
The biggest Milestone of the powerful billionaire

Romance fiction isn't entirely about the mind-blowing sex description which makes the readers sexually heightened. The biggest milestone of the powerful billionaire is another romance fiction, but with a slight twist. A progressive story unfolding the events which propel Audrey to a man which she would learn to love. Yes... It has to do with a contract but, read on to discover what fate has in store for Audrey and Lucas in this beautiful fiction.

Simp4_Tomi · Thành thị
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Scrap Man

During his time trailing Audrey, he had come to know that she was such a simple person, a good person who didn't deserve to be caught in the crosshairs of the whole thing.

He carried Audrey who was still unconscious to the designated room where she would stay. His hands snaked around her upper back and her legs, just so she would feel comfortable.

With the help of another lackey who assisted him with the door to the room, he laid Audrey on the bed before cuffing her left hand to the bed.

He left her soon after, covering her with a blanket on his way out. (... The guts!!)

"Get the boys!!", John ordered the lackey who stayed by the door before he went to the huge space they had gathered days ago to talk about the plan.

" Alright, is this everyone?!", John asked with a raised voice as he was talking to a group of men of about twenty to twenty five.

While some nodded their head in approval, some answered 'yes!'. 

"Alright, we've all been here before, and it's just plain simple, secure the place, but we have to be sleek. Nobody goes out of the building unless it's extremely important, and just like this moment, updates about the exchange would be discussed. That's all for now. Disperse!", he said before the men dispersed.


While Lucas, Craig and Martin were discussing the potential places they could take her. Craig suddenly thought of something, he was really getting ideas in the situation.

" What of her friend, the one who works at the diner?!", Craig asked. Getting Lucas's attention immediately, he said, "great job Craig, I didn't even think about that!", he said, the frown disappearing from his face.

"Let's go!", Lucas said to Martin as he left Craig to handle the matters of the company. He already knew the diner from all the days he used to stalk her, so he headed there.

Prisca was taking orders when she heard the bell by the door jingle, she wasn't exactly sure who they were as she had her head down, but she knew they were customers.

"Please take a seat, I'll be with you shortly!", she said, raising her head from the notepad to see two very very handsome men in her shop.

One she was familiar with, and the other she didn't know, but he looked too hot to ignore. Unfamiliar with the amount of handsome in the diner, Prisca couldn't help but stutter.

" Welcome, welcome!!, where's Audrey?, aren't y'all here for lunch or coffee?!", Prisca asked confused as to why a CEO would visit a diner during lunch break.

The next few words from Lucas however was enough to make her very tensed. "She's missing!", Lucas said, finally getting the notion that even Prisca didn't know where she was.

" What do you mean missing?! I talked to her some hours ago and she was fine. Even asking me what she could order for lunch!?", Prisca asked in disbeleif.

"We don't where she is yet, but we have people already looking for her. We'll tell you about the updates!!", Lucas said after realizing that Prisca really had no clue to where Audrey was.

" Martin, collect her number so we can tell her about the updates?!", Lucas said, leaving the building. 

Prisca who was formerly gushing at Martin's handsomeness was too bothered to even care at that point. They did exchange numbers, but it wasn't on the terms Prisca wished for.


Liam walked into the warehouse, a happy man. He already had everything to the way he liked it, the terms of exchange were ready and it was time to make the call.

"Welcome boss!", most of the men said seeing their employer finally come back to the warehouse. "We make the call tomorrow!!", he said to some of the men, those he considered important.

As there were rooms in the warehouse, Liam settled to pass the night in the room designated for him. " Have you given the lady food?!", Liam suddenly asked, remembering that she was the main point of the exchange.

"No boss, she's still passed…!", the lackey who was answering Liam's question suddenly but short by his boss.

" Who's that?!", Liam asked, pointing towards a man dressed in rags and carrying a sack over his shoulder. 

"We don't know boss!! I think he comes here for scraps or food. He looks poor too!", the lackey replied. "Well I don't care, get him out of here before he knows too much!", Liam said before he left for his room.

" Hey you!", the lackey said, pointing towards another one closest to the man," get him out of here. Sir Liam's order!". "On it sir!!", he replied before he approached the man.

Without hesitation as the rag man didn't want trouble, he was led out if the warehouse. " Don't come back!! Sir Liam's orders!!", the lackey said before the old man turned the other way to keep looking for scraps.