's Mistress: Love of a surrogate

The powerful and aristocratic Zelkowicz family is obsessed with having male heirs to continue their lineage. Harry Zelkowicz, the heir of the family has a stoic personality and is in a loveless marriage with Sasha Famazani. She is the heiress of an equally noble family however she's infertile. The matriarch decided to get a surrogate to bore the next heir of the family. Reina Lyle is a sweet, fiesty and beautiful young girl who confronts life joyfully and enthusiastically despite her poor background. For a large sum of money, Reina is forced to be a surrogate mother for the Zelkowicz family. However, after two failed artificial insemination, the matriarch advised Harry to get close to Reina to mate with her naturally. After a series of passionate encounters with her, Harry is attracted by her cheerful and unrestrained nature; the two fell in love with each other and become involved in a passionate love affair resulting in Reina's pregnancy and also igniting Sasha's jealousy, exposing Reina to infinite danger. Realizing that the display of his affection will endanger Reina and the matriarch vehement disapproval of him to love someone below his social status, Harry started to treat her coldly to protect her but it caused her to be heartbroken and disappointed. After giving birth to a pair of twins, Reina is ruthlessly chased away by the rich family despite her desperate attempts to get back her children. Unable to deal with the psychological trauma of losing her loved ones and abandoned by her lover, Reina gave up on life. Seven years later, a guilt-stricken Harry meets a woman who looks identical to Reina but she treats him with cold indifference as she does not recognize him. However, Harry is unwilling to give up and begin to pursue her again to regain her love and forgiveness at all cost. Will he be able to get back her love and forgiveness? Will she be able to leave behind the past pain and humiliation she suffered and love him again or will she move on with a new source of happiness?

Monica_Aryee_7983 · Thành thị
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41 Chs

Chapter 39

Harry made his way to the room of Reina. His eyes were filled with longing as he walks around slowly, touching everything and trying to feel her presence. He sat on the bed dejectedly holding onto her nightie which still has her sweet scent. He laid back on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry".

He chanted an apology over and over again as tears rolled down his eyes. He curled up his body in a fetal position while hugging Reina's nightie tightly till he fell asleep.

The next morning, the Zelkowicz family arrived at the hospital where a group of reporters were waiting for them. Harry was dressed in a grey suit, his hair was meticulously styled with not a strand out of place. His expression cold and devoid of any emotion and his unapproachable aura strike fear and awe in people.

Old madame was dressed impeccable as always, exuding the bearing of a noble woman of high class. The reporters were bombarding them with questions but none was answered and they didn't dare to get too close to them for fear of upsetting them and getting a retaliation from the Zelkowicz family. That'll be the end of not only their career but their life as well. The bodyguards cleared the way for them to enter into the hospital.

"When I heard what had happened, my heart nearly stopped beating. I wouldn't know what l would've done if I lost such an amazing woman like her".A handsome young man looked at the beauty lying on the hospital bed and spoke with sorrowful eyes.

"Oh Mr Osman, my daughter is really blessed to have someone like you who loves her so much. My heart feels so glad. Please take care of her" A middle aged woman dressed elegantly in designer outfit, laughed joyously and replied.

"Mrs Palanca doesn't have to be so formal with me. Although we have not finalized it yet but very soon I'll be your son-in-law so you can just call me Ivan" Ivan said, smiling charmingly at her.

Mrs Palanca couldn't help smiling from ear to ear. This is such a good thing. It seems the mouse has now fallen into the trap. Finally, her husband business can be saved with this marriage. Fortunately, she gave birth to such a beautiful and seductive daughter.

"Good. Good. Good".She laughed.

Soraya laid in bed and rolled her eyes at the duo's display of hypocritical affection with a look of disgust and annoyance. Her head was bandaged due to the injury she sustained. After traumatic experience of the gunmen's attack and the car crashing, she regained consciousness later in the hospital but fortunately she only suffered bruising and a minor head injury. She had questioned her parents about the aftermath of the accident and they only told her that she and Sasha were admitted to the hospital and the driver had passed away.

She asked about Reina too but her parents had no idea of an extra person. It seems that the Zelkowicz family has suppressed any news regarding Reina. Her mood was further ruined by the appearance of Ivan Osman. She simply doesn't like this man no matter how good looking and charming he is.

"Son-in-law? In your dreams".She scoffed.

A knock on the door gained their attention. Harry walked into the room. Soraya's light up with joy upon seeing him. Ivan expression turned cold as he secretly clenched his fist at the sight of him. A man he considers his rival. "Hello Aunt" He greeted Mrs Palanca.

This woman was his deceased mother's good friend. Mrs Palanca smiled kindly at him.

"You've grown so big already. Back then you were still young and energetic and will run to me for chocolate. Time really flies so fast". Mrs Palanca reminisce, looking nostalgic. Harry didn't say anything, his face was cold as always, as if the boy in Mrs Palanca's memories had nothing to do with him .

"Harry, you're back?! That's really good." Soraya called out to him with a happy smile. Harry started walking towards her but Ivan stood in his way, blocking him from approaching any closer. The two men looked at each other intensely but seeing Harry's dead eyes, Ivan moved out of the way.

The moment Harry got close to her, Soraya grabbed his hand and broke down in tears.

"I'm so glad to see you again. l thought I was going to die back then. It was so scary. Like a scene from an action movie". She cried. Seeing her tears staining her cheeks, Harry took out his personalized handkerchief and handed it to her.

"You look ugly when you cry" He said.

Soraya pouted her lips and replied, "You're so heartless. How can you say such words to a beauty like me".

She rolled her eyes and used the handkerchief to wipe her face and even blow in it to retaliate against Harry.

Ivan looked at the scene of their interaction and gritted his teeth in anger. This heartless woman doesn't even want to see him for a second more but she could cry so easily in front of another man and reveal such a childish appearance. His heart felt hot and unreconciled. Mrs Palanca looked conflicted.

The relationship between Harry and her daughter had always been great since their childhood. It would've been perfect if her daughter had married him then her family would've enjoyed infinite glory and benefits for being close relatives of the Zelkowicz family. They're a far better choice than the Osman family and if only.....

"Can you please excuse us for a second. I want to talk to Soraya in private". Harry asked.

Mrs Palanca nodded and after lecturing Soraya not to misbehave, she left. Ivan was reluctant to leave the two alone but he could walk out too. Soraya waved him goodbye with a mocking smile, infuriating him enough to smirked coldly. Now that they're alone, Harry asked, "Tell me what happened?"