
The Billionaire's Little Angel

Ever heard of a Gentle dove?, An angel in human form??, the most kindest being ever??, If you have heard of such, then that's the perfect way to define him. And he is no other person than, Gerardo Steinfeld, the youngest Billionaire in France, He is 28 years old and you can call him a fallen Angel cause of his dashing looks. He is the real definition of a Gentleman, the number 1 philanthropist in France, He is the CEO of KINGS IMPORTS one of the most biggest Wine Company in Europe. Money is not his problem, just one word from him and everything is settled the way he wants. His Father President Marcelo is One of the most Richest man in Europe and also the current president of France, so that alone defines how powerful he is. Despite being rich Gerardo suffers from sicknesses he don't know how to cure, he's Asthmatic, suffers from insomnia and Lastly he is allergic to anything made of flour, or citrus fruit. But everything changed after he met her. Who is she??, and How did he met her??.

RoyalPraiz · Thành thị
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51 Chs

Butt Whipped

"Easy Win, he is still a child" she said and Jeffrey faced her.

"Am not a.....

"Shut up!!" Winny yelled and slap him again.

"This is not massage, this is pain" Jeffrey said and Chelina laughed.

"Where is Nellie?" She asked.

"She is upstairs with her dad" Winny said.

"Ok thank you" she said and walk into the house but she can still hear Jeffrey's cries as Winny dealt with him.


"Hey madam Gracie!" Chelina waved at Gracie who is cleaning the dinning table.

"Hey Chelina" she called and Chelina hugged her.

"How are you doing?" She asked.

"Am fine and you?" Gracie asked.

"Am good" she said.

"So Pierce is awake?" She asked.

"Yeah but he got amnesia, he can't remember everything, it's only few" Chelina said.

"Don't worry, he will be fine" she said.

"Yeah, I believe that" Chelina said.

"Gerardo was looking for you before?" Gracie said.

"Ok I will go see him" she said and walk out of the dinning room, she walk upstairs to Gerardo's room and knocked on the door, when he got there.

"Come in, the door is open" his voice came out softly and she smiled, she slowly opened the door and walk in, he is sitting on the bed with Nellie on his laps playing games with his phone.

"Good afternoon sir" she greeted.

"Hey Nanny" Nellie waved and she smiled at her.

"Welcome Chelina" Gerardo said.

"Thanks sir, you sent for me?" She asked.

"Yeah, I did" he said and look at Nellie.

"Can you give us some space Nell, I will call you later" he said.

"Sure Dad, I will come back later" she said and walk out with Gerardo's phone.

"So have a sit" Gerardo said.

"Thank you sir" she said and sat down, She looked at Gerardo's and their eyes met.

"Mr Gerardo!...

"Am sorry...., I just wanna ask if you came into the sitting room last night?" He asked.

"Yes Mr Gerardo" she said.

"And what happened....

"I saw you lying on the floor and I run to help you up, I never knew you were asthmatic" she said.

"And what did you do after that?" He asked.

"I searched your pocket for your inhaler but I didn't see any so I k...." She stopped when she remembered how she kissed him last night, She can't tell him that she kissed him, that will be so bad, he might even think of her as a slut, or think she is taking advantage of him

"So you k.... what?" He asked.

"I kept my hand down" she said and Gerardo nodded, he knows she is lying but he can't force her to say the truth.

"So what did you do after that?" He asked.

"I have my way, I did things my way" she said and Gerardo chuckled.

"So what about my shirt?" He asked and she swallowed.

"I....I.....Remo....Removed.....I Removed it cause I thought you are going to be sweating or feel so hot" she said.

"Did you see anything?" He asked.

"Not really sir, I didn't see anything" she said.

"So you mean, you didn't use inhaler on me last night?" He asked.

"Yes sir believe me" she said and he sighed looking at her, if she didn't use inhaler then how did she do that, how did she save him.

"Mr Gerardo!" She called and he smiled.

"Pardon me, I heard your brother is awake?" Gerardo asked.

"Yes sir, and he is perfectly fine, just that he got amnesia, some part of his memory is no longer with him" she said and Gerardo nodded.

"It well, he will be fine" he said and she nodded.

"I will take my leave sir" she said and stood.

"Ok bye" he said and she smiled before walking out of the room, Gerardo face palmed himself and sighed.

"How did she save me, should I check the cameras?" He murmured.

"That will be rude, it can make me see her as a liar" he said and fell on the bed.



Susanna's car drove in the garage and she came out with Chelina, she opened the back door and Pierce came down from it.

"Easy" Chelina said holding him.

"Am fine, I am not a baby" he said.

"Shut up, you can't even work properly" she said and he chuckled.

"Stop insulting me, I can work alone" he said and Chelina remove her hands around him.

"Mommy" he cried and fell.

"Thought you said you can walk alone" Chelina said.

"I was just joking" he said and Chelina helped him up again.

"You shouldn't stress your legs Pierce, that's the instructions from the doctor" Susanna said walking to him with a wheelchair.

"What?, I can't sit on that" he said.

"Then I will have to leave you" Chelina said.

"No please" he cried.

"Now, sit on it and stop acting stubborn" she said and he pouted.


"Am just doing the right thing for you, sit on this wheelchair, when you start walking around on your own you will stop using it, we are not trying to call you a disabled ok" Susanna said and he sat on the wheelchair with a pout.

"Good boy" Chelina said and start pushing him into the house.

"Wow, this is kinda sweet" he said.

"Then you will stay here forever" Chelina said.

"I reject it" he said and Susanna laughed, Chelina chuckled and push him into the house, she helped him in standing and slowly she made him sit on the couch.

"Wow, you are still as romantic as ever, I love you more" pierce said and she hit his head.

"Don't stress my brain, I might have permanent memory lose"he said and she hit him again.

"Chelina!" Susanna called and she bit her lips.

"Sorry Mom" she said and Susanna walk into the kitchen.

"So where is Peyton?" Pierce asked and she looked at him.

"You remember her?" Chelina asked.

"Yeah, where did she go?" Pierce asked.

"I heard, she now lives with Mabel in the school lounge" Chelina said.

"Who is Mabel?" He asked.

"Oh, you don't have to know, forget it" she said and he nodded.

The door bell sounded and Chelina walk to the door, she opened it and a slap fell on her face and she staggered falling on the floor, she looked up and Camellia is standing in front of her with a smirk on her face.

"Came....Camellia?" She called.

"You have the guts to say I gossip with your name right" she said and drag her up, she slapped her again and she smiled.

"Why smiling?" She asked and slap her again.

"Hey are you crazy, why are you hitting her like that?" Pierce asked feeling like running to Camellia and slap life out of her.

"Oh you are awake, I heard you can't walk again, it's gonna remain permanent" Camellia said mockingly and laughed.

"Mommy!" Pierce shouted and Susanna run out from the kitchen.


"Who is she?, she is slapping Chelina" Pierce said and Susanna looked at the door, she smiled and start walking to her.

"Camellia!" She called and Camellia push Chelina away and attacked her.

"How dare you Susanna?, how dare you?, Why did you burn Sophie's palm?" She asked locking her dress in the front.

"I now realize that your mother didn't breastfeed you, she raise you up with a milk from a cow, that's why you are behaving like a calf, so senseless and stupid" she said.

"What Susanna?

"You came here to slap my daughter Camellia, that's so bad, common sense is common but you can't afford it, sometimes act like you have sense, I know you don't have but act like you have sense" Susanna said and Camellia fold her fist.

"Susanna you are....

"Get me my cane Chelina" Susanna said and Chelina run to go get the cane.

"What are you doing?" Camellia asked as Chelina came back later and hand the cane to Susanna.

"I wanna give you what is called, "Divine Flog" once you receive it, you will have some sense, am sure lack of sense is your problem" Susanna said and grab her turning her around.

"No no!" She cried.

"Yes yes!, If I say receive sense, you say Amen, but if you don't wanna say it, then fine my children will do that for me" Susanna said and gave her the first lash on her butt.

"Aaarrrgghhh!" Camellia cried rubbing her butt.

"Receive sense" she said.

"Amen" Chelina and Pierce chorused.

"Receive sense!"


"Holy ghost take control!


Susanna continue saying as she lash Camellia's butt terribly, her butt and back swell up already but she is not ready to stop.

"Ahhh stop!" Camellia cried and Pierce laughed.

"It not entering Mom, pull down her skirt" Pierce said and Susanna grab her skirt and start pulling it down.
