
The Billionaire's Little Angel

Ever heard of a Gentle dove?, An angel in human form??, the most kindest being ever??, If you have heard of such, then that's the perfect way to define him. And he is no other person than, Gerardo Steinfeld, the youngest Billionaire in France, He is 28 years old and you can call him a fallen Angel cause of his dashing looks. He is the real definition of a Gentleman, the number 1 philanthropist in France, He is the CEO of KINGS IMPORTS one of the most biggest Wine Company in Europe. Money is not his problem, just one word from him and everything is settled the way he wants. His Father President Marcelo is One of the most Richest man in Europe and also the current president of France, so that alone defines how powerful he is. Despite being rich Gerardo suffers from sicknesses he don't know how to cure, he's Asthmatic, suffers from insomnia and Lastly he is allergic to anything made of flour, or citrus fruit. But everything changed after he met her. Who is she??, and How did he met her??.

RoyalPraiz · Thành thị
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51 Chs

Who are You

"I said the truth, stop gossiping about me and focus on your modelling mad woman" Chelina said again and she slap her again.

She raise her hand to slap her again but someone grab her hand and she turned to see Susanna.

"Mommy" Chelina called and run to her.

"How dare you slap her?" She asked.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"You don't have to know, I guess Camellia didn't tell you who I am" Susanna said and smirked.

"What are you...

"That's Susanna's first daughter you just slapped, and am not letting you go without avenging, since you Models decide not to have brain" Susanna said and sighted a grilled pork stand nearby.

"Perfect" she said and grab Sophie's hand.

"Where are you going?, Let me go, let me go!!!" She screamed as Susanna drag her towards the pork stand.

"It's been long I ate human fingers pork, so I wanna have a taste today" Susanna said and walk to the owner of the pork stand.

"Good day ma" she greeted the owner and she looked up.

"Afternoon, how may I help you?" She asked.

"I wanna borrow your pork grill, how much for it?" She asked.

"Oh 10 dollars" she said.

"I will give you 20, thanks for helping me" Susanna said and drag Sophie to the grill.

"What are you doing?" Sophie asked.

"Grilled fingers" she said opening her palms and Chelina smiled.

"No, no....

"Yes yes" Susanna said putting some chilled pepper and salt on her palm.

"Add onion Mom" Chelina said and she took some onions and garlic and place it on her palms, not giving her chance to close her palm.

"Pork work better with...

"Orange juice!!!!" Chelina completed and Susanna place Sophie's hand right on the hot grill pan.

Her palm peel off and the salt and pepper Penetrate into it, giving her stingy pains.

"Aaaarrrrrrggghhhh!!!!!" Sophie screamed.

"More pressure Mom" Chelina said and Susanna added more pressure to it, hurting Sophie the more.


Gerardo's eyes opened and he slowly sit up on the bed, he looked at the wall clock and it already late for him to go to work, 10:47 am.

He over slept and he is not surprised, anything he had an asthmatic attack, he always sleep for a long time.

But how did he survive and how did he get to his room??, who removed his shirt??, Did Camellia came over?

Different questions run through his mind and he shrugged the question off and walk into the bathroom, he took his bath and brush his teeth before coming back to the room.

He walk to his closet and change into another clothe before leaving the room.

He walk downstairs to the dinning room and he saw Nellie eating there with Gracie and Winny standing beside her.

"Daddy!!" Nellie called and run to him and hugged him.

"Nell" he carried her and Kiss her hair.

"Daddy I was so afraid when you didn't wake up this morning, I thought you've left me" she pouted.

"That's not happening, I still have a lot of things to do with you" he said and she smiled.

"I love you Daddy" she said and kiss her.

"You know I love you more, mmmh mmmh" he said and tickled her, making her to giggle.

"Let's eat" Gerardo said and Drop her on the chair.

He sat down too and Gracie dish out his food for him.

"Morning madam Gracie" he said and start eating.

"Go get me Jeffrey" Gerardo said to Winny.

"Ok sir" she said and left, she walk back later to the sitting room with Jeffrey.

"You can go" Gerardo said and she left, same with Gracie.

"Boss" Jeffrey Bowed.

"Uurrmm, do you have any idea of who took me to my room?" He asked.

"I did boss" she said.

"And how did you know, I was there?" He asked.

"Oh Chelina called me to come help her in taking you to your room" he said.

"And how did she retrieve me back?" He asked.

"I don't know, but she didn't use your inhaler" he said and he nodded.

"Ok, you can go" he said and Jeffrey Bowed before leaving the dinning room.

Gerardo looked at Nellie who is eating her food and smiled before he continue eating.


Susanna walk into the hospital with Chelina behind her holding her bag as they walk.

"Mommy, what if the cops arrest you for burning Sophie's hand?" Chelina asked.

"She wouldn't dare report, after all she slapped you first" Susanna said.

"I wonder where she is now" Chelina said.

"Obviously crying her eyes out" she said and Chelina laughed.

"At least, she will quit Modelling for one week or two weeks" Chelina said and Susanna laughed.

"I wonder when Pierce will wake up" Susanna said walking towards the elevator.

"Very soon, he might wake up today". Chelina said and walk into the elevator.

"I hope so" Susanna said and the elevator close and open when they got to the tenth floor.

"Don't cry Please" Chelina said.

"I promise" Susanna said and walk to the ICU, she stood in front of the glass and start looking at him, praying he wakes up soon.

"I just want you to open your eyes, just for a minute, I don't want to take you to the Philippines" she said and sniffed.

"Whoever did this to you, should get ready for me, cause I will make him or her pay, no matter who the person is" she said and tears dropped from her eyes, she tried wiping it but Chelina saw her already.

"Mom, you promise me not to cry, why the tears now?" She asked.

"Am fine" she said and Chelina start wiping her tears.

"Don't look there again" Chelina said and hug her.

She looked closely into the ICU and sighed sadly.

"Just wake up already, it's been two weeks Pierce" she said and as if he heard her, his fingers moved and her eyes widened.

"Wh....what.....Mom" she murmured and his fingers moved again.

"Mom....Mommy" she called and Susanna broke the hug.


"Pierce....his fingers....it's moving" she said and Susanna looked into the ICU and his fingers are truly moving.

"Son....son.....Pierce!!" She screamed before she can stop herself and he moved slightly.

"Pierce!" Chelina called and his eyes opened slowly.

"Mommy did you see that?" Chelina asked.

"Yeah I did, go call the doctor, the oxygen mask is no longer good for him" Susanna said.

"Right away Mom" Chelina said and run out of there.

"Hold on son, he is coming" Susanna said looking at how he is struggling with the mask still on him.


"Hey did you girls heard the latest gist?" Reign asked sitting on the green field.

"What again?" Lyena asked.

"Everytime gist" Barbie said.

"Calm down please" Reign said and they roll eyes.

"Ok, our school gender switch party, is coming soon" Reign said.

"What really?" Barbie asked.

"Yeah, and you know it's always filled with fun" she said.

"What's that?" Lyena asked.

"Gender switch party, boy will dress like girls, while girls will dress like boys and everybody is required to have a partner and there is always a winner" Barbie said.

"Wow, who have been your partner before?" Lyena asked.

"It was I and Phil last year, while Reign was with Pierce, Avalon is still in England then" Barbie said.

"And who won?" Lyena asked.

"Us, I and Pierce won, you know I always dress like a boy and Pierce got girlish looks, so we killed it with our dancing skills, I can still remember last year, the way Pierce was wining his waist was out of the world, then his mini skirt and tank top Gosh" Reign said and they laughed.

"And Phil disappointed me, can you imagine he fell down from his high heel when we where dancing on stage, all the make-up I did for him was a waste" Barbie said and they laughed again.

"I wish I was here last year" Lyena said.

"Don't worry, you are here now and am sure you wouldn't miss it for anything" Barbie said and she smiled.

"Sure, trust me" Lyena said and Barbie smiled

"I love your shoe"Reign said.

"Oh that, Avalon got it for me" she said and they gave her teasing looks.

"Oh so you and Avalon are.....

"Not now Reign" she said and Reign Chuckled.

"Reign!" Phil called running to her.


"Pierce is awake, it everywhere check your phone, fans are going crazy" Phil said.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah am on my way to the hospital" Phil said and run out of the garden.

"Let's go girls" Reign said and they walk out of the garden too.


Susanna run into Pierce ward and hug him on the bed.

"My son" she said kissing his hair and he smiled.

"Thank you for coming back to me" she said stroking his hair and showering his face with kisses.

"Mom" he called slowly.

"Oh my God, you remember me" Susanna said hugging him more.

"Pierce" Chelina smiled walking into the ward.

"Big sis" he smiled and she hugged him.

"Thanks for coming back to us" she said and kiss his cheeks.

"It a good thing, you still remember us" Susanna said.

"Yeah, but it feels like I can't remember all of it" he said inaudibly but Susanna heard him.

"Don't worry, it will come back" Susanna said stroking his hair and he nodded.

"I miss you" he said.

"Me too" Susanna said hugging him again.

"Your friends are coming soon" Susanna said and he nodded, though he can't remember anything about friends.


"Pierce!!" Phil called running into the ward, Reign and the others are with him.

"Leader!" Reign called and he raise his brows.

"Who....who....are...are...the...they?" He asked Susanna.

"Your friends, your dance Crew members" she said and he looked at them again.

His eyes met with Barbie and he squinted looking at her strangely.

"Who....are....are....you?" He asked and Phil fainted on that spot.

If he can't remember Barbie, then there is no way,he is going to remember him