Wang Lian had also been invited and when he heard about the poetry evening, he could not resist. The elite of the city had congregated on the farm. Lian knew most of them, and began talking to some acquaintances. Dinner had been served and while eating, he looked around for Xing Xu who was not visible. As he continued with dinner, he caught sight of Xing Xu, who seeing him, came up.
''Come Lian, let me introduce you,'' he said. ''This is Dr Xiaoping. He's a child specialist at the Hospital''. Wang Lian shook hands with him.
''And this is Dr Xiao Min''. Wang Lian needed no introduction. He did not hear what else Xing Xu was saying. He extended his hand towards Xiao Min and shook hands perfunctorily. Xiao Min too must certainly have recognized Wang Lian.