
The Billionaire's Little Angel

Ever heard of a Gentle dove?, An angel in human form??, the most kindest being ever??, If you have heard of such, then that's the perfect way to define him. And he is no other person than, Gerardo Steinfeld, the youngest Billionaire in France, He is 28 years old and you can call him a fallen Angel cause of his dashing looks. He is the real definition of a Gentleman, the number 1 philanthropist in France, He is the CEO of KINGS IMPORTS one of the most biggest Wine Company in Europe. Money is not his problem, just one word from him and everything is settled the way he wants. His Father President Marcelo is One of the most Richest man in Europe and also the current president of France, so that alone defines how powerful he is. Despite being rich Gerardo suffers from sicknesses he don't know how to cure, he's Asthmatic, suffers from insomnia and Lastly he is allergic to anything made of flour, or citrus fruit. But everything changed after he met her. Who is she??, and How did he met her??.

RoyalPraiz · Thành thị
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51 Chs


She walk out of the bathroom and walk into her closet, her clothes has been picked out, a jean shorts and turtle neck Polo, she is always wearing turtle neck so that she won't get affected by the cold due to her Asthmatic suffers.

She remove her bathrobe and rub her lotion on her body before putting on her clothes.

She walk back to her room and Winny is waiting for her there.

"What?" She asked and Winny nearly laughed, wondering if she is still the same girl that was crying last night.

"Your food is ready" she said.

"And where is my nanny?" She asked.

"She went out with Madam Gracie to the supermarket, she wants to get somethings for you" Winny said.

"Let's go" she said and they walk downstairs to the dinning table, Winny dish out her food and taste it in front of her before she took her spoon and start eating.

"What about my Daddy?" She asked.

"He left so early with miss Camel....

"I didn't ask you about her" Nellie said.

"Sorry" she said.

"You are not eating?" Nellie asked.

"Oh we are prohibited from eating with you or...

"Keep watching me eat" Nellie said and continue eating, looking at Winny who is smiling from time to time.



Julian walk out of the elevator and the first person he saw is Goldie, she is just coming back from the vineyard with Kingsley who went to deliver a message to someone.

"Hey block head" she called.

"Lazy secretary" he called.

"Are you here for your interview?" She asked.

"Yeah, you made me lose my interview yesterday"

"Oh sorry" she said and they laughed.

"Is your boss in?" He asked as they walk towards the office.

"Yeah, wait here I will just inform him" she said and walk into Gerardo's Office.

"Morning Mr Steinfeld" she greeted.

"Yeah, do you need anything?"

"Yes boss, I say make I inform you say...." She stopped when she saw him glaring at her.

"Oh sorry sir, the computer guy is here" she said.

"Ok, let him in" he said and she walk out of the office, Julian came in next.

"Good morning sir" he greeted and he looked up.

"Morning, you are welcome" he said and Julian smiled at his humbleness.

"Have a sit" he said.

"Thank you sir" he said and sat down

"So where are we starting from?" He asked.

"Anywhere sir, am fine with it" he smiled.

"Ok, what's your name and your state of origin?"

"My name is Julian Grande and am from here in Paris" he said.

"Are you a graduate?" He asked.

"Yeah, am a graduate of computer science and Cybernetics" he said.

"Are you alone or you have families?" He asked.

"My father is late, so I only have my sister and my mom, my sister is a student of sliver line college and my mom is a housewife cause....cause.... She....is .... she is blind" he said trying to hide the sadness in his voice but Gerardo noticed it and that alone made him feel pity for him.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"Am 24 and I will be 25 soon" he said and tears dropped from his eyes.

"It's okay, don't cry, what's your sisters name?" He asked.

"Her name is Lyena Grande" he said and Gerardo nodded.

"Ok, you are welcome to KING'S IMPORT, you can start work next week" Gerardo said.

"You mean I have been Hired?" He asked.

"Yeah, you can start next week or.....

"I will just start next tomorrow, I have nothing to do at home, thank you so much Sir" he bowed.

"You are welcome" Gerardo smiled and he stood.

"I will take my leave Sir" he said.

"Here, take this as your transport fare" Gerardo said giving him a bundle of money.

"For me?" He asked and he nodded.

"Oh my God, thank you sir!!" He said and run out of the office, Gerardo smiled and pick his phone from the table, he dialed a number immediately.

"Come see me later" he said and hung up.

"Hey did you get picked?" Goldie asked as Julian run out of the office.

"Yeah, lazy secretary" he hit her head and run out of there.

"Hey hey!" Goldie called and made to go after him but when she remembered she had a lot of work to do, she sit back down and continue fuming while walking.



"Hey babies guess what?, I got nominated as the new face of Paris last night" Barbie said in her tik tok videos as she walk towards the lecture hall.

"Gosh I am so happy" she said and giggled happily.

"I am..... excuse me I will be back" she said and cut the live videos as Mabel bump into her.

"You watch where you are going, am sure you can see" she said to her.

"You are going down soon" Mabel said.

"I am still waiting for the day, you will lose everything you have, bitch" Barbie said and walk away.

"You are going to cry soon" she said and Peyton walk to her with Pansy.

"You said you have something to show us?" She asked.

"Yeah, take a look at this" she said and showed them a picture on her phone, it the picture of Pierce and Barbie kissing.

"Wow, so useful I have some too" Peyton said.

"I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees this" Pansy said.

"Let's go plan it out first, I wanna see her cry" Mabel said.

"Let's go bitch" Peyton said and they walk out of there.



Chelina stood in front of the gate, wondering if she should open the gate and walk in or just stay there till someone is back.

The gate of the house is locked and she is with the spare key but she don't wanna walk in like that.

"What am I gonna do?" She pouted.

"I will just sit here and wait for someone to come back" she said and sat down on a rock.

She decide to come see them and spend some time with them, if she doesn't see Susanna, she is sure going to see Pierce.

She placed her head on her lap and after some minutes a car honk made her look up, Pierce came down from it and she smiled.

"Pierce my heart" she said.

"Excuse me, who are you?" He asked and she hit him.

"Bastard" she said and he laughed before they hugged each other.

"My girlfriend" he said k!ssing her hair.

"I miss all of you" she said and he chuckled before breaking the hug.

"Let's go inside, I brought some food for you" she said and he smiled.

"Yeah, am so hungry" he said and walk back to his car, he entered and she unlock the gate before he drove in.

"What about mother, I miss her" she said.

"You are to miss only me, she is not among" he said.

"Stop it, you idiot" she hit his head.

"Ouch!" He winced and the walk into the house.



Chelina came back hours ago and she is currently in the sunshade with Nellie, who is writing her English.

"Write 10 sentence on a composition about your father" she said.

"Ok" she pick her book and start writing.

"Can you go get me some of the lollipop?" She asked.

"Yeah stay here" Chelina said and walk into the house.

Gerardo's car drove in immediately and Nellie's eyes brightened.

"Daddy!" She run to him and hug him tightly.

"Hey Nell" he carried her and kissed her cheeks.

"Welcome Daddy" she said and roll eyes at Camellia who is beside him, she only smirked darkly as evil thought filled her mind.

Chelina walk out of the house with the lollipop and when she saw Nellie with Gerardo, she walk to her and give it to her.

"Here Nellie" she said and Gerardo dropped her, before she took it from her.

"Good evening Mr Steinfeld" she said with a wide smile and Camellia hissed.

"Good evening Chelina" he smiled and fixed his gaze on her and so did she, Nellie cleared her throat and they break the eye contact.

"Good evening ma'am" Chelina greeted Camellia but what followed next was a slap that took her to the floor, everybody gasped instantly.

"Haven't I warned you to stop calling me that and how dare you stare at my man like that" she said Jealously.

"Camellia!" Gerardo called controlling the urge to hit her and Nellie smiled.

"Hey Jeffrey, over here" she called and Jeffrey leave the car he is washing and run to her.

"Little Miss" he answered and she raised up her hand.

"Carry me" she said and Jeffrey carried her without any question.

"Now move close to Camellia" she whispered into his ears and he walk close to her.

"You don't do that next time ok" she said and before Camellia will say a word, Nellie slap her twice on her both cheeks at once using her two hands.

Jaws dropped and eyes widened as blood run down Camellia's nose and that was all it take for everything to go blank for her.


Do Camellia deserve the slap from Nellie?

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