
The Billionaire's Little Angel

Ever heard of a Gentle dove?, An angel in human form??, the most kindest being ever??, If you have heard of such, then that's the perfect way to define him. And he is no other person than, Gerardo Steinfeld, the youngest Billionaire in France, He is 28 years old and you can call him a fallen Angel cause of his dashing looks. He is the real definition of a Gentleman, the number 1 philanthropist in France, He is the CEO of KINGS IMPORTS one of the most biggest Wine Company in Europe. Money is not his problem, just one word from him and everything is settled the way he wants. His Father President Marcelo is One of the most Richest man in Europe and also the current president of France, so that alone defines how powerful he is. Despite being rich Gerardo suffers from sicknesses he don't know how to cure, he's Asthmatic, suffers from insomnia and Lastly he is allergic to anything made of flour, or citrus fruit. But everything changed after he met her. Who is she??, and How did he met her??.

RoyalPraiz · Thành thị
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51 Chs


"Go to sleep, sleep sleep" he said and she snuggle into him the more.

"Good night Dad" she smiled.

"Nighty night Angel" he said.

"I love you Dad" she kiss his cheeks.

"I love you more" Gerardo said and she smiled before closing her eyes and after some minutes she slept off on Gerardo's chest.

Gerardo slowly turn her over and drop her behind him, stroking her hair slowly.

He remembered Chelina and smiled before lying on the bed.

"Angelic beauty" he said smiling brightly.

He continued smiling until he slept off with Chelina in his mind.


"Good Morning Pierce" Chelina smiled walking downstairs all dressed up.

"Hey girlfriend, where to?, you are looking so beautiful that I wanna eat you raw" Pierce said.

"Flirt!, Flirt!" Chelina said hitting him with her bag.

"Ouch big sis" he winked and she smiled.

"I made something for you, it's in the kitchen" she said stroking his long hair.

"You are really taking care of me, best girlfriend ever" he said and she giggled.

"Anyways I want to go see David, I will be back" she said and he frowned.

"David again, he can't come here?" Pierce said.

"C'mon Pierce" she said.

"You can go, not like you will ever listen" he roll eyes.

"Thanks, goodbye Pierce, I love you" she kissed his cheeks and start leaving.

"Don't kiss him with my favorite lips if you want me to continue loving you" he said and she giggled.

"I hear you" she said and walk out of the house.


Peyton knocked on the door and when she heard Susanna's telling her to come in, she walk in and close the door.

"Peyton, do you need anything?" Susanna asked.

"Who did you send to go deliver the package to Mr Steinfeld yesterday?" She asked.

"Uurrmm I send Chelina, any problem?" Susanna asked.

"Why Mom?, Why did you sent her...


"You shouldn't have sent her Mom, you know how beautiful she is, what if.... What if Mr Steinfeld fell in love with her at first sight, you know what that means" Peyton said.

"You are getting me confused?

"Mother Chelina is so beautiful that men fell in love with her at first sight and am sure Mr Steinfeld fell for her already, I don't want that, she doesn't deserve to be happy" Peyton said.

"Am sorry, it never occur to me" Susanna said.

"Now he saw her, he will come and look for her, shit" Peyton kick the bed and dash out of the room.

"Rubbish" Susanna said and roll eyes.


Chelina placed a knock on the door countlessly but no reply came.

"Huh?, What's wrong, is he okay?" She wondered and decide to open the door.

She input the door password and it opened, and slowly she walk in.

"Where could he be" she said and start walking upstairs to his room.

Going halfway to the stairs she start hearing girlish moans from the room and her eyes widened.

"What's happening?, Did....did he bring a girl home?" She asked.

"Hope it not what am thinking" she said and walk to the door of his room, without bothering to knock she pushed it and it opened reveling the most shocking sight she has ever seen all her life.

David is fucking another girl on his bed.

"David!!" She called and sprang up with the girl.

"Wait what?, Sandra?" She called and Sandra cover her face with her hands.

"David how....how could you?" She asked.

"Chelina am sorry" he said.

"Really?, You are sorry?, Cheating on me with my friend?" She asked.

"Am sorry I didn't know how it happened" he said and she slapped him soundly.

"Stop trying to fool me, this is not the first time!!, She said and walk to Sandra, who roll her eyes at her.

"Why?, Why did you do that, I trusted you. how could you, thought we are fri.....

"No!, Never!, I never see you as a friend, I hate you" she said.


"I have always love David, and guess what?, This is not the first time, we have been doing it even before you gave your virginity to him, slut" Sandra said.

Chelina fold her fist and out of anger she punch her mouth and her lips burst.

"Bitch" she grabbed her hair and start pulling it.

"Aaarrrgghhh!!, my hair" she cried as she felt her hair leaving it's scalp.

"Hey stop!!" David grab Chelina and push her off, she fell and hurt her wrist.


"Is something wrong with you, you wanna kill her for me?" He asked.

"David are....

"Leave now, I don't love you anymore, I mean I never love you, I just wanna have a taste of you" he said to her face and tears flow freely down her eyes.

She slowly stood and pick her bag and without a word to him she walk out of the house.

"Are you okay?" David asked Sandra.

"Am fine" she said and he hug her.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you more" she said and he smiled.


Chelina run into the house in tears and Pierce who is sitting in the sitting room stood.

"Chel....." She run past him and head upstairs.

"What happened?, Did David hit her?, Is she okay" he asked and went after her.

"Chelina" he called and run into her room.

She is sitting on the bare floor looking like a mad woman, her hair is scattered all over her face, her eyes look so red, dry tears on her face with new ones still pouring.

"Chel" Pierce called and squat in front of her.

"What happened to you, why are you crying, did David hit you?" He asked but she continue crying.

"C'mon talk to me" he said

"Pierce!" She called and hug him.

"Am hurt, David is cheating on me" she said and he smiled.

"That's better, you should forget about him, he don't deserve you" Pierce said.

"It's not so easy Pierce, it's not....it's not up to two months I gave him my virginity and now he cheated on me with Sandra" she said and Pierce broke the hug and look at her.

"You gave him your virginity?" He asked and she nodded.

"He said he never love me, that he only want to have a taste of me, he tricked me Pierce" she said and Pierce stood with angry eyes.

"That bastard!" He open the door and walk out.

"No no! Pierce, come back pls" she called running after him.

"Pierce wait!" She screamed running after him but before she will get to him, he entered his bike and drove roughly out of the house.

"Pierce" Chelina called running after him.


Pierce packed his bike in front of the house and got down from it.

He walk to the door of the house and kicked it countlessly before it opened and he walk in.

"David!" He called and walk into the sitting room.

David is sitting in the dinning room eating with Sandra.


"Bastard" he run to him and raise his leg to his face kicking him down from the chair.

"You dare try shit with my sister" Pierce pounce on him and start throwing punches on his face.

"How dare you?" Pierce said.

"Stop!" David push him off and throw a punch on his face.

"So you are angry I played with your sister huh?, What about you that use and dump girls?" David asked.

"There is a different from an animal and a human, I believe I am a Playboy but I make sure every girl I sleeps with knows that I don't love her, I will never tell a girl I love her, when I don't, every girl out there comes to me I don't go after them.....

"But you..... you made a fool out of my sister and even took her virginity from her, you made her believe you love her when you don't, how dare you cheat on her with this empty tanker" Pierce said pointing at Sandra.

"You dare call her that?" David snarled and punch him thrice.

Pierce lost it and took the wine bottle on the table.

"Pierce Nooooo!!" Chelina screamed from the door.

But It's too late, Pierce raise the bottle and crash it on his head.

"Aaaarrrrrrggghhhh!!" He cried and blood run down his head.