
The Billionaire's Little Angel

Ever heard of a Gentle dove?, An angel in human form??, the most kindest being ever??, If you have heard of such, then that's the perfect way to define him. And he is no other person than, Gerardo Steinfeld, the youngest Billionaire in France, He is 28 years old and you can call him a fallen Angel cause of his dashing looks. He is the real definition of a Gentleman, the number 1 philanthropist in France, He is the CEO of KINGS IMPORTS one of the most biggest Wine Company in Europe. Money is not his problem, just one word from him and everything is settled the way he wants. His Father President Marcelo is One of the most Richest man in Europe and also the current president of France, so that alone defines how powerful he is. Despite being rich Gerardo suffers from sicknesses he don't know how to cure, he's Asthmatic, suffers from insomnia and Lastly he is allergic to anything made of flour, or citrus fruit. But everything changed after he met her. Who is she??, and How did he met her??.

RoyalPraiz · Thành thị
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51 Chs



Honey came down from his car in tears and run to the bridge rails, he lean on it and burst into tears.

"Why me?" He cried and tears rolled down his cheeks in handfuls.

His father had always treated him like that, he never support his musical career but he don't care.

He was able to start singing after winning a music competition, the money from there helped him a lot and luckily for him, his first album made good sales, so that was how he became popular.

"Aaarrrgghhh!!" He screamed and everybody around turned to look at him.

Goldie who is also sitting there, stood and walk to him.

"Oga why you dey shout like that?" She asked and he look at her, not understanding what she is saying.

"What are you saying?" He asked.

"You are shouting too much" she said and he sniffed.

"Wait, you are crying?" She asked and he nodded.

"What's making you to cry like this?" She asked.

"You won't understand" he said.

"I totally understand, cause I have walk through hell, I have lived in hell, the country I came from is hell it's self, if you know what we went through in the hands of our former president, you won't be crying here" she said.

"You mean, you came from he.....

"Exactly, hell itself, I saw shege, and I have decide it that on the judgement day, I will carry my country's flag, so that once God sees it, he will know I have pass through hell and pardon me" she said and Honey laughed.

"You are funny" he said and she chuckled.

"Am a Nigerian babe" she said and Honey smiled looking at her flawless dark skin.

"You are beautiful" he said.

"Nigeria no dey carry last" she said and he chuckled.

"I love your personality" he said.

"You should, cause Nigeria is the Best" she said and he look closely at her.

"Wait, you are Gerardo's secretary?" He asked remembering he had seen her once.

"Yeah, wait I hit a book on your head the other day?" She asked.

"So you are the one?" He asked and she nodded.

"Come here" he start walking to her but she remove her shoes and took to her heels.

"Come back here, you big head" he screamed going after her, he is masked so people did notice him much.


Chelina walk into the house and sniffed back the tears that are nearly falling down her face.

"Welcome Chel" Jeffery said from where he is standing.

"Thanks Jeff" Chelina murmured and walk into the house.

She saw the maid from last night cleaning the table and she look away from her.

"Nanny" Nellie called walking downstairs.

"Nellie" she called and she hugged her.

"Are you okay?" She Asked.

"Am fine" she said.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Yeah, I am" she said and she nodded.

"You should go change, then come back later" Nellie said and she nodded before leaving the sitting room.

She walk straight to her room and change into another cloth, a purple bum short and white singlet before coming back to the sitting room.

"Let's go, my daddy sent for you" Nellie said and she smiled lightly.

"Yeah let's go" she said and they walk out of the house together.

They walk into the white house and went straight to Gerardo's room.

"Just go in, he is waiting" Nellie said and she nodded.

"Wait for me downstairs" Chelina said and she smiled before walking downstairs.

Chelina exhaled before opening the door, she peeped in and saw Gerardo standing in front of the window.

She walk in and close the door behind her.

"Urrmmmm Mr Steinfeld" she called and he turned.

His head open and his brain flew out of it, who the hell ask her to put on bum short, like he has completely lose the remaining brain in him.

The way her straight legs, stood out, made her to look so hot, her upper and down body looks so spotless and smooth, he pray he don't run out of breath.

"Mr Steinfeld" Chelina called again and he came back to his senses.

"Miss Chelina" he called and she nodded.

"You sent for me sir?" She asked.

"Yeah, what happened?, You suddenly run out of the house?"he asked.

"Actually sir, my brother got into an accident" she said.

"Sorry, is he okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, he will be fine, according to the doctor if he doesn't wake up from coma after three weeks then we will have to fly him to the Philippines for a brain surgery" she said.

"Am sorry, he will be fine" he said.

"I hope so" he said and she nodded.

"I pray so, cause my Mom haven't stopped crying since then" she said sadly.

"Don't cry" he Said and she nodded but tears dropped from her eyes and she start crying again.

"It's okay" Gerardo pulled her close and hug her stroking her hair softly.

"Stop crying" he said and she nodded.

"It's not so easy, i love my brother so much" she cried.

"It's okay, he will be fine" he said and she wipe her tears before breaking the hug.

"I will go downstairs Mr Steinfeld" she said.

"I will escort you" he said and walk out of the room with her.

They walk downstairs together and the maids and guards had their eyes on them especially the guards who are looking at Chelina lustfully and when Gerard saw that, he can't help but be Jealous.

"Oh my.....fuck!" One of them screamed and lick his lips and Gerardo look at him Immediately, his eyes filled with anger.

"Hey you" he called and he look up.


"You are fired" he said and everybody gasped even Chelina.

He had never fired anyone without any good reason.

"Boss I....

"Right no.....

"Mr Steinfeld" Chelina called.

"And don't you ever wear this ever again" he said to Chelina.

"Mr Gerardo Steinfeld!" Chelina called.

"You can't be terrorizing my brain with your flawless skin, why do you have to be so beautiful?" He asked and everybody gasped.

"Boss!!" The maids called and he snap out of his imagination, he was actually imagining things

"Huh?" He answered.

"Why boss?, You just fired me?" The guard asked.

"Oh don't mind me, I was just.....I mean there is this movie I watched so I am just saying what the male lead said" he said and everybody exchange glances.

"Boss, you are.....

"Everybody go back to your duty post" he said and they start leaving.

"What are you doing there Nova?" Gerardo asked the maid Chelina saw the other day.

"Oh, sorry sir I will just leave" she said and run out of the house.

"That girl, why am I being suspicious of her?" Gerardo murmured.

"Mr Steinfeld are you okay?" Chelina asked.

"Oh yeah, let's go" he said and they walk out of the house.


"Daddy!!" Millie screamed running to the guy that walk into her room.

"Mimi" Fredrick smiled and she hugged him, he carried her up and kiss her cheeks.

"Daddy, I miss you" she pouted.

"I know you do" he said.

"Two weeks, it's been two weeks already" she said.

"I know, but I have to do everything I can to make sure, you are living the best life" he said and she Nodded.

"Did you get anything for me?" She Asked.

"Yeah, many things, lots and lots of gift, all for you my baby" he said and nuzzle his nose on her neck making her to giggle.

"I have a lot of things to tell you Dad" she said.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah, put me down first" she said and he dropped her down.

"Welcome sir" Raya said and he looked at her.

"Thank you" he murmured rather too cold.

Unlike Gerardo, he got a little cold attitude and he hardly talks to people, he is an introvert that he can spend a whole day without saying a word, it's as if someone is going to charge him for the number of times he talks a day, he is 32 yrs old.

"Daddy I want a car" Millie said.

"A car?, Whatcha doing with it?" He asked.

"I just want a car" she said.

"Humm, okay I will try and get it for you" he said and she smiled.

"I love you Daddy" she giggled and hugged him again.

"Same here baby" he said and kiss her hair stroking it softly.

His eyes met with Raya's and she look away.

His cold eyes have a way of sending Chills to her body.