


  I immediately got up and ran to the comfort room. That's when I threw up. This is a hassle. Ruining my sleep in the morning. I just felt someone rubbing my back.

  "Are you okay?"

  He asked worriedly. I stood up and mumbled before facing him.

  "I'm fine. I'm getting used to it. You don't have to worry now"

  I told him and smiled. He hugged me while his hands were behind my waist.

  "It's my first time seeing you like this, you can't blame me if I suddenly feel worried."

  "Yeah. I'm okay now you also need to get used to it Ty. "

  He nodded and kissed me on the lips. Really flirty, here I love flirting.

  "Good morning wife and.."

  He knelt down on one knee and kissed my tummy.. which was still flat.

  "Good morning too baby daddy is really excited to see you and play with you"

  "That's still blood, he can't hear you"

  He shook his head while smiling. He hugged me tenderly. I really didn't think he had a side like this.