
The Big Feud

In the vibrant backdrop of their first year at university, Natasha Kaunda and James Phiri unexpectedly find love, sending ripples through their intertwined relationships with Richard Musonda and Evelyn Lesa. Natasha, hailing from privilege, and James, striving in the world of computer science, forge a connection that challenges societal expectations. However, jealousy and hidden desires lead to a tumultuous feud as Evelyn and Richard manipulate circumstances, setting the stage for a complex tale of love, betrayal, and redemption.

GabrielTembo · Thanh xuân
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5 Chs

A Fateful Encounter

A little Character description and all:

Natasha Kaunda, an 18-year-old vision of beauty, possesses a medium build with wide hips, thick thighs, and round breasts that enhance her allure. Her light brown complexion, big brown eyes, soft cheeks, and a captivating smile make her the center of attention among those she passes.

Having completed high school at the young age of 16, Natasha, born into a wealthy family, embraces a life of luxury. Accustomed to going out, partying, and indulging in shopping sprees, she maintains a down-to-earth demeanor. In the year 2024, she embarks on her tertiary education journey at Lusaka Central University in Kabulonga, Lusaka, Zambia, studying Medicine.

Eighteen-year-old Richard Musonda, captivated by Natasha since fourth grade, is of medium build with brown eyes, a visible chest, and medium-sized biceps. Despite his initial passion for Mechanical Engineering, his love for Natasha leads him to pursue the same course-Medicine. Hailing from a wealthy family with businesses across Africa, Richard enjoys a monthly allowance of $500. He has known Natasha long enough that he knows that he can win her over because of the money he possesses.

James Phiri, aged 19, is a slim-built individual with a passion for Computer Science. Emerging from a financially challenged family, James, fueled by his dedication and commitment, secured sponsorship for his university education through excellent grades. Despite facing childhood bullying and adversity, he remains steadfast in his pursuit of success, always striving to support his struggling family.

Eighteen-year-old Evelyn Lesa, studying Medicine at Lusaka Central University, belongs to a well-to-do family. Unrelated to Natasha or Richard but sharing a high school history with James, Evelyn, despite her privileged background, harbors a relentless desire for James since the 8th grade. She didn't care that James isn't from a well-to-do family. She looked at his passion, dedication and commitment at what he does and knew that eventually, he'll be someone that would be able to satisfy her needs. Her determination to win his affection leads her to interfere with his relationships and friendships. Every time she saw James mingling with another girl, she always interfered, and jealousy always got the best of her, making her always do something to end James' friendships or relationships because all she wanted was him but James didn't feel the same way for her.

Present Day - February 5, 2024 - Lusaka Central University

13:00 - Class Ends - Lunch break!

Natasha hurriedly left her class, heading for the cafeteria on an empty stomach. Richard, in a hurry, caught up to her and attempted to engage in conversation.

Richard: Hey, Tasha? I see you're rushing somewhere. Can I get you something?

Natasha: No thanks, Richard. I'm fine. But thanks for the offer.

Attempting to bypass him, Natasha found herself stopped as Richard grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him.

Natasha: Richard, let me go, please. We're in public.

Richard: Do you really think I care? I love you, Natasha, and I want you to be mine. I know you want me too. You want me inside you. You just won't admit it.

Natasha: I'm 18, Richard, and I'm too young to be thinking about that.

Natasha left Richard behind, rushing to the cafeteria. As Richard stood, contemplating with a seemingly hungry smile, he collided with another young lady, spilling her coffee. The young lady, also in a rush, revealed she was headed to the Computer Science class.

Richard: Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there.

Young Lady: No worries. I'm rushing to the Computer Science class.

Richard: Computer Science? Are we in the same Lecture Group?

Young Lady: Yes, we are.

Richard: That means we're taking the same course, right?

Young Lady: Yes!

Richard: What are you going to do in the CS class?

Young Lady: You ask a lot of questions, excuse me.

The young lady excused herself, continuing to rush to the block where the Computer Science Class was taking place. Meanwhile, Natasha reached the cafeteria, only to find a long line, knowing her next lecture was in an hour. The young lady rushing to the computer science block bypassed the cafeteria in a hurry. Jamess class for the day ended. Everyone else in the classroom left but James remained for an extra 10 minutes. He packed his belongings and as he was leaving the class, he encountered Evelyn rushing towards him.

James: Evelyn, where are you rushing to?

Evelyn (Panting heavily): I-I-I was rushing to see you.

James: Don't you have class?

Evelyn: Well, my next class is in an hour, so I'm with you for the next hour.

James: My classes for the day are done. I'm heading home, and you should head back to your class.

Evelyn: But I want to talk to you. I want us to catch up.

James: We catch up every day, Evelyn. Don't you get tired or run out of things to talk about?

Evelyn: Well, if there's nothing to talk about, there are other alternatives, and I'm alone in my boarding house tonight.

James: Evelyn, I-I can't, okay? Maybe some other time. Have a nice day, take care.

As James walked away, leaving Evelyn behind, she mumbled to herself, "Yeah, some other time"

It was 13:30, and Natasha, finally reaching her turn at the cafeteria, discovered that the food was sold out.

Natasha muttered to herself, "What kind of bad luck is this? I hate Mondays." She then sat on the last available bench, taking out her phone to browse on an empty stomach.

James, unable to afford the food sold inside the university, bought a Shawarma for K25 and a mojo drink for K5 from a quick shop across campus. Deciding it was too early to head home, he returned inside, searching for a bench. Most were occupied by people he didn't usually mingle with. The only available space was next to Natasha. Reluctant but taking his chances, he approached her.

James: Hey.

Natasha: (On her phone) Hi.

James: Um, can I have a seat next to you? I don't mean to be a creep or anything. It's just that the other benches are full, and this is the only one with one more slot left, so I was wondering if I could--

Natasha: --I don't mind. It's not like I own the benches, right?

James: Right!

Taking a seat across Natasha, James unwrapped his Shawarma. Natasha, absorbed in her phone but eyeing his Shawarma. She kept on eyeing his shawarma and looking away before he notices her but she didn't know that he had already observed her and noticed her looking at his shawarma. It was a situation that became somewhat awkward, and he broke the silence.

James: (Clears Throat) You like Shawarma?

Natasha: (Stops what she's doing and looks at James) Um, yeah, I do.

James: You can have this one.

Natasha: Where did you buy it from?

James: The quick shop across campus.

Natasha: (Chuckles) I don't usually buy or eat cheap or street foods.

James: But I've been seeing you eyeing my food, and--

Natasha: --And so? Is it a problem!? Yes! I am eyeing your food because I'm hungry! I haven't eaten the whole day, these classes are stressing me out, the food at the cafeteria is done, and I still have two more classes before I leave this place and get a proper meal!

James: Um, okay. I'm sorry. You know, it wouldn't hurt to try it out? I understand that you're, uh, how do I put it, a rich kid?

Natasha: I don't think poor kids can afford the tuition fees at this university, so of course, I'm a rich kid.

James: You seem like someone who comes from a well-to-do family.

Natasha: It's not my fault if you guys are poor. And if you're poor, how did you end up here?

James: Well, I come from a family that's not privileged to have as much as other people. I passed high school with good grades and was sponsored here. My father doesn't work, and my mother earns very little every day by selling fritters and maize at Apex. I do my best to support my family, and studying hard is the only way I can have a future bright enough for my family not to live in poverty anymore.

Natasha: I'm sorry, I didn't know.

James: You know, you can have my Shawarma and mojo. It wouldn't hurt to try the food from across, you know? They really do have the best Shawarmas.

Natasha: Maybe you're right. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to have a taste. But I'm refunding you the money so that you can get yourself something more.

James: Oh no, don't worry. You'll need it to get yourself something.

Natasha: Please, just take it. I insist. I wouldn't feel good knowing that I ate your food and had money to buy my own. I'm sorry, but this is all I have.

James: That's K200.

Natasha: Yeah, it's too little?

James: It's-it's too much!

Natasha: Just take it.

James: W-Won't you need it?

Natasha: No, I will not.

James: Thank you. This means a lot.

Natasha and James continued staring at each other until Natasha's phone alarm rang, and the time read 13:55.

Natasha: (Stood up in a hurry) Oh crap! I have to get going. It was nice knowing you, I-I-I mean meeting you. Thanks for the food.

James: Hey! Wait, I didn't get your name.

Natasha: Natasha! Natasha Kaunda. Give me a text on IG. My handle is Your_Queen_Tasha!

Natasha then left, rushing for class, leaving James standing there.

James: (Out loud to himself) I'm James, and you're welcome.

James then left the campus heading home, as his scholarship didn't cover accommodation, and his family couldn't afford a room. He always traveled on foot from his place, located just before Apex in Chalala.



Gabriel Tembo

December 27, 2023

All rights reserved.