
The Billionaire's Crazy Wife

"Do you Mrs Chantel McCarty take Mr Dominic Winfrey as your lawfully wedded husband till death do you apart?" The priest ask the average woman glaring at the man on a retro suit. If look could kill, then Dominic would be unconscious right now. The priest made to ask again but the woman replied. "No, I don't" her replied shocked everyone especially her parents. "As the matter fact, I know nothing about this motherfucker" she paused and look back at the priest whose eyes was widened like that of a watermelon. "But who cares, I don't have damn right to make ma own decision. I'm sure Mr Demonic... oh sorry.. I meant to say Dominic, would say Yes, so I guess you should proceed Mr Priest, there's no need for you to ask since you know you can't do a damn thing to stop this wedding.. Gawd! my foot is killing me" She reach down and took off her heels. When she was done she took a deep breath and smiled to everyone in the hall not noticing the Dominic cold glare on her. His blood was boiling. "Mr Dominic Winf..." "Yes I do" Came a cold voice from Dominic as he glare at the Priest who shuddered in fear. Poor him. "I now p..pro..noun you both a..as Hus..band a..and wife" The priest stammer as his hand shaking. The wife was crazy and the husband was damn scary. ___ Being the most feared and ruthless Billionaire, Dominic Winfrey have a lot of rivals. Due to the pressure from his family to settle down and in order to protect his company from hostile take over, he have no choice but to proposed a marriage to the McCarthy family first daughter. The two families decided to merge for business collaboration. Unfortunately for him, Chantel McCarthy wasn't that type of a submissive woman. In fact she is the opposite of a perfect wife. Soon, series of comic events escalates in between them. ____ Wanna find out the drama between these two? What happened when an unexpected feeling came between them?

Mayorsther · Thành thị
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Chapter 3: A devil in disguise

"A snake?.. to your office?" Noah eyes widened hearing his friend explanation.

"Yes, I was so shock she could that. I thought her father described her as a sweet, innocent kind of lady. She turn out to be the complete opposite... I mean how the fuck did she manage to bring a snake into my office!" Dominic snapped still not believing what had happened.

"Did you call her father?" Noah asked.

"Yeah I told him already.. Guess what she said when she called again?" Dominic raised his brow.


"She told me it was a gift, that the snake isn't dangerous and she thought I love snakes as a pet. What normal human being would love snake as a pet?!" 

"Some do love snake as a pet. One of my friend have one"

"Well that doesn't mean she should bring one to my office without asking. I'm going to teach her a lesson for making me mad" Dominic said.

"Bro, you gotta chill. You were the one who started it first, you wanted a girl to marry you without getting to know her" Noah shrugged.

"She doesn't want the marriage then I'll make sure that wedding happens.


"Waaaattttt!! A snake as a gift?" Laila exclaimed.

"Yeah, he loves reptiles cause he look like one" Chantel smirked drinking from her coffee.

"That's insane, what if he had a heart attack?" She asked.

"I'd pay a million dollar to watch it happen. Like fuck, you need to see the way he screamed like a little goat looking for his momma.. Where's Maltida?" Chantel muttered.

"She left in a hurry, I wonder what's wrong with her these days.. I hope she's okay" Laila muttered.

Chantel turn quiet with her eyes closed.

"Oh no" Laila whispered staring at her phone with shock on her face. "Uhm, Chantel.. you need to see this"

Chantel accept the phone from her with a confuse look. Her eyes widened every second as she read each line.


"Three days?!!" Chantel exclaimed standing on her feet. She thought he might be having a second thought of marrying her but instead, he adjust the wedding date closer.

"Because of the strange rumour, I've decided to reveal the fact that I and my lover Chantel McCarthy is getting married in three days. She came back from a business trip a day ago and we both decided to make our relationship official" Dominic announced calmly in front of the camera.

Chantel grip on the phone tighten, her eyes turn cold.

"We'll accept any interview from you tomorrow" Dominic smiled to the camera. Chantel knew those smiles was for her. Is he daring her?

"Chantel" Laila called lightly knowing a volcano is about to explode.

"Wow son, that was great" Mr Steven said to his son on their way home.

"Hmm" Dominic eyes turn to its usual coldness as he stared outside the window. 

"I'm so glad you guys like each other" Mr Steven nodded.

"Yes we do, very much" Dominic replied having a sly smile. He can imagine how crazy she would go if she sees the news. His phone vibrated, he pulled it out just to see a message from his Assistant; Enzo.


Dominic eyes flickered with something dangerous before keeping his phone back.

"I won't be home tonight, I've got something to attend to" He informed resting his finger beneath his chin.



The room was silent as a tattooed guy groaned out lightly from his sleep. He couldn't see a thing since he was blindfolded. He tried to move but noticed each of his hand was tied on the chair arm rest.

"Hey nitwit!! How dare you bring me here. Show yourself if you have the guts!! I swear I'm gonna ripped your throat off!" He yelled trying to move.

The door opened and a tall figure stepped into the dark room.

"You yell too much" he heard the calm familiar voice.

He gave a cue to them and the blindfold was removed.

"Dominic?" The man on seat frowned.

"Hello Frank, good to see you again" Dominic smiled. Enzo pulled out a chair for him to sit. Crossing his leg, his silver eyes dance in amusement.

"W..what am I doing here?" Frank asked. Fear grew inside him bit by bit. This man before him is a devil in disguise. That was why people fear him in the business world.

"You and I both know the reason" Dominic said calmly playing with the silver ring on his finger. 

"I.. I d.. don't know what you're talking about" Frank said looking elsewhere.

Dominic lean closer, his aura sent a chill down his spine. For a moment, Frank regret doing what he did.

"Who sent you?" His voice came out calm but one could sense the danger in it. 

The room turn quiet as Frank look up at him. "I said I don't know what you talking about"

"Hmm, bring it Enzo" Dominic ordered.

Frank take a sharp breath Wondering what's going to happen. He had promised his client never to mention his name even at the peak of his death.

Enzo came into the room after a while with spanner.

Frank swallowed then look back at Dominic who received it from him.

"W..what are you doing?" He stuttered.

Dominic gaze went to Frank finger and grabbed it.

"What.. ahhhh!!!!" Frank screamed as Dominic removed one of his finger. His move was fast.

"Oh my, does it hurt?" Dominic faked a worry face as he glanced down to his finger with blood oozing out of it.

"Ahh!! Screw you Dominic!" Frank cursed, his vein popping of his neck.

"Ha, I guess I was too much on that. Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you.. should start we all over?" Dominic asked.

Frank bit down his lips trying to suppress the pain.

"We are going to do this ten times. We've done one, remain nine.. and each question you'll lose a finger" He said lightly.

"Who sent you?" He asked.

"Hmm I.. I can't tell.. y... Arghh!! Fuck!!!" Frank scream rented the whole room as Dominic removed another finger. The pain was hellish.

"Please stop!! Argh!!" He yelled, his eyes turn glassy, tears threaten to fall.

"Let's start again, Who sent you?" Dominic asked.

"Gabriel! Gabriel sent me. Please don't remove another finger.. please" Frank cried out.

"Gabriel?" Dominic frowned then look up at Enzo.

Without a word, Enzo bought out his phone to call someone. After talking with the person for a while, Enzo look back at Dominic.

"He got out of prison last month" Enzo informed.

"It's three years already? How strange time is moving fast" Dominic scoffed then return his gaze to Frank. "Thanks you friend" Dominic said tapping the man crying in front of him shoulder.

Getting out of the building, Dominic stopped and face Enzo. 

"Keep an eye on him" He ordered.