
chapter 1 (one)


Hey guys my name is Ronnie am 22 years old am a graduated student and am looking for a job. Live with my parent still single and not searching and not interested in the first place love to show her beauty hate make ups with pink lips

I stood up geting ready for the interview to get a job so i can cater for my family am a family of 6

I have my mum my dad my sisters me and my brother

As i said am 22 years old am the eldest and three sibblings

Maya is 16 years old still in school and meet 15 year old still in school and mason 19 in college and me looking for a job

We all have lovely parents who care so much about us

So am heading to this company heard it was the best and i want to apply there to show them about my intelligence and to show them i can help them in growing the company and they will pay my money service for service

So enough talks of that

I ran inside the company sweats dripping on me so i arrange my self with the mirror i took from home

So i hsard to the receptionist office and told her that am here for the job

She asked for my name and i told her

Ronnie Ranhe she checked it and directed me to the office where i was supposed to be interviewed so i went in and saw the boss on a chair in the middle of the room and i couldn't even admire the room because of what is going on

He looked at me

He÷= ur name , postion u want to go for , why u want fo go for it, ur age

Mia÷= mia Ranhe , personal assistant, because i know am suitable for the job and i will try my very best to be the best in everything i do, 22 years years of age

He÷= ok u have been accepted

Mia÷= did he just say i was accepted am so happy i didnt notice or hear that he was calling on to me

He÷= get me my coffee

Mia÷= ok kk sir

He÷= be fast i didnt employ u to be sluggish in the job i would have hired a snail its even more xaster than u

Mia÷= what did he just talk to me like that

He÷= are u still waiting

Mia÷= take what u said back

He÷= why should i am the boss i can do whatever i want to if u dont go then ur service is no longer needed meaning u are fired

Mia÷= no no pls dont fire sir i will go get it

He÷= be fast

Thirty minutes ago

Mia=÷ here is ur coffee sir

He÷= u can take it its already cold and get to work

Mia÷= whoa why does he have to be this cold

He÷= why are u still standing

Mia=÷ still standing not moving

He÷= i can see u dont love ur job scramb away right now

Mia÷= sorry sir running out and bumping into someone she looked up and saw a very handsome guy

Chapter 2 coming